derp derp
Thanks for the clarification, Felix. The Pollux and Castor thing didn't occur to me AT ALL. I am so not versed in the Classics. : (
Eridan is just SO TERRIBLE. Like, really amazingly awful. I love him dearly anyway. Like, that shot where we saw him right before the 3x Smackdown Combo, he came back right after his flight of GODAWFUL and I was still like "~Eridan~" and I don't know why. D:
Pretty much the only troll that I'm really meh on Tavros. He's so pathetic he can't inspire any positive feelings in me at all.
Oh, and Equius. That lost shot of him with the bowstring will forever stick with me and make me go als;jdflkas. But I still like him better than Tavros.
My schedule is still a horrible stressful mess and I'm checking it several times a day trying to make it work and aaargh.
pfff I forgot to post the thing I originally came here to post because I got distracted thinking about Homestick. SOME REASON I THINK THIS IS REALLY CUTE. I DUNNO MAN, THOSE TWO ARE JUST TOO ADORABLE.
in other news, I am using this time that I am spending skipping Russian to be overly social and coordinate-y on the internet. GREAT USE OF MY TIME, RIGHT?
This post is so long I'll just edit it to add more stuff! New Ane!
And there was a new Starfighter a couple days ago, in case people missed that.