Here's my random list of photo ideas that I made long ago, plus a few recent ones we thought of. Please feel free to add to this list as my ideas are pretty noticeably biased. >>;
Prussia interrupting
Frying pan
Prussia annoying Hungary
Prussia thinking N.Italy is adorable
Prussia being jealous of Germany/N.Italy & Hungary/Austria
Russia+Prussia fail ship pic
Hungary being badass with gun+handcuffs
Hungary adoring Austira
Hungary fangirling over Prussia/Austria
Hungary taking care of N.Italy
Hungary taking out Prussia Bear
Germany/N.Italy being cute
Germany/N.Italy cooking (I can't think of any other specific Gertalia pics cuz I am fail D: )
Everybody cooking w/ Russia sitting and reading a newspaper
Drinking - Prussia & Germany & Hungary beer, Austria & N.Italy wine, Russia vodka?
Manly Man Contest (Hungary wins)
Shirts & pants (& footies)
Hot chocolate
Movie night - popcorn, TV
Various cuddle puddles
Pillow fight
PJs are just a maybe if we aren't to worn out after the normal shoot. And I know only me, Hashi, and Valeria really have PJs, but they're derpy anyway so ya'll could totally throw together something silly if you wanted. We were thinking Auricle could wear the Fifa outfit at least or something. >w>
Settings would be Hashi's dorm for the cooking (and PJs?), and probably Smith food court area for the drinking since we lack chairs and table space in the dorm. Everything else, no idea. Pray to the weather gods I guess. D:
Also 200 PAGES OF POSM + OCD SHENANIGANS. GO US. *communal awesomefive!*