Author Topic: The Potato Smashers are totally gonna get everything done for ECCC.  (Read 496806 times)

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3050 on: December 27, 2010, 06:03:38 pm »
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE THAT SASSY GAY FRIEND POST. IT'S MY FAVORITE PROMPT ON THE KINK MEME. Altair needs a sassy gay friend more than anyone else in the whole everything.

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3051 on: December 27, 2010, 11:10:10 pm »
@Hashi: No it's totally ok, I was falling asleep too so it all worked out. I'll have to figure out the actual name of it, I was looking through my book shelves but can't seem to find it. :/
Oh man I know what you mean! I know I want to do Archaeology, but as for a specific area to study and/or theme it varies greatly. That sounds like a book I would read; immediately.
Well, originally it was middle eastern Archaeology, but I was able to narrow it down to Turkey. I'm interested in so many time periods of Turkish history it's not even funny, but really the only one I can even pretend I know a bit about is Neolithic Turkey, especially sites like Catalhoyuk and Gobekli Tepe. But now I'm started to lean a bit more towards the British Isles and Scandinavia, specifically the relations between the two, and I already know a bit about the relations between Norway and Scotland. Actually when I go to Scotland this summer I'm hoping to visit some viking sites on the Orkney islands.
My favorite aspect or theme I suppose you could say of Archaeology is Theology. I really like looking at the different religions/mythologies and comparing them from place to place. I use a Jungian/ Joseph Campbell approach to mythology, which makes me look for similar symbols, themes, and characteristics and come to conclusions of how and why that is the case from society to society. This also means that I am most interested in artifacts that deal with the theology of the ancient people, or give hints to what it was and how they worshiped. But yes, Northern Europe and the Middle East are my favorite areas of study.

Oh yeah, it makes sense to think about it for a while, and that's a smart move. As for Archaeology/ Anthropology I haven't really looked into PSU's programs yet (though I really should.) I usually find a bit for Turkey, Greece, and Ireland (though it depends on where you look for the Ireland one.) It's impossible to find Archaeology abroad programs for Wales, which makes me sad because I'm pretty comfortable with my knowledge of pre-historic Wales. The very small amount of programs I do happen to find are just to learn Welsh.
Yeeeeaaah, might not be the best idea. Well I wish you luck for whatever you decide!

I should check it out too, because I would like to take that.

@Malaria: D'awww~
I still need to watch that show.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 12:35:54 am by sandrobotticelli »
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3052 on: December 28, 2010, 12:20:06 am »
Yeeeeaaah, might not be the best idea. I feel terrible but that's one of the reasons why I hesitate for places like Israel :x

lolol, I'm going to Israel next year for 9 months.

As someone interested in archaeology, you should definitely go sometime in your life. Actually, I think everyone should go sometime. It's an amazing place.

Airport security there is SO much better than here (ughh), and at malls you couldn't feel safer. There was definitely some culture shock coming back and going shopping for the first few times..

Places like Sderot are heart-breaking, but there's a reason people continue to live there. Edit: And not everywhere is like that.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 12:21:24 am by Cassiopeia »
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3053 on: December 28, 2010, 12:27:21 am »
Cassi: Oh I'm very aware that not everyone is like that, and I'm very sorry if it came across that way. I'm just a little iffy with a lot of places in the middle east, not just Israel.Actually compared to a lot of the othe places Israel isn't so bad, I only brought up that specific example because there are a lot of study abroad programs to go there.  I would love to eventually do work there, and maybe I will. But just for now since I'm a beginner I would want to do places that I'm pretty comfortable with.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 12:32:33 am by sandrobotticelli »
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3054 on: December 28, 2010, 12:32:25 am »
@Malaria: HAHA I was like "WHAT ISN'T THAT BIRD THING FROM PRINCESS TUTU??" I've never watched it but I have friends who love it at my college.

Kageyama (Haikyuu!)
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3055 on: December 28, 2010, 03:38:06 am »
Princess tutu is seriously boss!
8D Watching it with your 6 year old sister (when she was 6) was even more boss, because she almost understood all the concepts better then I did. XD
What episode are you on Valeria?

I also thought I would mention, mew con, if people are, is like... in a few days... and I actually have some sewing progress, My lord.
XD I got far in one day

a few hours.

Next con: Kumori-con

Offline Hashi

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3056 on: December 28, 2010, 08:42:19 pm »
Im just gonna leave this here

Its lookin' bleak/I've come to make you bleed/no chance to escape/its Assassins Creed

Edit: I guess I should leave a warning, the video link contains plentiful foul language...
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 09:51:17 pm by Hashi »
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3057 on: December 29, 2010, 11:12:25 pm »
@malaria, hashi, yagi etc.
So, looks like I won't be coming to mewcon. The weather is looking way too dangerous for the trek up to Portland. It sucks and I'm disappointed, but I think imma start off the new year safe...
2011 cosplay list:
Ukraine - Hetalia

Offline Malaria

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3058 on: December 30, 2010, 12:06:03 am »
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3059 on: December 30, 2010, 10:24:15 am »
Speaking of Mewcon, what are our plans exactly? = v =
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3060 on: December 30, 2010, 11:54:51 am »
The general plan is dick around in the hotel lobby and then go to either Jaqua's or Hashi's to make fangs and bring in the New Year. We still need to work out the whens, though.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3061 on: December 30, 2010, 04:26:16 pm »
@Jaqua: So you know that 5-finger blade we made Ezio buy, the Cinquedea? I found my weapon entry on it again and heres what it says.
"The cinquedea was a type of short-sword popular with wealthy italians in the 15th century. The name meaning 'five fingers' refers to the blade, which was 5 fingers width at the hilt.  The sword length varied from 10 in to 28 inch,  and was carried in a scabbard over the buttocks."
Also, The reference picture I have dates to 1480 Italy, so its the exact time period as well.

The War Hammers the Guards used would primarily be used for Guards participating in the Hundred years war. Also, the Maces they show did not come into existence until the late 16th century, same goes for the style of Axe/Halberd they were using, which means we got some time travelin' Templars in the house. Most of the weapons you could buy for Ezio also did not exist, or at least were not perfected until roughly a hundred after, like the Stiletto.


So basically, we made Ezio buy butt-bling to show he was a rich noble, and even then, he was wearing it wrong. And all the while, he was fighting Time Travelin' Templars and buying from psychic Blacksmiths who saw into the future.

Also, I was going to show you the coolest weapon ever only to find out, of course AC:Brotherhood had already included it.

The weapons nerd in me loves this game more than I thought.
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3062 on: December 30, 2010, 06:08:13 pm »
@ Auricle: If you meant cosplay plans, Hashi, Valeria, and I are doing Mafitalia on the first day, which you probably already knew but I'm saying it again in case we haven't figured out how we're getting N.Italy wig from you yet. Cuz that's kind of important. >> Also, we need to work out rides and such, as in figure out who needs them. I have my car here, and I assume Valeria does. So yeah. HOORAY FOR PLANNING THE ENTIRE CON THE NIGHT BEFORE IT HAPPENS. 8D

I don't have any other cosplays here with me, so even though I'll probably go for the second day for at least a little bit, it won't be in cosplay. Or it'll be casual S.Italy or something. I'm planning to go back to Eugene either late Saturday or early Sunday at the latest, so I for sure won't be at con on Sunday. And that is the extent of the plans that pertain to me at least. >>
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3063 on: December 30, 2010, 08:14:31 pm »
Oh Hashi, you so informative.

@Yagi: Valeria called me so we have cosplay stuff worked out, no worries~ = v =

So guess what? I've been taking an antibiotic for my cold, and this morning the medicine gave me a nearly full-body rash. I'm not contagious or anything, it's just an unfortunate side-effect. So if I look funny that's why. ' ^ '
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Malaria

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3064 on: January 01, 2011, 01:49:33 pm »
Happy New Year, everyone. <3
Let's have a productive, sane, low drama, adventureful 2011.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3065 on: January 01, 2011, 08:54:20 pm »
Happy New Year~ I second Valeria's motion. : D
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline Cassiopeia

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3066 on: January 01, 2011, 10:01:50 pm »
Happy new year :D
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3067 on: January 02, 2011, 12:20:29 am »
Hey, it was nice spending new years with a bunch of you. Lots of Assassin's Creed goodness :D
Kumoricon 2010 Outfits

Offline sandrobotticelli

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3068 on: January 02, 2011, 11:58:50 am »
Happy new year you guys~

Hope you had a good time chillin' at MEW.
Kumoricon 2013:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3069 on: January 02, 2011, 05:12:42 pm »
Jared: Haha, yeah. AssCreed is a great substitute for a real party. XD

Rebecca: We actually didn't go 'cause they weren't letting people into the hotel without passes. We just chilled downtown.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3070 on: January 02, 2011, 05:42:38 pm »
Malaria: Oh I see. Well, I actually called out sick on Friday, good thing I didn't decide to swing by then. Ha.
Kumoricon 2013:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3071 on: January 02, 2011, 07:05:16 pm »
That really sucks that you were sick on New Year's. D:

Oh, for everyone who doesn't know, we did a little Mafia shoot, since we weren't at con. It was really cold and everyone was miserable, but I think the pictures turned out pretty well. : D I'll harass Yagi to get them up later.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3072 on: January 02, 2011, 07:12:29 pm »
I was sick in the morning, but by mid afternoon I was much better and just stayed home watching Lord of the Rings. xD

I would very much like to see those pictures when they're up <3

Also, have any of you guys read the webcomic Romantically Apocalyptic? I just discovered it; it's amazing and makes me laugh like a fool.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 07:26:24 pm by sandrobotticelli »
Kumoricon 2013:
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Madame de Pompadour- Le Chevalier D'Eon

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3073 on: January 02, 2011, 09:49:55 pm »
Also MEW was a blast even though day one sucked up all of my energy and I missed most of day two. I'm mad they were checking for badges ;3;

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3074 on: January 02, 2011, 10:01:26 pm »
@Jaqua: Random but I see you're doing Lynette from Scott Pilgrim. 8D That's awesome. I'm making a Gideon cosplay (based off the comic) right now for March's Gasukan.

Will you have a group?

Kageyama (Haikyuu!)
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3075 on: January 02, 2011, 10:06:35 pm »
I WAS LYNETTE AT KCON THIS YEAR and I meant to be her at mew but then life happened and I was not. Hahaha. That's so cool!! I love Gideon's whole outfit, hahaha. I was in a pretty big group, too. HERE'S OUR PICTURE SINCE OUR GROUP WAS AWESOME. We had most of the characters but some of them weren't in this photo unfortunately :/

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3076 on: January 02, 2011, 10:21:11 pm »
Also everyone should go on youtube and search "Wizard People, Dear Reader" and watch them all sequentially. You will die of laughter and you will do it often. My Sak badge name is going to be "Professor Catface Meowmers"

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3077 on: January 03, 2011, 01:19:39 am »
I WAS LYNETTE AT KCON THIS YEAR and I meant to be her at mew but then life happened and I was not. Hahaha. That's so cool!! I love Gideon's whole outfit, hahaha. I was in a pretty big group, too. HERE'S OUR PICTURE SINCE OUR GROUP WAS AWESOME. We had most of the characters but some of them weren't in this photo unfortunately :/

Woah, nice group~! I saved that pic because it's so rad. 8D My group will be a bit consists of Scott, Ramona, Lucas/Todd (same person has both cosplays), and me as Gideon so far.


Kageyama (Haikyuu!)
Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
Karma (AssClass)
Ryuuko ep. 1 ver. (KLK)

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3078 on: January 03, 2011, 04:24:38 pm »
OUR GIDEON HAD LEFT BY THAT POINT IT SUCKED. WE HAD ALL THE EVIL EXES AND LIKE PRETTY MUCH EVERY SINGLE (MAJOR) CHARACTER. We had that picture on day zero so people had other things they had to do for registration and stuff, and our photographer could only show up after a certain time, alksdjsdifjsdf oh scheduling you are the bane of my existence. I'm pretty sure we got lots of pictures of the characters not in this picture, but... I'm not exactly sure where they are, hahaha.

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3079 on: January 04, 2011, 01:59:36 pm »
I see...8\

Kageyama (Haikyuu!)
Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
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Ryuuko ep. 1 ver. (KLK)

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3080 on: January 06, 2011, 03:28:04 pm »
@Jaqua: I marathoned all of Misfits Monday Night. Both Seasons. No sleep.

I hate you. Its horribly addicting and I now have an entire folder on my computer dedicated to Nathan/Robert Sheehan.

I need to stop liking the dickhead characters. Seriously.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 06:43:19 pm by Hashi »
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3081 on: January 06, 2011, 06:07:47 pm »
I've been thinking about looking into Misfits. Worth it?
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3082 on: January 06, 2011, 06:32:05 pm »
YESSSSSSS. Its like what Heroes should have been. I rarely skip sleeping, during the first week of a semester, to watch a television show. But I did it. and I went to class on one hour of sleep. and then work. and I dont regret it.

EDIT: Ive made progress. I found a dickhead character I dont like. Captain Hero from Drawn Together. Blame Dylan for the Drawn Together marathon we just had.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 01:00:04 am by Hashi »
Jet [atla]
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3083 on: January 11, 2011, 01:32:39 am »
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA So I'm watching True Blood and omg I'm at the part where Jason is really high off V with the earth-loving chick from the vampire bar, and she totally just said "Nothing is real. Everything is permitted." And I LOL'D SO HARD IRL, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 04:13:36 am by jaqua »

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3084 on: January 11, 2011, 02:44:38 pm »
And I would like to nominate Worth's line as best line in the whole series so far

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3085 on: January 11, 2011, 03:09:59 pm »
/in love with the new page


And yes, Worth, you're brilliant. Lamont too. And Abner gets a very badass panel.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 03:10:21 pm by sk_chan »

Kageyama (Haikyuu!)
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3086 on: January 11, 2011, 03:47:54 pm »
@Jaqua: I FORGOT SHE SAID THAT. oh my god. thats brilliant.
Jet [atla]
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3087 on: January 11, 2011, 04:21:28 pm »

Adelaide's haaair XD
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3088 on: January 12, 2011, 12:26:23 pm »
Should I know what True Blood is?

also... HIIIII EVERYONE this forum has been so dead.

(and Malaria you should send me your Yukio refs because if I don't start very soon I'm not going to finish on time.)
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3089 on: January 12, 2011, 07:11:07 pm »
I knowwwww this thread is so dead lately it's so weird what happened

True Blood is basically like Twilight for adults. AKA Sookie (the female protagonist) has wild vampire sex, there's lots of murder and dismemberment, lots of other people having sex (omg Jason can you keep it in your pants for TEN SECONDS), vampires burn in the sunlight, it takes place in the deep south (which always makes me hungry because hnngg southern food) and yeah. At least, that's my take on it. I'm sure many would disagree... It is addicting, though. I marathoned pretty much the whole first season in one sitting :|

Offline Malaria

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3090 on: January 12, 2011, 08:03:32 pm »
I'm gonna spam you some Mangafox pages that I pulled my refs from
also you should read the manga since it's only like 17 chapters

or not because everything is illegal

I think that's it.
Hunting up these refs reminded me of how awesome Yukio is. ;A;

Jaqua: Yeah, that's pretty much True Blood in a nutshell.
You should watch it because Eric and Pam and Lafayette are the coolest ever. Especially Pam.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 08:53:38 am by Malaria »
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3091 on: January 12, 2011, 09:11:22 pm »
FFFFFfffffff Lafayette oh god he is my FAVORITE. He's just so wonderful, I adore him. I also love Jason although I'm not entirely sure why sometimes, and (trying to avoid spoilers in case anyone doesn't want to be spoiled) I LOVED Rene, and I was... Really depressed by the season one finale. I think I have a thing for Cajun accents :| which also explains my basically unwarranted affection for Serafine and Nico in Lackadaisy, considering they've been in like... nothing so far. Dang Cajuns.

Offline Malaria

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3092 on: January 12, 2011, 10:00:42 pm »
Lafayette is seriously excellent, but I am Team Pam and Eric Are the Most Fabulous Bastards.

I am so excited for Lackadaisy. Whenever we get around to that.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3093 on: January 12, 2011, 10:07:31 pm »
maybe I will start this weekend since we have monday off!
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3094 on: January 12, 2011, 10:24:05 pm »
YAYYYYY COSPLAY I need to start my sewing too ffffff. At least June is really the only cosplay that's gonna be real work. Everything else'll be way easier in comparison.

Offline Malaria

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3095 on: January 12, 2011, 11:50:36 pm »
Felix: Haha I feel kind of unamazing for taking so long. But YEEEAH PROGRESS.
Also read the manga. Dooo it.

Jaqua: Yeah! And Jun's stuff is pretty simple, isn't it?
You should let me sew the fake fur onto your labcoat because I wanna learn to do that.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3096 on: January 13, 2011, 12:52:27 am »
You should let me sew the fake fur onto your labcoat because I wanna learn to do that.

You absolutely do not need to ask me twice, you may certainly sew fur trim for me.
June shouldn't be TOO hard... Hopefully. I'm not really sure how I'm gonna do her glove things, or the points on her shoes, but oh well, I guess I'll hash that out when I get to it.

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3097 on: January 13, 2011, 02:09:05 am »
This weekend is definitely Clean The House weekend, but assuming I actually get my cleaning done, I plan to also make it Work On Cosplay weekend. Which may or may not involve going to Portland again for a day. What's your work/homework schedule like for the weekend, Hashi? Cuz now would definitely be the best time for me to come up and help in whatever way you want me to so you can get started on more cosplay stuffs. After this weekend it's project and paper crunch time basically until the end of the term. No joke. @~@

Also: SUHKIE. 8| *<-- srs vampire Bill face*
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Malaria

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3098 on: January 13, 2011, 08:59:51 am »
Also: SUHKIE. 8| *<-- srs vampire Bill face*
This made it so hard to watch the first few episodes. Because BAD VAMPIRE PUN.

Jaqua: Sweet! Now you just have to get it all and I have to finish everything else first. XD
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

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Re: The Potato Smashers Cosplay/THE C-LIST SUPERDUDES (Other cool dudes welcome.)
« Reply #3099 on: January 13, 2011, 09:38:18 am »
.....I read it a while ago. xD;;

dunno if I'll have time to do the whole toolbelt/vial apron for sak, though. seeing how I suck at getting anything done ever. WE'LL SEE. (Also Valeria: I'll probably pattern the ties before break and maybe start working on them because they're easy.)
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting