My last dream was weird. I was in Seattle listening to Gackt, just totaly Rocking out when my best friend Catch was all, Yo! Foo! Listen to me! I punched some random guy in the leg and Catch and I ran like hell, then we were sitting in the hotel room discussing Star Trek, and how Mr. Sulu should totaly walk around with his shirt off, the phone rang, it was Mr. Spock telling us to grab a towel and open the window and stick our thumbs out. So we did, and we were beamed up by Scottie onto the Enterprise where we were given a grand tour. Then we were attacked by the Romulans and some creepy guy was all "I'ma take over your planet!" and Catch and I ran for the bridge. I looked at all the flashing lights and heard someone crying, I went behind the captains chair and saw Mr. Spock, Mr. Sulu, Capt' Kirk, and Checkov all crying. Catch and I saved the world by firing the lasers at the Romulan ship. Mr. Spock gave the both of us a medal saying we saved the world, THEN, Spock Prime showed up and we were all "OH EM GEE!! NIMOY!!!" we ran to hug him and he told us to stop saying we'd cause a rift in the space time continum if we huged him now, and told us to hug Mr. Spock instead. We went into warp speed and that's when i woke up just when another Romulan ship showed up and started firin their lasers at us.