I almost died of laughter.
Justin Bieber Doesn't know what German Is...
Okay so I don't care for his music or him at all but you ever think that he didn't understand the question? The dude worded it really weirdly.
I mean "Is Justin uhhhh, sorry Beiber, german for basketball? true or false," the way he said it 'german' would be the stating of an opinion and that makes no sense. To what I understand he was asking about his last name.
I don't mean to thoroughly dissect this but I've seen it before and it made me kind of mad because yeah, the way he said it, the question made no sense.
I don't know, I don't really like when people bash on celebrities when they haven't done anything wrong.
I mean he likes his music so does he even care that I don't? No idea but I know if I was putting myself out there I wouldn't give a damn about what some fans say. You can either like me or don't but people shouldn't bash on him for a misunderstanding, people shouldn't bash on anyone for that.
/end small rant
Ya'll can hate on me now. *shrug*