Author Topic: The Potato Smashers are totally gonna get everything done for ECCC.  (Read 396966 times)

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Offline goatchild

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Eh, it really won't damage your hair that much since you aren't making it that much lighter, but whatever works for you. We should definitely do GO before the con though. Then we'll have more time to do a decent photoshoot, as opposed to squeezing it in during the con. : D
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Felix

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We're all in portland area anyway so I don't see why it wouldn't work. C:

Also I've stolen this from the Hetalia thread and moved it here. To preserve Valeria's sanity.
For KH, I personally like the first six members of Org XIII (scientists w00t~!). I'm excited to see your new buttons, whoever you end up drawing! : D I really want to do their BBS versions. The guard uniform is epic and Vexen looks about a million times better in white.
Technically only Xemnas, Vexen and Zexion were scientists. Xaldin, Xigbar and Lexaeus were with the city guard.
I want to play that game so bad but I don't own a PSP and I don't know anyone who does. D8> (it's also not out in english yet and my japanese is pitiful.) (maybe if I wait long enough they'll remake it like they did with CoM?)

I might try to do the buttons digitally this year...
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline goatchild

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Dude I don't know anything about BBS, but NOW I REALLY WANT TO PLAY IT DAMMIT. I love the original six, even if now we know they weren't all scientists. They still rawk so hard. *.* And they better remake it like CoM. I don't know why they wouldn't. >>
(I so might borrow my friend's DS so I can play 358/2 Days just for more Org awesomeness eeheehee.)
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Malaria

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I guess our silly calculus!Xigbar photos are OOC now. Twagedy.

Seriously man. The KH thread might not be people you want operating on your brain, but they'll be perfectly willing to give you a list of character pairs. xP
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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I know pretty much nothing about it... Everything I know is from one of the artists I watch on DA. art! and  more art! Who wouldn't want to play it? (I find it very amusing that the uniforms have giant hearts on them. oh squisney.)

...I may give it a try, but there's a good chance they'll just ignore me. Like the last time I posted something relevant in that thread. They continued their inane conversation about bloody kairi orgies as though I didn't exist. How socially inept can you get? I mean, yes, it's awkward when some random person drops into your thread and says something like 'I'll be cosplaying ____' in the middle of your conversation about something else, but you can at least acknowledge the person.

(actually it wouldn't surprize me if Xigbar knew advanced math. more likely than Lexaeus or Xaldin, at least...)

358/2 days is fun... especially the part where you can replay the missions as any of the organisation members. (though Xion is pointless... her stats and weapons and EVERYTHING ELSE are EXACTLY THE SAME as Roxas's.) It's great fun to equip their gag weapons and run around being a dork. c:
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Felix

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I saw a play today instead of doing my homework. IT WAS FREE. (I love this uni...)
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Hashi

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What Play? Also. I love your Uni too. considering I'm transferring and all...
Jet [atla]
Jet [MAoH]
Man-delaide [HINABN]
Mephisto [AnE]

"Wanna be a Freedom Fighter?"

Offline Malaria

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Stop thinking of them as people and start thinking of them as wallets that respond well to BISHIE SO KAWAII PICTURE

I've become kind of inured to the blegh readability. It's not the worst I've seen on here. >>
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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If the person has an excuse (English is not his/her first language) I don't mind, but there is no good reason a person who has grown up with English and is IN HIGH SCHOOL OR OLDER (most of the people on here) should be incapable of using at least the basics of proper grammar. It doesn't take that much effort to press shift or put periods at the end of your bloody sentences. There's a point when it's so bad trying to understand it hurts your head.

Eurydice. Tonight I'm going to see Wild Oats. c:
Did you hear back yet whether you've been accepted?

I can't draw cute 'desu' things, but I can draw men in a world of mostly-straight fangirls. So that's half, at least?
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Hashi

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I agree with you on the grammar and punctuation completely.

and no.. not yet. I did receive an email saying they review the applications personally, so to expect a minimum of 3 weeks before a decision is made. I also have yet to send my transcript, but I may be able to fix that after this weekend.
Jet [atla]
Jet [MAoH]
Man-delaide [HINABN]
Mephisto [AnE]

"Wanna be a Freedom Fighter?"

Offline Felix

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...I love the theatre department here so much. 8D 8D 8D (translation: WILD OATS WAS AMAZING.)
When I was at the play this guy asked if I was someone's little brother. I was amused. (the funny thing is that he knew I was female. or at least claimed to.) Apparently I naturally give off an aura of little boy.

And I just found out that I get to PAINT PICTURES INSTEAD OF GIVING A SPEECH. C8
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Hashi

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quit telling me awesome things about your theatre D: it makes the wait so much looonnggerrr
haha and by that I meant MOAR STORIES
Jet [atla]
Jet [MAoH]
Man-delaide [HINABN]
Mephisto [AnE]

"Wanna be a Freedom Fighter?"

Offline jaqua

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You're making me want to go to SOU in a big bad way :( maybe I should apply and then if I got in we could be going to the same school for the first time since fifth grade. It would be weird. And by weird I mean awesome.

You know it's funny, I used to hate giving speeches like all of my life, except for like the last half of senior year when I was like, "Hey, this is actually a good time to just be a goofball in front of everyone". Apparently I gave some ridiculous speeches after that. It was awesome. (plus teachers score you better when you seem comfortable and make them laugh in front of the class... or so I noticed) But still, painting>speeches. By a long shot.

Also, unrelated, but don't you hate it when there are two characters from the same series you want to be but you can only be one? And on top of that, there's one you kind of want to go as more, but you're afraid they might not be recognized? (Because come on, a lot of the fun of cosplay is being recognized by people.) I'm having that problem right now with Assassin's Creed. EZIO OR ROSA, EZIO OR ROSA...

Offline Malaria

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What about Disney College?

Which one would you be more bitchin' as?

Oh man. I had totally forgot about this show until Jezebel started talking about the DVD release. I <3 Daria.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Hashi

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You should go to SOU. and then we can all just go to school together 8D it'll be crazy-fun-times.

also. Im having the same problem with Kuroshitsuji characters..except, I'm trying to decide between 4 of them..
Jet [atla]
Jet [MAoH]
Man-delaide [HINABN]
Mephisto [AnE]

"Wanna be a Freedom Fighter?"

Offline Felix

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Jaqua: go with the one you'd rather do regardless of recogniseability. (but then, I'm the person who would rather cosplay the character I love than the more famous one, so I'm probably no help. for me, personal satisfaction > fame.)

...but Disney school is still pretty cool.

I hate public speaking. So this is really really wonderful.
This will be amazing. I am going to paint things I suck at(dragons coughcough)! and improve! 8D
(my art project is about the portrayal of war in fantasy literature. I'm doing all original stuff, but I'll still get the point across.)
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline goatchild

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I always have the problem of wanting to cosplay two characters who I like as a group, as in I'd want photoshoots of the two characters, but that is not so easy when I'm the one cosplaying both of them. ._.

I would totally go to SOU if they had a Japanese major. Unfortunately, they do not. D: And I would go crazy if I lived in Ashland.

I've always hated speeches, since they are made of words, and I dislike words, especially when I have to communicate ideas through them. : x
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Malaria

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Uh. SOU isn't really that great for International Studies/language majors. my career plans include poverty!

Haha, speeches are easy for me. Just know what needs to be said and say it.

Yagi: That would make for some crazy-surreal cosplay photos.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline goatchild

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It would also make for crazy-work-intensive cosplay photo editing. >.o

If only there was an Oregon university that had both a decent theatre program and Japanese program, and wouldn't absolutely murder me physically and financially like Willamette would. ._.
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Felix

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It's not the communicating through words part that kills me. It's the speaking part. :c
But I'm really liking my picture and I don't have to do the speech, so that's cool. (it's almost done but I'm probably not going to finish tonight cause I suck. There's just a couple little bits I need to do still...)

...that would be awesome. just for the wtf value. because breaking people's brains is fun. 8D

OH RIGHT PROGRESS. I finally started patterning stuff! I made the pattern for the shirts and I made a mock-up of my shin. My goal is to finish all my patterns before going back to portland so I can start sewing right away.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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Thread is like safety blanket of love and bullshit!

Anyway, what are we thinking for the masquerade assuming the Ouran folks don't take it over?
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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Just... hang out on our own? Location depending on the weather...
(that's what it sounded like to me at least.)

...that must be why I'm so sad when it's inactive.

So, uh. Who wants to come to Scrap and possibly Hippo next week? I'm obviously free anytime but I would rather not get up early.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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It'd be cool if we could collect people for a guerrilla ball, but that is sounding like it'd be overly complicated. ._.

Heck yes for Hippo and Scrap! This'll take some prior planning in terms of finding buses and addresses, but otherwise shouldn't be much of an issue. I'm busy June 8th and 9th, but otherwise I'm mostly free.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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What was the Guerrilla Ball idea? (The concept is not making much sense in my head... I am assuming the intended meaning is not as literal as I'm imagining.)

Tuesday and Wednesday? (LET'S GO MONDAY YES YES YES.)

2915 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard
Portland, OR 97212
Open every day 11a-6p  •  Located on the corner of NE MLK & Stanton
1040 East Burnside Street, Portland, OR‎ - (503) 231-1444
Monday-Thursday: 10am to 5pm   Friday-Saturday: 10am to 6pm   Sunday: 12pm to 5pm

We can take the 20 to Hippo from downtown, then the 6 runs along MLK though I'm not sure if it goes for the part we'd need to scrap... then we can walk to the max stop and take the max back downtown. (That's just off the top of my head... someone might want to do the trimet trip planner on it.) Anyway, Scrap is open later so it'd be better to do Hippo first.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Cassiopeia

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I'm trying to see if it's possible for the host club to run the dance. We want to do it, so don't count it out just yet~ :B
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

Offline Malaria

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I distinctly remember walking by Stanton during our fail wanderings. 3< How did me miss iiiit?

Hashi and Yagi have finals, I think. And if we do this after graduation, I might have some money. >>

Guerrilla Ball would be us finding a place to hold our own masquerade and just dancing. Possibly getting other people to join us, flashmob style.

I answered everything backwards! : D

Charly: You are awesome. <33 If you need my/our help at all, please let us know. We can be your Masquerade Mafia.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 11:05:12 pm by Malaria »
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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My mental image was more amusing. :c

Finals are two hours each. WE COULD PLAN AROUND THEM I'M SURE.

...maybe we could make a couple of trips? I really want to get started, and I'll probably need to go back anyway once I have a better idea of what I need.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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What was your image?

I don't think we want to stress them to death. xP

Maybe~. I still need to see what my schedule is gonna look like for the next week or so.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Cassiopeia

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We can be your Masquerade Mafia.
I like this.

Also, I want to see one of these at the con now.
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

Offline goatchild

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My finals are Monday morning and Thursday around noon-ish. And then I have a paper due Tuesday by 5, but I can have that done before then if we wanna go Tuesday. I know Hashi has work almost every day next week until at least 11ish. Her finals are Monday 8-10 and Wednesday 12:30-3. SO PLAN AWAY.

@Charly: If you need it, I will gladly help out in anyway I can! : D I hope you guys can do it, but if not we'll just have to work on getting that flashmob together.
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Auricle

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Hey there ramblebasketeers! : D Who all will be free and in the Portland-metro area on the 12th?
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline goatchild

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Me, maybe? I'll be done with finals and won't be moving into my new dorm for another week, but there's a possibility I will be in Tillamook. Silly parents and their desire to see their children periodically. XD
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Felix

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I WILLLL. 8D (or I'll be an easy bus-ride away)
(unless my mother throws something at me last-minute... ack. I'm not leaving again until the seventeenth.)
What's happening on the 12th? Just want to hang out?

I think I can hold off until Tuesday. c: (the afternoon's better for me anyway... this way I won't be a groggy zombie.) I can always loot my house first. My dad might have some broken stuff I can use in the garage or basement.

@Malaria: Picture people in formal dress and masks. Combine that with the concept of guerrilla warfare.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Auricle

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Well, my birthday is on the 13th, but I wanted to have a (slumber) party on the 12th. = D
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Auricle: I'll be free unless something suddenly comes up.

Felix: ... awesome OC cosplay group?
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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I couldn't pull off most of my characters. :c ...Shadow, maybe? He's stick-thin and short and everyone thinks he's younger than he is.
(wait what are we talking about? xD; the steampunk I'm doing isn't an oc. It's just a random costume I feel like making because steampunk is awesome.)
I don't know if I'll ever cosplay my own characters, though. There are so many other things I want to do.

I haven't been to a birthday party in ages. I never have them 'cause I'm never around on my birthday... but I'll come for sure unless something else comes up and smacks me in the face with a dead trout.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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Nono, I meant turn the Guerrilla Ball into actual costumes and give them a loosely worked narrative. Then we all go out and buy/make/mod awesome weapons, artfully burn and otherwise mangle formal clothes and generally look like Post-Apocalyptic Prom.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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We should someday. After all of the other things we want to do.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Auricle

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Well, I'm going to have an honest-to-goodness birthday party this year. The plan is to go to Oak's Park if the weathers good or go bowling if it's bad.

I would totally attend the ballpocalypse. If I couldn't find the right crossplay I would probably mangle a dress for it. ='D (Durr that reminds me, I need to post all of my D.A.R. crap on lj. > 3 <)
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Felix

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Fun! (If we go bowling you can all laugh at how epically I fail at it. I think I'm quite possibly the worst bowler in the world.)

Even if it ends up only being a photoshoot this would still be EPIC.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Auricle

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Don't worry, I'm pretty terrible at it too. The other other option is going to skateworld, but I figured that skating is harder than bowling. Unless you prefer that? = 3
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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I like bowling with the bumpers. Without them it's just kind of depressing.

Yeeeah, now we just have to find the time/money for it among all our other projects.
I'd love to have a day where I'd just be burning dresses.

I haven't skated in years. I wonder how I'd manage. ._.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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...I mean I'm really really awful. As in, I'm surprized if my score is above twenty. For the whole game.
(bumpers just make me feel more pathetic.)

I don't have a lot of experience skating but I can't possibly suck worse at that than I do at bowling.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline goatchild

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For the sake of such an awesometastic birthday party, I will MAKE SURE that I'm in town! : D I'm fine with either bowling or skating. Both are wonderfully entertaining to do/watch when none of us are any good at them.

I would definitely be a fan of another excuse to wear a poofy dress and have boobs for a cosplay. Especially a dress I get to mutilate. 8D
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Auricle

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I'm so happy you guys'll all be in town! Especially you, Felix, it's so few and far between that you are. I feel lucky~ X3

Hahaha I'm so close to finishing highschool but I'm probably going to die before then somehow. ='D
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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I can come by and help, if it's things with which help is helpful as opposed to irritating. ._.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Naw, I'm really close to getting everything done now. (Unless you take Japanese, that could be helpful.) Thanks for offering, though. *happyhappy* = D
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Yay for being close! -cheercheercheer-

So far my languages are exclusively European.

Any time~. <3
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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So I've decided that for my birthday we're gonna go to Skateworld. It's much closer to my house.

Ah~ It's pouring rain outside. It sounds so nice.
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline jaqua

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I SHOULD HAVE READ THIS THREAD BEFORE RESPONDING TO YOUR MESSAGE, AURICLE. BUT YES. I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO YOUR PARTY/SKATEWORLD <3333 Also I am beast at skating (sort of? on rollerblades at least) so I'm like... Really excited. Plus I'll get to see everyone :'DDD yayyyyy


Also also. Any other World Cup fans in the house? UK/US GAME ON SATURDAY?!?! I'm going decked out in full American regalia. Which is funny since my mom's boyfriend is English, and he'll be in British gear. So it should be a fun game. (hopefully it doesn't go too long though, ffff--)