@Jaq: IT WILL HAPPEN. also, KuroFaiYuui fics are a secret obsession so now you make me want to like write this like srs. Also, when I return from my snowy castles of copenhagen Celes, then we need to find a Kurogane or something because our bro-ness needs to happen and obviously, i cant be a kuro-bro. even CLAMP wouldnt do that.
agreeing on the constant gryffbro thing, and EVEN IF WE LOSE THE CUP WE STILL WIN BECAUSE WE STEAL LIBERATE IT FROM THE HANDS OF THOSE CHEATERS. we're not hufflepuffs, we dont need those morals.
and that whole paragraph about dumbleroku? yeah. so so true. and for watertribesman voldemort, he is obviously Hama.