^ Seconded. When do you get back? And when are you going to Italy? *interrogates* WHAT TIMES WILL YOU ROB US OF YOUR PRESCENCE, YOU LOVABLE FIEND?!?! D'8
I suppose I'll try to show up. My educational system plans to set its students free the last weekday of May, so hopefully I'll be feeling less run-down by then. And I want to fix stuff on my crappy cosplay before I go anywhere with the intent to wear it, which may or may not happen by the end of the month. god I don't want to go to Portland. Why must you people all be so far away from Hillsboro? ;-;
@soundninja: The Englands always seem to be so quiet. So far as I know, at least. I'm sure there are loud ones somewhere. *pets*
@NekoVamp13: No, not Russia. Kenya. 8D I sure hope Tobias can make it. She seemingly subconciously knows how to liven up an otherwise grey day, such as I have seen her. xD