Author Topic: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?  (Read 1612 times)

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Offline lychee-twist

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What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« on: June 11, 2010, 11:54:08 pm »
Hey, guys, there's a lot of people out there who are new to cosplay, and I think that maybe a tip board would be a good thing.

If you've got any experiences you want to share and lessons learned, post them here! Let's help the new guys out!

1) Cosplay is expensive. Beware if you want something super accurate and don't want to spend dough. Chances are it will not happen.
2) For the love of god give yourself time to create!
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

Offline ~boogiepop~

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2010, 12:15:56 am »
1) Shiny fabric is a sometimes thing. Costume satin is not your friend.
2) Wear pantyhose or tights with your bare legged costumes! It hides all the imperfections that your legs might have and they look good in photos.
3) Don't be afraid to get involved and talk with people at photoshoots. If you have an idea for a photo let someone know.
5) Always, always, wear makeup with cosplay. No ones skin is perfect, put on some foundation and a little mascara for your costume at least.

I could probably come up with more but I'm lazy.

~2012 cosplay mofos~
Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim, Miria Harvent- Baccano!, Filia- Skullgirls, Milk- Pop'n Music

Offline Seraph

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2010, 12:17:46 am »
Research Research Research
And do more Research.
Did I mention Research yet?

And then know when & how to improvise when your plans hit the brick wall..
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 12:18:40 am by Seraph »
"Hm, the Moe is strong with this one..."
Kylite-"You and your TV Tropes!"<Refering to This Troper's ruined voc

Offline Felix

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2010, 03:28:48 am »
Know proper con etiquette and don't make an ass of yourself.
Ask before taking pictures - if the cosplayers say no it's not because they're being mean; they probably have somewhere they need to be. If someone says no respect that. Same goes for hugs/glomping. Most people don't mind, but some cosplayers have delicate costumes or may be uncomfortable being hugged by a stranger. You don't want to be the person who breaks a costume someone worked hard to create.

Also, don't do things like Nazi salutes. Acting is part of cosplay, but if your character is a nasty person it's best to limit being in-character to photos only. (but Nazi salutes shouldn't be done in public at all.) The con is an all-ages event; keep in mind that there may be young children around.

...on a related note, practise poses before the con. Many novice cosplayers get to the con and realise they have no idea what to do when asked for pictures. It's a good idea to go back to the source material and observe how the character moves. Subtle changes in the way you carry yourself and the energy of the pose can make a huge difference. Have more than one, especially if you're cosplaying a popular character.

It's better to have one really excellent cosplay that you wear all three days than multiple shoddily-done cosplays. Don't feel bad if you only have time/money for one - quality is more important than quantity.

Please wash daily and wear deoderant! It doesn't take long and makes the con experience better for everyone.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2010, 12:34:41 pm »
Seconding what Lychee said, if you want a really accurate costume, it's gonna cost you. Believe me.

I personally believe in the cosplay attitude of "go big or go home". If you wanna do it, give it your all and do it right. Most of the time that comes with experience and trial and error. :P

Be careful when commissioning people online that you don't personally know. Check out their work and credibility. has a list of commissioners that have been graded based on quality, communication, ect. Look at it before going through with a commission.




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Offline Ticra

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2010, 07:46:13 pm »
I try to always utalize what I can that's already made. Have something from a past year that would work if you alter it? DO IT. you'll prolly never wear that costume again anyway. Don't get so attached to stuff that it buries you. Or use stuff from thrift stores, making stuff from scratch is harder than you'd think.
I have an 'idea book'. As a costumer for a BIG group, and as a generic designer, whenever I go to do anything for costumes or work I take my book. I dedicate a page to a list of stuff IN DETAIL that I need, pictures of the costume from every angle I can find as well as other people's takes on the costumes and fabric swatches from stuff I've already used so I can match colors.
Don't go overboard, (something I constantly struggle with) particularly in your first year or so. I LOVE making big intense projects, whcih I've done right since my very first year. But my first year and several years after that, have had MULTITUDES of disaster becuase I overestimated what I could do. It's depressing. and I'm overstressed, exhausted and frusterated. DON"T DO IT. build yourself up to it.
HAVE FUN. more than anything, Cons are kind of a big fellowship/party. Don't get so overstressed about the costume part that the con is totally based around it. YOu'll never be satisfied that way.
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Offline lychee-twist

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2010, 11:53:49 pm »
Felix, I totally second the Nazi salute thing. That is pretty much just as bad as coming to Kumoricon in a KKK uniform. What happens in private photoshoots or in your hotel room, I really don't care, but if you're in a public area of Kumoricon, please keep anything unacceptable away.

Also, please keep your voice down. Screaming, shrieking, and yelling is largely very annoying to everyone outside you and your friends. This is double-y important when it gets dark out. People do sleep at cons. I know, it's shocking, but it does happen.

If you are stumped how to do something, by all means ask the forum. There's lots of people who can help out here.

If you're on your own, think outside of the craft/material stores. A lot of con supplies and ideas can come from walking around Lowe's or Home Depot.
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2010, 11:49:08 am »
Just because someone is in a costume that looks squishy and huggable, doesn't mean that they themselves are very squishy and huggable people. They may rip your head off. Ask politely for a hug, don't just run up and hug them.

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2010, 12:29:34 pm »
Another piece of advice:

Never, EVER touch a part of someone's costume without asking. This has to be one of my biggest peeves. Not only is this extremely rude, but you could also damage the costume as well. Always ask, you never know if something is fragile. ;)

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Offline Ticra

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2010, 01:16:27 pm »
yeah, actually on the tutorial thread there's a really bomb tut about posing and con ettiquite.
It's worth a read even for the experienced folks out there. Not only is it WAY true, and worth remembering but it's also kinda funny.
I'd post the URL but I don't have it on me...:/
I eat toasters 0_o

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Offline Ticra

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Re: What advice would you give novice cosplayers?
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2010, 01:20:04 pm »
ahh, here it is. Check it out folks!
I eat toasters 0_o

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