Author Topic: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot  (Read 4524 times)

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Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« on: June 17, 2010, 09:41:51 am »
Hey! I noticed someone here making the official list for photoshoot times and there wasn't anything set down for Pandora Hearts!

So, what day and time would work well for everyone? :D I'm pretty much open for anything so all suggestions welcome!
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 12:40:28 pm »
Sine we are both cosplaying in Loveless and Pandora Hearts we will run into eachother a lot , I just realized .))

Well , I'm not sure . First day ? It's gonna be so confusing for me . xD If I'm being Young Gil ( If I get him finished and get mah contacts .) half of the first day and Oz the other half , which should I go to the Photoshoot as ? D: /CONFLICT

I say First day ...noonish?
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 07:33:49 pm »
I would love to get a picture with you in your little Gil cosplay! It would make my whole trip. ^^ My friends and I were already going to try and track you down to get pictures. xD Now knowing we both are going to be cosplaying from Pandora Hearts and Loveless, it'll be easier to find you. ^^
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 11:54:39 pm »
Well , I just ordered my yellow contacts , and I hope to get him finished by con , lol . The only problem I have is I have to be very accurate lol . So I'm working out to lose my butt and I'm afraid I'm too tall . DDDDD: But oh well , I'm there to make people smile as gil and be afraid of all the neko people running around at con . xD

I think me and you are the only active ph cosplayers on the fourms for the time being . D:

I'm arriving a day before con at the hotel , are you going early too , or the day of ? I already plan to meet up with the Xerxes cosplayer on the first day when he gets off the train ! I could arrange to meet up with you too if you're going early ! xD
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 01:04:23 pm »
I'm pretty picky out my cosplaying. I've been trying to lose some weight before the con. xD I'm also gonna be way to tall for Oz. xD I'm 5'8" and my Gil cosplayer in my group is shorter than me by like two inches. I'm still gonna have fun though. ^^ I made a scythe to go with my outfit and the cloak. (Its from the manga.)

I did notice that we were the only Ph cosplayers still talking on here. xD It's kinda sad.
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 03:22:56 pm »
OHDOOD . I'm totally feeling better as being Little Gil then ! 8D I'm shorter than you ~! I'm like 5'4" -5'6" ish . xD

Do you have any pics you could show ? Of your cosplay and your scythe ?
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2010, 03:25:59 pm »
That's good to know. xD At least when we take pictures together the height difference should look right. ^^

I don't have any pictures as of yet. I'm hoping to have some here in the next week or so of both my outfits. I still have to finish styling the wigs for Oz and Ritsuka. Wigs are the number one thing I'm super paranoid about getting to look correct. The first wig I ever did was for Roxas and I spent two weeks styling it to get it right.

I'm trying to motivate myself to finish the wigs. xD I think I found it now that someone wants to see what the cosplay looks like. ^^
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2010, 04:10:33 pm »
When my contacts get here (In about two weeks) there will be atleast one picture .

I understand you wig problem though , when I start styling mine maybe you can give me pointers or I could help you (Oz's little swish is going to be a pain. ). Little gil's hair scares me though ... > W <

(P.s. I think we should just decide . :/ No one else is alive ..
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 04:13:00 pm by Aero »
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2010, 06:31:45 pm »
Yeah, the swish part is the only problem I'm finding to have. I think I'm gonna take some of the hair from the middle and have it swish over across the bangs(if that makes any sense) to get that swish style. I've looked at a lot of Oz cosplayers and many don't try to do that swish.

(Yeah, I think everyone else died here. xD Although, I think that persons who started the PH cosplay thread isn't even doing a Ph cosplay anymore. ><)
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2010, 06:35:49 pm »
Yeah , and she hasn't really kept it all that updated . D:))

Yeah , I've noticed that too , I'd figure I'd find a way to almost put it in a ponytail thing cause I did that with my normal just to mess around and it sorta look like it , but there are tons of problems following that too . xD
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2010, 06:42:10 pm »
I noticed that it wasn't updated either. There was a lot of people who dropped out and new cosplayers joined in. I know there is gonna be a Leo there now and like 3 Cheshires. xD(Be afraid Gil!)

It figures that the main character of the story would have one of the most difficult hairstyles. xD But we are dedicated cosplayers and will succeed!! :D
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2010, 06:48:37 pm »
I know , my sister wanted to dress up as cheshire just to antagonize me .  TT A TT Three Cheshires and a bunch of nekos ....fuuuuuunn .
(But in all seriousness , I am developing a cat phobia . I got a kitten a few weeks back and since then my hands , arms , neck , back , and shoulders have a bazillion cuts on them , HE CHASES ME THROUGH THE HOUSE , AND I SCREAM AND RUN BECAUSE HE WANTS TO EAT MY FEET .)

A Leo ? really ? O: Win . Yup that is the one problem with main characters , their hair is usually ,'what the crap' worthy . c:
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2010, 06:51:11 pm »
At least you will be completely into character around all the cats. xD And come Lovless cosplaying, you will very interesting to watch. xD

True. The other problem I seem to keep having with cosplaying is that pretty much any character I really wanna cosplay is a blond and my hair is a really dark brown. >< I always worry if I'm gonna look okay.
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2010, 06:59:42 pm »
You'll look fine ! c: There are tricks you can use to change the color of your eyebrows and wigs are your friend in cosplaying ! I'm telling you from personal experience , unless you absolutely have to /or the characters hairstyle is really simple / don't use your real hair . I've claimed you as my Oz cosplayer , when I'm little Gil( and when I'm not oz for my alice . lol )  regardless of how the finish project looks . So , just be confident in your work , Believe in yourself  if you aren't confident you wont have a much fun !(cheesy line) c:

(I choose characters to cosplay by if they have parts of my personailty or not. <3 It'll be a change from Gil to Nagisa . = A =)
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2010, 07:02:27 pm »
What kind of tricks do you use to change your eyebrows to match better? :D I'd be very interested in learning about this! But I'm the same way, I usually pick characters by either cosplay looks or who is my favorite and by nothing else. xD I've done acting and I have no problem to changing personalities to get into character.

And yeah, its gonna be interesting to see you change from Gil to Nagisa. xD
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2010, 07:13:51 pm »
Quiet shy and innocent (Which is how I am when I meet new people .) To loud obnoxious and childish (which is how I am normally . xD)
I've done tons of acting too , and I find if you get more in character you can have lots more fun . 8D

Well, you can find mascra and cover your eyebrows with that . Or you can put like gluestick over your eyebrow(Like elmers glue that is really easy to get of the skin .) and then paint them , or something like that . Or you can use hair color spray stuff .

« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 07:17:13 pm by Aero »
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2010, 07:16:07 pm »
I'm the same way personality wise too! :D That is so funny. Of course, I'm not like that online at all. xD But no one know who you really are online. ^^

I never thought of using that kind of stuff. I'll have to try it out. ^^ Or just say forget it. Most anime characters have dark eyebrows anyways.
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2010, 07:19:04 pm »
Yeah , I'm just always hyper online and like uber friendly . xD

And there is that too . x3 My hair doesn't match my eyebrows at all , now . Red/orange/gold layered hair with almost black eyebrows . xD DARN NATURAL ALMOST BLACK HAIR . D8
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2010, 07:21:16 pm »
Yeah. xD There is a positive side to Oz's evil hair though. Most of the eyebrows are covered by his hair. xD
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2010, 07:28:32 pm »
Point . O: Gil's is all wonky , parted weirdly and messed up . > A <  Ah well , he's adorkable so you have to forgive him . x3
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2010, 07:30:24 pm »
Gil's hair is the 'I just woke up and forgot to do my hair' style. xDD It fits him so well though. x3
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2010, 07:33:55 pm »
xD it does . Poor guy .

We shall stock up on this, yeah ? x3
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2010, 07:35:34 pm »
Do it!! :D We were gonna try and find something that looked like wine to do the Drunk scene from Ph! That is so epic!! x3 We could all pretend to be drunk and scare the real drunks away! :D
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2010, 07:39:45 pm »
/wouldn't be able to drink , unless changed in to Oz as well . xD

Lemonaide ftw . We drank like four bottles of it , when we went to the river for an out of cosplay , in character day . (Oz , Alice , Sharon and not eugene-Break . xD)

So as long as no one is allergic to lemons . We are golden . If someone is , I blame you . > >;;
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2010, 07:41:33 pm »
I think it would be funny to have two drunken Oz's together. xD 'Guess what! I see myself! See! Right there! :3'. xD

I'm pretty sure none of us us allergic to lemons. xD I'll warn them ahead of time though.
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2010, 07:48:13 pm »
Rofl . xD That'd would be so funny . Woow . I can just imagine some chaos that would go along with that . <3

( Too bad Sharon isn't going with us anymore.. ;  A ; We even have a giant fan for her .)
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2010, 07:50:18 pm »
It will be most epic. xD

My group did have an Alice, but she backed out about a month ago because she didn't want to spend the money on the cosplay. She'll probably still be joining us, but wont be in a Ph cosplay. ^^
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2010, 07:59:29 pm »
We can be a complete group ! You can borrow my Alice ! xDD
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2010, 08:01:55 pm »
Whoot!! x33 Now we just have to steal a Sharon. xD
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2010, 08:03:18 pm »
lol xD I hope there is one . D8
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2010, 08:04:38 pm »
Me too. >< Otherwise your Break will be all alone! D:
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2010, 08:06:25 pm »
gresham break aint going either . He follows sharon around like a puppy . D8 Eugene break had some friends with him and an older vincent last year , I think .. Dx
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2010, 08:07:02 pm »
Boo...We need to go find a Sharon!! :D
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2010, 08:09:12 pm »
Operation : SHARON HUNT .
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2010, 08:10:48 pm »
-Grabs cape- Away we go!! :D
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2010, 08:16:40 pm »
xDD We needs to get some black outfits and some night vision goggles . > >; THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS .
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2010, 08:22:42 pm »
Would my Organization XIII coat count? :D It is all black!
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2010, 08:28:16 pm »
Organization Oz ..lmao . Yea that'd work . My sister has a ninja outfit somewhere that I can borrow . > > ; xD
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2010, 08:30:01 pm »
Them off we go!! To find a Sharon!!
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2010, 08:35:05 pm »
Huzzah ! :  D We need a topic change .

UHM . How is style Ritsuka's hair going ? 8D
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2010, 08:43:40 pm »
I bought a mostly prestyled wig. xD all I really have to do it just put it on a fix the part and stuff. Its almost ready to go. I was gonna try and finish up my Oz wig first before that. And then when I get both of these done I'm gonna fix my Len wig I bought really, really early. xD I also bought the Len headphones that light up and work as real headphones for the cosplay too. ^^
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2010, 08:45:14 pm »
I'm jealous . I'm gonna wire My Miku outfit with El wires for Sakuracon .. I WISH I GOT THINGS THAT LIGHT UP . D8
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2010, 08:47:57 pm »
My sister gave me the money for my birthday to buy it. xD I was so freaking happy!! But since I'm doing Imitation Black Len for sure, I didn't really need to buy them. xD I'm still debating over if I'm gonna do a regular Len cosplay too next year.
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2010, 08:49:01 pm »
OO: You should see if you guys can make like a song outfit then the original !
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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #44 on: July 01, 2010, 08:52:48 pm »
I will try!! :D I think my Kaito is already decided to do Izaya from Durarara as her second cosplay. I'll see if she would do a third to be a regular Kaito too. ^^ And I'll try really hard to get the Len cosplay!!
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2010, 08:55:02 pm »
You are like my fourm best friend atm . : ' D YOU ROCK HARD CORE . xD  Cause I'll take Pirate!Hatsune to K con next year, and regular . <3
CREATER OF T.P.C. COSPLAY GROUP - Based in Gresham , wanna join ? Pm me . 8D
Alois is set for Sakura-con !!! HUZZZAH !

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2010, 08:57:48 pm »
Awesome!! x33 We were also gonna wait until Project Diva 2 came out to see what new outfits they have there. xD I'm gonna pre-order the game!!! x3 I have the first one and I'm still addicted to it.
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2010, 09:08:05 pm »
;  A ; IHU . I don't have a psp so I can't play it . > A <
CREATER OF T.P.C. COSPLAY GROUP - Based in Gresham , wanna join ? Pm me . 8D
Alois is set for Sakura-con !!! HUZZZAH !

Offline Figgles

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2010, 09:09:14 pm »
That sucks. >< I bought my PSP just so I could play Crisis Core. xDD It was so worth it.
Cosplay '14: Elliot Nightray(Pandora Hearts), Aoba Seragaki(DMMd), Karkat(Homestuck), Aelita(Code Lyoko), and Oz Vessalius(Pandora Hearts)

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Re: Pandora Hearts Photoshoot
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2010, 09:13:42 pm »
I have a ds and a wii . 8 'D That's about how up to date I am . D8 I'm saving up for project diva . I can already read a bit of Katagana , kanji and Hirgana or w/e they are spelt . so playing it wouldn't be to tough .
CREATER OF T.P.C. COSPLAY GROUP - Based in Gresham , wanna join ? Pm me . 8D
Alois is set for Sakura-con !!! HUZZZAH !