Well, I've got a list of various characters that I'll share, and why.
For starters, Kome Sawaguchi from Blue Seed.

This being the anime that led to my otaku-ness, the show will always be something dear to me. Kome is a gun-toting tom boy with long red hair and perhaps the largest rack of the women in the show. She also falls in love with the team dork. (I didn't care much for that, at first, but this idea grew on me really quick like).
Next is Eiko Rando from Geobreeders.

There are two main reasons why she stands out to me, not just in the series, but in all of anime. There are six females in the group known as Kagura in the show (one technically isn't human). Out of these six, Eiko is the only one that seems like you could take her out on a date. She also has beautiful hair (you'll see that alot in my replies). She clearly has the longest of the bunch, too. The only one that comes close in the hair-length department is their boss, and she looks too child-like for me. Since this anime isn't too well known, I think that adds to her appeal for me. Okay, so I guess that's three things...
Fighting games are among my favorite, (unless going against another person). This one was sort of tough to pick one, so I'll give the top three.
From King of Fighters (originally Fatal Fury), Mai Shiranui

I don't think this one needs explaining...
From King of Fighters (originally Art of Fighting), Yuri Sakazaki

This one is interesting; originally, I thought she was cute, but sort of young looking. I really like her taunt; it's one of the funniest in the entire game's series, and humor is important! However, after a while, I noticed in some versions of the game that her bum, (which she smacks during her taunt), is pretty nice. Later, feeling as if though this was wrong somehow, I read that in the very first Art of Figthing game, she was listed as being 18 years old. SWEET!
From Evil Zone, Midori Himeno.

This girl is clearly NOT the sex-symbol of the game, but she still shows that she has a figure. Plus, I love the red hair; it's like red fire, and her name means "green." She's also one of the more philosophical characters in the game, which has its own appeal. She also has a strong drive to better herself by facing tough challenges (which is kind of her storyline, too).
Since Ranma 1/2 is probably my all-time favorite anime series, I felt it necessary to share my favorite of Ranma's fiancees, Ukyo Kuonji.

I'm not normally one to say that I'm into nice legs, but hers are something else! Also, a big fan of her hair. Akane is cute, Shampoo is over-rated, and Kodachi's face sort of scares me. Ukyo also seems to be the one that is closest to being mentally ready to be a wife. And no, she's not in love with Ryoga! Read the manga, and you'll see that Ryoga gets a girlfriend and Ukyo might develope a relationship with a ninja that crossdresses.