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Offline Wuntvor

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KumoriCon website - FAIL
« on: August 04, 2010, 04:35:13 pm »
OK, I know this is going to make some people mad, but I just have to say something.  What exactly is the purpose of the KumoriCon webpage?  If it's purpose is to inform people about what is happening at KumoriCon and who the GOH's are, then it is an epic FAIL.  We are one month away from the convention and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on the site about what is happening this year.  No info on panels that will be running, no info on guests who will be appearing, no info on bands that will be performing, no info on exhibitors that will be attending. NOTHING! ZIP! NADA!

I attended the meeting in Eugene two months ago and know that at least one GOH had been confirmed.  I can't even find any notification of this on the Forum!  Let me ask you this, What makes you want to attend an anime convention?  Is it maybe, just maybe seeing the GOH's?  Could it possibly be to attend some special panel that is being offered?  If the idea is to get people to attend KumoriCon, it might be a good idea to TELL PEOPLE WHY THEY SHOULD BOTHER COMING!  Just a suggestion.   ::)

Here is a link to SacAnime that is happening at the same time as KumoriCon in California:

Here is KumoriCons Site:

If you are spending money on a domain and hosting service for the site, you should really put something on it, otherwise you are just throwing your money away.

If one person reply's that I can find out this stuff by visiting the forums, I'll scream.  Do you honestly think that your average anime fan will go to the forums to find out stuff about an anime convention they have never attended?  Um.. NO!  And, surprise, your regular attendees don't want to have to search the forums to find out stuff either.

If you had never attended KumoriCon, and you had to travel from another state, take a plane, or drive your car for over 5 hours to attend, would you bother after looking at the website as it is right now?  Would you make advanced reservations?  Would you reserve a hotel room?  Be honest now.  Would you?

Rant over  >:(
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  d b    Stretch: Aw!  Two of them!  That's even worse!

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2010, 11:00:28 pm »
I can tell you one GoH :P Anime Hunters will be back, but it doesn't say that anywhere. Just insider info. Lots of people do seem upset about this. It does seem that the staff is much more disorganized this year. I personally go to cons to hang out with friends but a lot of people don't. For now I am not too upset. If the schedule doesn't come out till the night before then I will be mad.

But if I was given a choice to go to any con I would probably go to one that was organized and had their events planed out already.

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 12:05:29 am »

To avoid repeating some thing, there are some "explanations" over yonder:

Offline AllyKat

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2010, 02:38:37 pm »
To Be Fair To Everyone:

You are right, no guests, no panels and no content has been explicitly announced on the

Looking through the history it appears it historically does not get announced until Mid August.
However, I understand how this can frustrate the average attendee who may want to wait to
see whats being offered at a convention before chosing to come. For them all I can do is say
I am sorry a system was not set up to announce these things for you in a time frame of your

While most of these offices are completely out of my hands, I am going to do my best to
compile some kind of temporary and unofficial programming and guest of honor list that will
be up either midday or before midnight on August 7th (After the General Meeting).

Thats honestly the best I can offer anyone for my personal action on the subject.

I know a lot of our higher up staff are, quite frankly, getting burnt out. They've been working
so hard on this convention for several years in some of the highest stress positions open to
staff and they have been doing their jobs so well it is amazing to me how they can maintain
personal lives and the conventions upkeep. So perhaps I give our Executive level staff and
coordinators and managers a little too much leway. Maybe thats my personal fault.

I can assure you there will be Guests of Honor. It's not my position to properly announce them
but the one I have heard I am excited for. There is also going to be some awesome panels and I
may even be running a few! As far as I know we are putting the Kaibosh on BANDS for this year,
do to set up, effort and time it is a hinderance and dissalows the young'ins from going to the
dances. This is our solution. As for other specific events, give me this day and ahalf to find out
what I can and give you an unnoficial list for the site and for the forums. I'll do my best.

I just want to make sure everyone one understands that being a Director is INCREDIBLY difficult.
And in the past few years the situation has almost practically come down to either the person
who has been doing it for 2 years continues to do the job or no one will be in the position.

What does that say? It says that these people are working hard, doing their best in a job no one
wants to do. Hey, if you want to do it, think you can do better, start training, by all means every
meeting we ALL say we want staff and we want assistants to train for the future of our positions.

But please do SOMETHNG besides flame us about how unorganized we are. For a staff of a little over
150 of a convention of 6k, I think we are doing a pretty darn good job myself. Maybe not up to
your personal standards, but we are still learning.  This is my first year as staff, I've got some
room to grow. We all do. But please help us, don't be upset with us. Even if you can't be staff,
convince your friends who can, talk up staffing and the convention every where you go. The littlest
bit helps. But waht doesn't help is telling us that the convention is going no where in a public venue
without getting all the facts. It just breeds dissension.

I'm not saying don't critique us, trust me, I need your input more than anyone I think. I want
to hear everyone tell me what I can do to improve... but keep it at the constructive, and remember that we don't do this for money or for the fame and fortune. We do this because we care about the con.
And we put as much as we can into it. Just please remember that and we will remember to keep the con
true to its attendees.

Thanks guys.
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Offline RemSaverem

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2010, 02:46:07 pm »
   I actually thought that it was possible that less publicizing of GOH, etc. might be being done this year so that we were not overbooked, given our size constraint issues last year. (I think it was more like 4500 than 6K, I don't know if the hotel would allow 6K.)
   I echo what Ally said in the sense that our Directors have formidable task lists and time pressures and have maintained an amazing con through a ton of work for no pay and little recognition.
   On the one hand, I think that it's tremendously valuable for the con when there is continuity of Directors across more than one year, and that when folks run opposed, it is often because the person has done such a superlative job and is so genuine and likeable that it just would seem superfluous and unnecessary for anyone else to run.
   On the other hand, we also might consider what it would take to make positions seem more feasible to anyone to even contemplate. There might come a time when people who have been doing an impeccable job simply need time off for something else in their lives, but might feel wary to leave the positions if no one else sufficiently familiar with the magnitude of and variety of tasks involved in the given directorship is willing to take on the plethora of huge responsibilities or has the time, money, transport, & childcare/petcare to make all the meetings.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 02:47:48 pm by RemSaverem »
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
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Offline AllyKat

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2010, 03:44:49 pm »
Hey! Check the front page... some one heard our pleas from the heavens!

Yehaaa! I can finally say I am SO FREAK'N EXCITED FOR TIFFANY!!! YES
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Offline BigGuy

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2010, 04:30:08 pm »
Also, we can't even mention a guest in any sense until all the contracts are signed. A lot of people won't even think of us till after Comic con, so getting anything out of them before that is tough.

And to echo Ally, if you see something not getting done the way you would do it, or not the way you'd like it done...JOIN STAFF AND HELP US. Sitting back and complaining doesn't help anyone with anything. Instead of saying "this sucks! why isn't it better?" step up and say "how can I help?"

 Being staff and having a sense of ownership of this convention is amazing, to see something you work on grow and succeed and seeing people having fun at the con or mini events is the real reason I come back to staff every year.

I don't know if there is any data on it, but I think our con has grown by word of mouth and reputation far more than the content of our website.
 We're working on it.
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My own voice faltered
My wings no longer had the strength to fly
 -Lagoon Engine Einsatz-

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2010, 06:21:56 pm »

And to echo Ally, if you see something not getting done the way you would do it, or not the way you'd like it done...JOIN STAFF AND HELP US. Sitting back and complaining doesn't help anyone with anything. Instead of saying "this sucks! why isn't it better?" step up and say "how can I help?"
Even better is to look at what *does* work so wonderfully, & say, "This rules! How can I help!"

 Being staff and having a sense of ownership of this convention is amazing, to see something you work on grow and succeed and seeing people having fun at the con or mini events is the real reason I come back to staff every year.

I don't know if there is any data on it, but I think our con has grown by word of mouth and reputation far more than the content of our website.
Absolutely. I gather that our rep is really about being a fun, laid-back, friendly, fan-oriented place to be, & not about industry.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 06:22:48 pm by RemSaverem »
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

Offline Wuntvor

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2010, 12:55:09 am »
Thank you AllyKat, Rem, and BigGuy for responding.  I debated about posting this in a public location.   I think my biggest reason was just that this has been the same every year.  Every year I complain, every year I am assured it will get better, and every year it happens again.

Believe me when I say that I do, do my best to support KCon.  My interests in the Con are different than many, and being staff, frankly, conflicts with why I attend.  I don't want to be restricted and tied down during the con, I go to have fun!  As it is, my wife is running two panels this year and has asked me to help her out with them so I am, in small part, actively participating.  I have also been, more or less, trying to keep TUNAC alive here in Eugene.  All efforts to keep any kind of club going at UofO have failed, but I have been running my Anime Friday, out of my home, every Friday now for five years.  My problem has been the exact opposite of yours.  I do everything I can think of to promote Anime Friday and my attendance is dismal.  I tried changing the way I run it numerous times, and now I pretty much have it set up that if you show up YOU can determine what it is you want to do.  Watch anime, talk cosplay, copy AVI and MKV files, pic my wife's brain about Photoshop, Illustrator, or Wild Ginger.  Eat popcorn.   :P

Maybe what drove me to write this rant was a bit of jealousy and frustration.  I try so hard to get people to continue coming to anime related events in Eugene, and I see all those who started the whole thing working to keep KCon going in Portland.  I am a Networking student and already a webmaster for a different website.  I know that it isn't difficult to put stuff on the site.  I guess my biggest issue was why isn't there anything on the site.  also why is some of the available stuff over two years old?  There isn't anything from the last two cons for down-loadable content, and I already commented in a different thread about the picture gallery.  Having taken a course in website design as a requirement for my degree, I just cringe when I go to the site.  Not because of the sites design, or navigation, but because it fails to do what it is designed to do, which is inform the visitor about what is happening at KCon.  This isn't the fault of any one individual.  It is because of the "red tape" created from having to get the green light, and contract signings, and confirmations, and in some cases just keeping things "close to the chest".  I understand the reasons, AllyKat did a great job of explaining them and keeping a cool and non-aggressive and argumentative voice to the post.  I just think that maybe you are fighting against your own best interest here.  You have to give the fans something.  Maybe, at this point, the question is, what can we tell the fans?  Can we post that?  Get the info out on the site, drive the interest, feed the monster!  Get the KCon fever going crazy for more!  ;D

Thanks for confirming Tiffany Grant.  Any news on any other GOH's?  It seems to me that we have one GOH who has attended almost every year, but no mention of him this year.  Any local GOH's attending?  Any info on confirmed Exhibitors, either dealers or artists?  TBA isn't something I want to see one month from con.  I know you are having a meeting this weekend.  I am actually waffling about driving up to go to it.  The last two I attended here in Eugene were so short and didn't really allow much in the way of non-staff input.  (my understanding, I may have been wrong) I question that even if I show up, what can I do?
"Is there any new business?"
"Yes, put content on the website."
"Terry, your not a staff member, you can't add new business, anyone else have any new business?" (or something like that)   :-\
(\,@/)  Quote from -  Rock & Rule
(=','=)  Stretch: MOK! Don't let him get us!  He'll put a heck on me!
 //_\\   Dizzy:    Hexx, Stretch.  Hexx.
  d b    Stretch: Aw!  Two of them!  That's even worse!

Offline camname21

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2010, 03:54:38 am »
To add to the BigGuy there, unless you help out you really don't understand what it takes to keep this costume crusade a float.  Sure the main website could use more info on events sooner, but a lot of stuff still isn't confirmed this late, with con just weeks away.  What is known will only get displayed when the people have time to organize and put it up.  Most of these people work full time and or have school they are attending.  They don't always have the time that they would like to put into the convention if they want to sleep for the next day.  I know from working as staff at last year's convention that they do great with the people they get.  They manage to get by with about half the volunteers it should take to run the con because what people they do get work harder there then at their real jobs, with probably half the sleep they should have or non at all.  

If anyone wants to see improvement they should join staff and ask to do what they think needs improving.  You don't need any experience at all, I staffed last year without having been to an anime convention before.  Kumoricon doesn't just need people at the convention, they have other things to work on throughout the year like this website and it's upkeep.  If I was running this ship I would appreciate the feedback, but at least be productive and help out too.

                                            :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)  Thanks  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 03:54:51 am by camname21 »

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2010, 08:27:02 am »
"Any info on confirmed Exhibitors, either dealers or artists? "

I was just getting ready to submit names and websites to be posted on the main page. I am still waiting on contracts, but being a month away from con, the names need to go up. You will see stuff up by or after Saturday's meeting. We have a full AA this year with some new faces and returning ones. Another thing returning this year is the much anticipated AA daily art raffle. I will post info on that once I can make sure the raffle times do not conflict too badly with the program schedule.

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2010, 01:56:17 am »
its because its someone so awesomely epic is coming it would blow your mind if you knew! -pokes Allycat to nod in agreement-

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2010, 12:04:29 am »
I don't just nod...

I SPEAK In Agreement!

K-con is full of awesome and letting the awesome out early could
potentially cause an overdose of way schway!
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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2010, 12:21:07 am »
Someone needs to make a video of the con this year...  like a real pro video for promotion.  That way when we get a better/bigger place all the random people know how awesome we are and we will even hit cap there.   mmm 10,000 anime fans?????? YES!

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2010, 11:50:41 am »
I know this year is going to be epic, thanks to the creativity & dilligence of staff & panelists & Directors!

Terry, when I did come to Anime Friday recently, it was awesome. That it is on Friday is what has made it hard for me to attend, but it is my intent to come at least a couple times a month all rainy season, & to bring some folks from the new Emerald City Cosplay Corps with me.

Meantime, as for those saying Terry should get involved more directly, volunteer, etc., I am thrilled that in addition to his wife, Shelley, who is a very talented graphic artist, giving 2 panels in Creation Station (1 on Vector illustration software; 1 with Andi from Cosplay on Pattern-Making Software), Terry is volunteering in Creation Station this year. Thanks, Terry!

Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
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Offline shikyo

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2010, 03:27:51 pm »
I don't mind stuff being posted in August, I buy my badge early whether they have stuff up or not, I like going to this con and will continue. :)

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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2010, 04:00:38 pm »
I don't mind stuff being posted in August, I buy my badge early whether they have stuff up or not, I like going to this con and will continue. :)

I think you nailed it - for those who decide based on guests of honor (GoH's), and need to make plans well in advance, I'm sure that not knowing until the last minute is horribly frustrating. But I think the large majority of us go for other things - the atmosphere, the people, the camaraderie, the cosplay, and so on. Which means our decision is already made months before even the most major cons would be able to give advance notice of their GoH's.

If we were in Japan or had a snowball's chance of scoring major Japanese GoH's, I might fall farther toward the former group. But unless a con is several hundred miles away, I don't think I'd ever go or not based on their GoH's.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 02:40:26 am by randompvg »
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Re: KumoriCon website - FAIL
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2010, 02:36:47 am »
I personally believe the site is very good! I have seen websites for cons where they dont even show the panels they have already. (one that doesnt show alot) I like Kumoricon because i know alittle more than others. Also, i dont go for the guests. I personally dont even care about the guests, but i love meeting up with my friends from all over the west, cosplaying, and having a great time. The website shouldn't stop you from going -_-