afdhjkdsfhkds fhdsk... here it is. Btw meep (aka awesomeness) wrote everything you have not read before. ; 3 ; i love her.
Miku: (Enters empty stage holding a fake microphone)
Hello, everyone! Today you are going to witness the birth of a star
(Dramatic hand motion on ‘star’)
The VOCALOIDS ehem, me included (wink) have decided to add another among our ranks. But we’re not going to choose just anyone! We have to have the best of the best, the leek of the crop, so ladies, gentlemen, tentacle monsters.
(Mouths ‘call me’ to audience with hand pressed to ear like a cell phone)
Without further ado- I give you VOCA-Idol!!!!
(Poses, gesturing off stage)
(Nothing Happens..)
Miku: (Laughs nervously) I SAID…Without further ado- …Guys!
(Kaito and Len (Note: I think this is being changed to stage ninjas.) push a seemingly heavy table onto the stage, Table has a sign hanging off of it labeled VOCA-Idol. They pull up four chairs to the table.)
(Meiko stumbles in drunk, taking the chair on the far right and setting a beer bottle on the table. Kaito sits in the middle and Len next to him.)
(Miki comes in and sits down next to Len.)
Miku: These are our lovely Judges, MEIKO! (cough) our regular in the bar.
(Meiko groans)
(Miku smirks, putting a hand on her hip and looking Kaito up and down. Kaito waves shyly.)
Er…Len, the local shota-
Len: That ain’t cool dawg (pouts)
Miku: (Ignores Len)
-and SF A2 Miki!!! So…Miki I heard some rumors about you-
(Miku is cut off by Miki)
Miki: (Slightly Frustrated) Shaddap! I’m not from outer space
Miku: Ok lets move on to our first contestant... Mikuo!
Hey bro! Are you ready?
Mikuo: Of course I am!
(Miku gives him a smile)
Miku: Good luck! Ok well lets all give it up for MIKUO!!!!!!!
(Mikuo does his song preferably with a leek)
Len: That was great DAWG! You should of used a banana tho yo!
Meiko: That... Was... Pretty...
(groans loudly)
Kaito: Naw, It sounded like you used audacity to pitch change...
(There is an awkward silence. cricket noises in the background)
Miki: NO way Kaito! Mikuo's gonna be one of the best! I can just SEE the talent in him!
Kaito: No wa-
Miku: Moving on...Our next contestant... Gumo!
(Gumo comes out onstage and sigs seikan hikou (REALLY GIRLY EFFECT KAY))
Len: NEEDS MORE SHOTA-NESS DAWG!!! I mean that was soooo shojo yo!
Meiko: ghhhhhh.... hahahaha....
(slumps down on the table)
Kaito: Not as good as Len.
(ANOTHER akward silence)
Miki: I dont know how to say this.. Lets just say your a very... special... person...
Miku: Um... OK! Lets move on to our final contestant of the day...Taito!
(Taito comes on stage looking totally goth and emo. He sings something totally grincore/death metal. PREFABLY SOME THING THAT WOULD SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF A LITTLE KID)
Len: (starts to cry and runs off stage)
Meiko: That totally woke me u- (promptly falls back into a deep sleep)
Kaito: Dude that’s exactly how you sound when your pissed off about the fact that I didnt do the laundry.
Miki: Kaito lives with Taito??? maybe you should pick a better song to sing next time....
Miki: Um I wasn't-
(Runs on stage and sings "pants on the ground" preferably with his pants on since because of the nudity RULE)
(Miku interrupts/stops Kaito)
Miku: This has been vocaloid Idol!
(Theme music goes off)
Looks really short, but not including the music this boils down to two minutes of dialogue. So that's pretty much the script there.