As in you're free all day? Cuz in that case we can just wait until Hashi gets back at 7 if you don't mind, unless she comes back before then. She's got a shitton of homework to do, way more than I do. : x
Gas money is... yeah, gonna be a lot. >.<;; The entire trip (minus Tillamook to Eugene) will consist of Eugene to Ashland back to Eugene to Portland and THEN to Seattle. And then the same thing going back. There's a total of six of us going in my van: me, Felix, Valeria, Hashi, Jaqua, and Auricle. I just did the math, and if we split it evenly it'll be approximately $45 gas per person for the entire trip. For the parking, if SK stays with us that's six people minus you, so parking would be a little less than $14 per person (like, $13.33, but I'm just gonna round up for simplicity's sake XP). Without SK it's $16 per person. (I know you aren't driving with us SK, but since the parking is the only hotel-related cost, I'm just counting it as paying for the hotel. : x )
What I'll probably do is collect $45 gas money from everyone when I pick them up, and if gas prices are lower than what I did the math with, I'll pay everyone back the difference at the end. If it's higher than what I did the math with, I'll cover the extra. I'm NOT expecting any of you to help pay the extra unless you want to.
SO THE TOTAL FOR EVERYONE WHO IS RIDING IN MY VAN is going to be $45 gas + $14-16 parking for a total of $59 - $61. Which is actually a lot. Ugh. >.< There's a possibility that my parents will give me extra gas money, or depending on how much money I have at the time I'll cover more of it, but for now that's what it is. >.o IF ANY OF YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PAY THE $45 GAS, OR AT LEAST NOT ALL OF IT, JUST TELL ME AND WE'LL MAKE IT WORK. YOU ARE ALL STILL COMING TO SAK WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT EVEN IF YOU CAN'T HELP PAY FOR GAS. 8|