Author Topic: The Potato Smashers are totally gonna get everything done for ECCC.  (Read 396933 times)

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Offline Malaria

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The USA uniforms look like pageant sashes.

I know the heat is bad when I'm willing to wear shorts.

oh noooo! What happened? D:
Maybe I'll start a Get Auricle a Binder Fund as your grad gift.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Agh, now that you point it out they do kind of look like that. XD Nnf, have you seen the German uniforms? : D

I accidentally left my binder (along with a bag of clothes, etc. with a friend in Corvallis.) She was with an acquaintance and was going to drop my stuff off, but said acquaintance drove off (with my stuff) while she was visiting her family. Yeah, I don't know, weird situations.

Doing something like that would be ultimately nice of you, but I was going to get Ashley to pay me what she owes me so I could get it. ' w '
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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They're very neat and clean. Oh Germany. <3

That's like the textbook definition of **** happens.

That works too. ._. I just want you to have the money for Sakuracon. If we can get Felix up there, anything is possible.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Cassiopeia

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Is there a thread I should be following to keep up with the planning?
That thread is for those who are going to help out with the dancing. The term we're using is "hosts." There'll be the Host Club running the thing, but there'll also be these guys, not necessarily dressed as though they're from Ouran, whose job is to know how to dance and dance with people or at least get people out of their shells and ask them.
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

Offline jaqua

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ffff I'm glad you like my cupdates Malaria :'D It gives me an excuse to vent out all my post-game emotions keep you updated.

ALSO I definitely know what I'm getting you for your birthday. And thankfully it's also two days after the US-Ghana game, so if the US loses then I'll have two days to mope and be useless before having to be cheerful again! 8D Excellent plan. Of course if England loses against Germany on Sunday I may still be sad. Although it's two of my favorite teams against each other so I'll be sad either way. Not AS sad, but still sad. But that also means that I'm supporting whomever wins so I guess that's also good? I think I've confused myself.

I looooove the American jerseys |D Of course they're all entirely sold out most places until like mid-August, bahhhh. I WANT A DONOVAN/DEMPSEY/BRADLEY/BOCANEGRA JERSEY. I guess there's a downside to a good portion of American suddenly loving the World Cup :\

I'm actually really surprised at Italy and France this year, considering they were both in the ACTUAL WC game in 2006... It's really bizarre. Oh well.

This entire post managed to be about the World Cup. What.

Offline jaqua

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Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY FELIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline jaqua

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Triple posting (?!?) to inform everyone that today... The United States lost to Ghana. Which means we're out of the running for the Cup. Which is really really sad. And I spent the entire day moping after the match so that I could update without just ranting about how much the refs suck and don't give yellow and red cards when they're necessary EXCEPT to the Americans who they have no qualms dishing them out to. Pfffffffff. Oh well. England vs Germany tomorrow, and since I'm supporting both teams I don't really care who wins... Preferably England if I had to choose, but mehh. I'm happy with a win on either side. Though the match is at 7 AM so we're getting up at 5 so we can get to the pub at 6 and get a seat. Ohhhhh I hate getting up early. I mean it's really super fun but damn.

Offline Malaria

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-pets Jaqua-
It was a pretty good run!


I'm back from Ashland. Hamlet was raging badassery. Am now excited for BIRTHDAY.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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I finally got caught up on what's been going on in the world cup. I've gotta say that I'm totally dissapointed that the U.S. lost. Also England. ; w ; But that's okay. They tied together, they won together, and they can lose together too.

Happy belated birthday Felix! I'm so late oh man. > 3 <

I've been doing yardwork for the past three days~ Of course the flowers in front of the garage happen to be red, white, and blue. ='D
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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I love your family's kitschy patriotism. XD

someone save me from the Hetalia thread. What are they talking about? What am I putting on the list? Why do people think shota is okay? -weeps-
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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The Americana is EVERYWHERE. My sisters and I were just like uuuugh mom why at the flowers. She want to redo the dining room in red, white, and blue.

I can't save you. D = I can try, but I'm hardly the hero you're looking for.

Okay, I just went to take a look at the Hetalia thread and I don't know what's going on in there. ' w '
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 11:05:49 pm by Auricle »
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Like... flag red white and blue, or more muted colors?

It's okay. I'll take solace in your saniness.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Probably a little more muted, but I could be wrong. ; w ;

We're super patriotic, sometimes too much. Must be the D.A.R. stuff. I'm going to have to join Unity of Empire Loyalists just so I can have both sides I guess. Yay ancestors that fled to Canada. <3
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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You guys are pretty sane about it all, though. Just very exuberant.
Dude. That organization name is amazingly epic. Like something out of a novel.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Malaria

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So much birthday amazingness leaves me with some funds free for boots shopping. Which I have spent three hours doing.

I'm also working on modifying my Toph tabard pattern. The one in my pattern was even lamer than I thought. ACTUAL PROGRESS.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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~YAY PROGRESS~ Not that I'm making any...

I got a new succulent today. It's a hen and chicks type with webbing. It's sorta fuzzy~ I hope it's okay that I keep naming my plants after you guys. ='D
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Yaaaay cacti-type things!
Name away.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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I named my bear-paw shaped succulent after you. 'cause it's the squishiest. It's in the same pot as two others, which I've named Yagi and Hashi. Of course I had to put The Potato Smashers together. The new one is Felix~ Maybe after my cacti get bigger or my windowbox seeds sprout I'll have a Savannah and Jaqua too.
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Is squishiness my defining physical characteristic now? XD

This way even if we scatter to the winds for college, we'll be with you~.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Somehow, it is. As far as naming plants goes.

Yup! Even if that happens, we can still get together as much as possible. <3 And I'll have my cacti/succulents to remind me to get online and talk with you all. ' w '
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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There are worse things to be. ._. -squishsquish-

Maybe we'll even convince Hashi to check the Kcon forums sometimes.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Hey Malaria, weren't you supposed to get your test stuff today? = 3

On an unrelated note: Hrrrrrg summer boredom is killing me. DX When's a good day for us to go to the army surplus store?
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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I got two 5s and a 6, so it looks like I'm getting 44 credits. I AM SO EXCITED. (mostly because I don't have to take writing requirements now)

I'm still jobless, so we could go today if Ashley's available.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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THAT IS REALLY EXCITING! > w < I still have to take writing such-and-such. ='D

Ashley's gonna be seeing a movie with her friend. Do you want to take that green line adventure today? ' 3 ' Or if that cheap movie place you were telling me about is playing How to Train Your Dragon we could go there. = D
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 08:32:18 am by Auricle »
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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It looks like it hasn't made it to the cheap theater yet. So... green line?
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Sounds excellent to me. When and where do you want to meet? ' w '
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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I have some paperworking to take care of right now, but I should be done soon. So meet around 11:15 at Beaverton TC?
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Okey-daykey-dokey. I'll see you there. = D
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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See you later~.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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Now that I'm back I need to start patterning things. I'm hoping to have that done this week so I can go fabric-shopping. Anyone want to come with me?
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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The idea of planning ahead to meet somewhere just blew my mind a little.
I don't think I need fabric for anything yet. ._. But I would be willing to go on an adventure with you!
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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My mom's okay with everyone coming over tomorrow. = D

FELIX! YOU'RE BACK! -hughughug- I'm up for more adventures~
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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I called Savannah and she says she can come. So we'll have at least a party of four (plus Aspen if she comes). = D

Hey Felix, want to come over tomorrow and watch the game? And also meet the succulent version of yourself? ' w '
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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I just saw this on dA:
It's an Expression Meme! But I dunno how much I like it. It really doesn't do any subtle expressions at all. SO I THINK WE SHOULD STILL DO OURS.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Yeah, that one is pretty cute, but I expect whatever we put together would be somewhat expanded from those expressions. ' 3 '
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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You have drawing software, right? 'Cause I don't think we wanna make this in MS Paint.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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I have GIMP, which works well enough.
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Works for me!
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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We should work on the list of expressions we want while we watch the game tomorrow. = 3
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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This is such a solid plan. I'm impressed with us.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Auricle

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Okay, so after the game, we get glasses at The Pharmacy and go to the army surplus store and maybe Joann's/Target, right?
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Yes! And maybe during the match we start waltz or work on the meme? /sloooow response

The links I owe you!:
Zelloyd Bet:
some of the links appears to be broken, which is so not okay. I can't replace them right now, but you can find them using's search function. -fail-
Or if you don't feel like dealing with that, there's also a download link for Endless:
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 08:45:54 am by Malaria »
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Malaria

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You were right, Seborga is a micronation. I got confused 'cause Seborga is one of these territories with some legitimate claim to independence. There are a couple like that in Wales and Canada too~ (England your history of treaties is really cracky)
BUT SEALAND IS A REAL MICROSTATE GUYS. LIKE A REAL NATION. HE HAS TERRITORY THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS PRIOR CLAIM ON, A PERMANENT POPULATION, A STABLE GOVERNMENT, CODIFIED LAWS AND STUPID NATIONAL PARAPHERNALIA (that last one is actually critical proof of nationhood and part of the reason why the British government hasn't been able to get Sealand declared a non-state. Sorry, England.)
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline jaqua

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I don't have anything important to say other than I chose a new icon in celebration of Spain making it to the World Cup final for the FIRST TIME EVERRRRRRRR SPAIN I LOVE YOUUUUUU

Also Fernando Torres and David Villa since sldjkfsldkfj they're both so cute it burns

Offline Auricle

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Malaria, I'm glad you know the difference between the two so you can explain it to other people. = D

Also rrrrrggg. I've been trying to put our cosplay expressions meme together and I've found out that I am horribly inept at this sort of thing. Plus I somehow killed GIMP in the middle of everything and lost what I needed to fix the fail!version of the meme I have now. Here's the current version. I accidentally didn't count right and so there's 20 squares and not 25. What should I do? Should I keep it at this number of squares or add a column or row?

Jaqua your icon is adorabllleee. I would change mine for the same reason but I don't have any. Where did you get yours? > w < eeeeee

« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 10:49:41 pm by Auricle »
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline jaqua

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@Auricle: LIVEJOURNAL. Hold on, let me find you a link. Okay found it. Here you go. Kinda gay but I don't think anyone around here minds that. (I had a really hard time choosing which icon to use, I saved like 70...)

Offline Auricle

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Those icons are super gorgeous. ' o ' Thanks for putting up the link. <3 Of course I have to use the only faceplant icon.
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Should I grab a Spain football icon~?

Oh noooo! Can you reload Gimp?
We came up with 25 expressions, so unless we want to cut some of them out we should probably add in another column. And it seems to look neater when people use square boxes. I just trawled some memes, and 125x125 pixels seems like a good size. o.o
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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I fail at being active, apparently. :c

Malaria: I'm okay with waiting since I haven't actually patterned anything yet. The heat wave killed my desire to do anything productive. Or go anywhere, for that matter.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting