I'm 6' 210 lbs. I don't have moobs. Nor a keg. It ain't a 6-pack either however.
But since I learned I became a diabetic, I have been paying particular attention to portion control. Like I read the amount per serving on the package, and figure out how many of them I can have to get to about 60 grams of carbs, and call it a snack.
I eat more often, but not to the point where my gut hurts from pounding all that food into such a small space.
Exercise, I mow the lawn, even in winter, vacuum the house, do all the heavy lifting for the buckets of water for the aquariums and houseplants, pull weeds. But somehow I can't make myself go for walks this winter. But I do have a lot more stairs to climb at work! wheee.
Other than that I have two words for you, Bruce Villanche.