@Sandro: Those are some pretty darn fantastic names for some pretty darn fantastic-looking dogs. 8DD
@Malaria: ...well, if we want to get to Seattle in time for prereg Friday I MEANT THURSDAY LAWL, everyone better be willing to leave pretty dang early. XD By which I mean I pick up Felix around 8am, pick up you around 11am, and get to Portland about 2pm, where I'll probably drop you off, then go get everyone else, unless it'll only take a few minutes at your house. Assuming prereg is open until 8ish, as long as we leave Portland before 5pm we should be okay. BUT WE CAN OBVIOUSLY FIGURE THIS ALL OUT LATER even though I've totally spent the last hour figuring it all out, curse my con-planning frenzies @~@
I think Auricle should be the disgruntled bad guy, cuz it's basically the same bad guy every episode. XD "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids. *pouty sad face*"