Author Topic: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)  (Read 34939 times)

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Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« on: August 09, 2010, 01:01:41 pm »
Has Mother Nature ever interrupted your fun during conventions?
I don't know about the rest of you girls, but I'm always worried that the morning of Con I will start and my day will be ruined.
Why? Cause Mother Nature has blessed me with immense pain and a great immune system that fights off my pain pills for about an hour and a half when I first take them.

So, what do you girls do when this happens to you?
I ask because a convention isn't like going to school everyday. At a convention you could be wearing as little as a bikini and a miniskirt if you are Rikku (FFX-2) or a huge poofy dress with a million petticoats if you are CC (Code Geass) in her black dress.
Some outfits aren't very bathroom friendly and others aren't Mother Nature friendly.
I also ask because I know there are a lot of girls out there who are thinking this question and are just too embarrassed to ask. I know they look on their calendar where they mark that dreadful day and go, "; 3; Kumori-con..... Why....?" So let us help them pre-plan and be prepared for that blasted day so no fun will be ruined because of Mother Nature!

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 01:03:45 pm »
Oh no, I'm so sorry! ; 3 ;
It must suck to feel pain around that time.
Mine has never bothered me, so I'm good, but I feel bad for people whom it does affect!

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2010, 04:16:12 pm »
I'm very simular...And mine is evil and decides for be around the beginning of the month....Which will be when Kumo happens ;A;

Mainly, I just deal with it....And especially if I'm wearing white bottoms, I go to the restroom more often, to make sure nothing has happened...

And if something does happen, run to a hotel room right away to take it off and soak in soup and water. This will prevent it from staining. And sadly, you probably won't be able to wear that cosplay for at least the rest of the day...But **** happens...
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2010, 04:47:02 pm »
I think I'm really odd, for nearly the whole week before mine, I totally just lose it. And I think that's the only thing that I would be worried about if it happened around con. I go insane, I get mad real easy and I cry over not getting my top ramen in Oriental flavor. If I happen to have my period I just bring a TON of extra pads, and cover my self with them. (xD It's funny but it works.) Then I come back in like three or four hours, five if I'm pushing it, and change 'em.

And I'm with neko, mainly, I just handle it and try to be as nonchalant about it as possibly.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2010, 06:37:47 pm »
well, I'm not too bad off when I get them. I don't mood swing too much (except for the occasion quite burning frustration, but that blows over quickly at a con), and I don't get cramps.
I DO however get prodigious headaches/migranes. So I have to be careful to bring advil whereever I go. :p

I'm pretty positive mine falls RIGHT on con this year. Ugh. Same with another member of my cosplay group, which is a little annoying. But I'll just deal. I luckily am wearing pretty bathroom friendly pants all three days. Although on day I'm a moogle so I'll be in all white. The trick is, if you're concerned about stains or something awful happening, wear dark safety shorts. It helps prevent those sort of crisises. This of course only works if you're in white, and not in swim suits. I suppose if you were...well. shoot.

I guess it all about makin sure you have what you need to really take care of that issue while your at conspace. Make sure your friends know whats up (if you're comfortable enough) so they can help make sure that you have a good con experience. And try not to think about it too much! That can sometimes make things worse.

Con is one of those things that I look foward too all year. so it'd take a fair amount of work to ruin it for me. Last year I had some kind of food poisoning that would really hit me in the mornings, but I dealt with it, and once I was dressed and woke up, it got better, and I didn't feel anything at con. I managed to have a great con experience despite everything. *shrug* that's just the way it is.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2010, 06:54:33 pm »
I never understood the big deal, since it's never really bothered me before ouo In fact, I usually don't even notice it start until it's too late... ;u;

But it does make me really snappy right before it, which has happened at a con three times for me (Out of the 9 cons I've attended :T)

My suggestion if you need to use a restroom and you're costume's a bit big, find a bigger bathroom away from the con, since those will be less crowded and you can probably get the huge stall. I can't make any specific suggestions since I never have to go when I'm downtown though ono

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2010, 07:29:44 pm »
Hehe, I never even commented myself on this! ^^;

Anyways, here it goes!

As you guys read, I have pretty painful cycles and normally it wakes me up. The pain comes hardest just before I start and it's so bad that no matter how deeply I'm sleeping, I will instantly wake up. I take about three pain pills when I first start because of the level and then I take two the rest of the time. So the first day it's three in the morning, two and lunch, two at dinner, and two before bed! Then the rest of the time it's two all the time. I take Ibuprofen because it works best for me and the limit is 8. I go over the first day but only by one so it's not terrible though I wouldn't recommend it if you don't know your body very well and what it can take. I also have prescribed Hydocodone for when it is really bad but don't ever mix your pills!

I personally don't do tampons. I tried them once and it was too weird for me to have something stuck up there. So I prefer maxipads.
But no matter which you prefer, I would start wearing a pantie liner two days before you are supposed to start because you really never know if your body wants to throw you a little surprise party. If you wear tampons, I would continue to wear the liners just in case you get so busy during con or if you are far away from a rest area that you still won't ruin your panties or outfit. If you're a heavy bleeder, I would wear both a tampon and a maxipad just to be safe if you know you are going to be going to a lot of places and you don't know when you'll be able to get to the bathroom.

Personally, even if I did wear tampons, I would never wear them to a con. You never know when bathrooms will be unavailable and tampons are very dangerous. You have gasses that leave your body and a tampon plugs up those gasses inside of you. This can cause dangerous infections and illnesses. That's another reason I don't wear them period (no pun intended...).

For Maxipads with skimpy outfits, stay away from the ones with wings. Especially if you are wearing a bathing suit or a skirt. If you don't bleed too badly, I would get the small set so it doesn't look like your packing if someone so happens to take a peak when you aren't expecting it. Just remember that they don't hold as much as the medium or large ones so if you normally wear those, you'll have to make more bathroom trips so things don't get too messy.

Most importantly (and I would hope most obviously...)?
Wash yourself! Take care of yourself down there. Things may get busy and you may not always have time for a shower if your roommates are asleep but if you're on your period, keeping clean is a major part of it! If you know your night is going to be crazy, take a shower in the morning. If you can't shower at all, run the bath while everyone is getting ready and take a dip when they are all asleep.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2010, 07:47:03 pm »
Wow, a topic about periods and the word period has only been said once?  Come on guys, we're all big girls.  Whatever boys happen to drift into this topic can get over it and press the backspace button.  Let's all say it together now,

fake edit: the poster above me posted as I was typing this, but.  lol.  my point still stands. 

I used to get really awful periods with horrible cramping that would last the full week of bleeding so a couple years ago I got on birth control, and it's sooooo nice.  I'm able to plan my periods around cons, so I never have to worry about bleeding.  I just have to remember to take my pill on time.  Fortunately, since I've adjusted to it by now I don't have any negative side effects whatsoever, and periods are way lighter and way shorter.  I would highly recommend this to anyone who has bad periods. 

BUT, let's pretend I'm not gifted with prescription...pills... Tampons are MUCH.  MORE.  EFFECTIVE.  You don't feel like you're walking around making noise in a wet diaper, and the discomfort last for a short amount of time before you completely get used to it.  Not to mention, (unless you have a....serious vagina ph balance problem or something) you can leave it in all day and only have to take it out at the end of the day... No trips to the bathroom to check if you're overflowing or if you need to change.  Personally, I'm terrified of public restrooms and WILL NOT USE THEM under pretty much any circumstances, so for me, that's a huge plus.  If tampons are uncomfortable for you, you're probably wearing them wrong... When you put it in, you should push right until there's the pain, then about a centimeter more just to secure it, and then let go.  That's how you know it's totally in, and I promise it shouldn't hurt any more when you're walking around.  You shouldn't feel it unless you think about it (and when you're having fun at a con, why would you?).  Hopefully if you try to use tampons you can distinguish the difference between "dirty sexuality" and "personal hygiene" and you won't have that mental block that might make it difficult to insert properly. 

WOW, wall of (hopefully helpful) text.  Anyways.  If you're concerned about a period, obviously don't plan to wear something where this could be an issue... Also, I don't know about you guys, but my bleeding tends to get worse when it's hot, so for your own (and perhaps your health's?) sake, I'd advise taking a few minutes to cool off outside whenever it gets too hot inside the hotel. 

I apologize if my post offended anyone... However, I don't feel like vaginas/periods/tampons/whatever are anything to be ashamed of.  It's a part of life and there's no use avoiding saying things for the sake of... grossed out boys, or whatever.  If there are any girls grossed out, SHAME ON YOU! 

another fake edit: Gryffinclaw Princess mentioned taking a bath, and I recently learned taking a bath/swimming during your period is totally...bloodfree!  Or, well, nothing will get out since the water creates a "plug" though obviously once you stand up.... Have a towel ready.  Or, hotel towels are usually white... Well, don't make the hotel have to buy another towel. 
lol peer pressure

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2010, 08:09:43 pm »
Serika made a good point! Shower or bath, whatever you do to clean yourself, bring your own towel! Hilton towels are white, as are most hotels. If you are on your period, you should bring your own towel. Not only for the hotel staff but your roommates. I'm sure they don't want to take a shower after you and accidentally grab your bloody towel. For period I would invest in a red towel for hopefully obvious reasons... It will never get ruined! At least, visually...

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2010, 08:17:34 pm »
I've had mine twice during con. Perhaps one other time but I can't quite remember. I always ALWAYS worry. Because then my con is slightly ruined right there. I feel uncomfortable enough to not go to raves and that's one of my favorite parts of con.

And just in general, having your period during sucks because there are those times when you have to go to the bathroom when you prefer to be doing something else or you should be doing something else. And let me tell you, having your period while having to do a skit? WORST. EVER.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2010, 08:26:18 pm »
Well, all i can really say about this is that if you think your going to get your period during Kumoricon, i would suggest wearing something that has pants to cover up more and not something like a school girl uniform. For pads i would suggest useing the maxi overnight pads because they soak up more and cover up more.
And for cramps, i would suggest takeing midol. Though sometimes it helps, it won't get rid of all of cramps if your period hurts more than normal, so for THAT i would suggest wearing a heating pad (like the kind for warming up your hands and for releaving pain. The kind that start to warm up when you take it out of the package) or something warm around your lower stomach (i'm not sure if this will work with everyone though because with me, if i get too cold around my stomach, the cramps are worse).

I hope this helped a little ^^;

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2010, 08:42:21 pm »
I am one of those uber squeemish people who is very very very uncomfortable with any of this but I feel its important to educate people and not leave a girl out to be confused and stressed out for con, con should be fun no matter what happens with your "down there" area.

(Note: I feel I have a right to be squeemish specifically because I am hemophobic... you try being a girl and hemophobic and see if you want to talk about the most horrible five days you have every month!)

*takes a deep breath*

Okay so lets talk about OPTIONS.

If you are a female you have undoubtedly researched your options as far as protection in this area. Companies have spent thousands and millions of dollars researching what works in what situations. There are options for thongs and options for night-time. Girls who prefer tampons have a million options on discretion, capacity and extra features like leak guard... of course you should research and review all the products prior to the convention, ask girls you know and do some on-line review reading to verify the claims of the company.

Go to the store and read the boxes, the instructions, and make sure you know what you are buying and for what costume/purpose. Be ready with a answer to any and all situations. Plan your check up times. Many of the Tampon options suggest a 4 hour maximum to their usefulness so I like to think ahead for reasons that I might not be able to get to a location where a changeover can occur or what not. ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP PLAN. But know your products and get comfortable with them.

Wearing feminine hygiene products at con should be a consideration in your cos-play. Just like you wouldn't wear certain products with your spandex pants or a miniskirt, you might look at your bikini bottom cos-play and realize that a light liner, a reputable tampon and a good knowledge of your bathroom options and time constraints will be the best line of defense for you. Other costumes may give you are requirement to pad on the extra protection.

Personally, I'd treat it like apart of the costume and plan your protection for each day and each specific costume. Different people require different things, and different costumes have different limitations, just
keep yourself comfortable, respect your body and you will be okay!

If you AREN'T Cos-playing... keep yourself comfortable and well groomed, I have a tendency to want to curl up in my PJ's and hide from the world... but it's a convention! Be social and fun and you'll forget your time o da month woes!

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2010, 08:42:57 pm »
I've never had mine during the con, as mine used to bug me around the end of the month. HOWEVER *grumbles* thanks to a couple certain friends of mine I practically live with, their damn hormones have messed with mine and over the course of a couple years mine has shifted to now being near the end of the first week of a month into the start of the second week of a month, RIGHT where Kumoricon is -______-

And I'm like you with pain. The pain for me only lasts the first day, but UGHGHGHGHGHG is it PAINFUL! I seriously just try and sleep through the entire first day so I don't have to deal with it, and whenever I wake up I just drug myself up some more than force myself back to bed. If I can't sleep I usually just sit all day, near crying in total pain and constantly wiggling around in different positions to make myself more comfortable. If It happens this con, I'm just going to have to deal with the pain and have a crappy 1/3 con days. I hope its on Dead Day if I must get it during the con.

All you can do is keep track of what time your comes around, pack accordingly, and cosplay accordingly to it. -______- Stupid monthly "gift" ruining everything.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2010, 08:46:24 pm »
The last three cons I went to, I was on my period, fun times. The funniest part was I had at least one crossplay all those cons lol. It made me slightly crabby and quick to my emotions, but that was only one day. And I had off and on cramps. What I did was take advil when I woke up, even if it didn't hurt yet. And if I started to get cramps, I just took another advil. (if I have imense pain, I take up to 3 pills, cause I'm growing imune to two) The stuff I use is just the costco Ibuprophen.

I prefer pads, because I'm too scared of tampons. And I put in pantyliners during the con just in case I haven't started yet. Like Saki said, a warm thing on your tummy could help your pains, and I usually do that at night when I go to bed. Also, bananas are supposed to help cramps.

also, bring some sort of stain remover and extra clothes in case you do leak on your cosplay, then you can quickly go up to your room, or the bathroom and wash it in the sink.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2010, 09:27:15 pm »
I am so glad that someone brought up this subject. It was very brave of you.
This has been a problem for me on many levels. One of them is that, I don't know if this is true for other girls or not, does anyone else find it harder to sleep during your moon? I do. I don't know if it's hormones or cramps or....I already hardly ever sleep during cons because there is so much to do (I coordinate stuff going on in 2 rooms all 3 days), so if my body has *anything* going on with makes it harder to sleep, whether it's my moon or allergies or whatever, gosh, I can get really bedraggled. And we all know what happens when we get sleep depped, our immune systems work less well & we can G-d forbid catch that nasty con crud that always seems to go around.....

Another thing that I don't know how much it happens to other people, is that my cycle becomes not predictable during periods of increased activity and/or increased stress. That means that even if the prior several months I've been able to predict within a day or two, during the month of con, I cannot predict.

So what I end up having to do (does anyone else do this?) is make two whole separate plans of potential outfits.

Why? Because I have to dress totally differently, depending. I always wear more layers during, and also, I have to wear different bras during. I don't know about anyone else, but I generally gain half to a whole cup size during, so everything fits differently, also my abdomen & ankles swell, so, I can't even plan the same socks or shoes. It is sooooo annoying.

Hopefully it's not that bad for most of you......

I would like to echo the mention that there are dangers intrinsic w/tampons. My friend's girlfriend freshman year of high school fell asleep without changing one when new to using them, went the whole next day, ended up with toxic shock syndrome, had to go to the hospital (really).
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2010, 09:32:38 pm »
yeah that sucks, There is the option of birth control pills that can be prescribed for period pain (because it can lessen pain in some peeps) it also lets you know when your due to be hit by mother nature, tho it can mess with emotions and can cause weight gain
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2010, 09:42:18 pm »
Bloating's not much fun- I don't notice it coming on, but I notice it going.  Funny thing how much a period affects life.  Sleep?  Nope.  And I get horrid circles under my eyes from lack of it.  I also tend to lose my appetite.  And life stress is a factor. 

After topping out at about 11 Tylenol in a 24-hour period, I switched to Aleve.  They last eight hours so I take one when I get up, one when I get off work, and one when I go to bed.  Much simpler, though I have to make sure to take them at the first hint of pain (even if I don't think it's time yet).  If I don't, they won't kick in for a good hour, if then.  And make sure you drink a lot of water (not milk!) and take them before eating.  Eating makes them take much longer to kick in, and milk helps keep them from absorbing.  There are some days Aleve isn't quite enough, but I won't mix pills and won't take another one, since they're rather powerful.  But it's better than the stomach problems Tylenol gave me. 

It seems like it would be natural that you wouldn't be at the same time of the calendar month year in and out- we don't run on a lunar calendar anymore.  Or maybe I'm just in the minority on that one. 

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2010, 11:40:10 pm »
(Ok, shame on me...this stuff grosses me out!) I get the most. horrible. cramps. for my monthly 'gift'. Sometimes I get extremely ill. There is not enough ibuprofen in the world to relieve the pain. (Sometimes I can't even keep the medicine, or even water down) Don't ever do what I do...It's stupid and can damage your liver...and who knows what else. Sometimes I keep taking ibuprofen until the pain goes away. It can be 2-3 pills every 2hrs to keep the pain away, or just to make it GO away, because the first 2 doses an hour apart didn't do anything. (My uncle, who's an optometrist, suggested I should mix Tylenol with ibuprofen, to decrease my ibuprofen intake...dont really do it that much)  My very first con, I was gifted with dealing with this irritant, and wound up leaking on my cosplay...(Wow...what a thing to happen at your first con! >> ) My Saber costume from Fate/Stay Night...It's not monthly gift friendly...Huge skirt and petticoat... I was lucky nothing got on the 'dry clean only' skirt...shorts are a lifesaver!! Luckily my period that time wasn't one of the really bad ones...

Double check with your doctor, pharmacist (drug interactions), etc...But I've found the herbal supplement vitex really helps with the symptoms when taken regularly...but I kinda stopped for a while when I misplaced mine...gotta find it!

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2010, 12:33:25 am »
Wow, a topic about periods and the word period has only been said once?  Come on guys, we're all big girls.  Whatever boys happen to drift into this topic can get over it and press the backspace button.  Let's all say it together now,

fake edit: the poster above me posted as I was typing this, but.  lol.  my point still stands. 

I used to get really awful periods with horrible cramping that would last the full week of bleeding so a couple years ago I got on birth control, and it's sooooo nice.  I'm able to plan my periods around cons, so I never have to worry about bleeding.  I just have to remember to take my pill on time.  Fortunately, since I've adjusted to it by now I don't have any negative side effects whatsoever, and periods are way lighter and way shorter.  I would highly recommend this to anyone who has bad periods. 

BUT, let's pretend I'm not gifted with prescription...pills... Tampons are MUCH.  MORE.  EFFECTIVE.  You don't feel like you're walking around making noise in a wet diaper, and the discomfort last for a short amount of time before you completely get used to it.  Not to mention, (unless you have a....serious vagina ph balance problem or something) you can leave it in all day and only have to take it out at the end of the day... No trips to the bathroom to check if you're overflowing or if you need to change.  Personally, I'm terrified of public restrooms and WILL NOT USE THEM under pretty much any circumstances, so for me, that's a huge plus.  If tampons are uncomfortable for you, you're probably wearing them wrong... When you put it in, you should push right until there's the pain, then about a centimeter more just to secure it, and then let go.  That's how you know it's totally in, and I promise it shouldn't hurt any more when you're walking around.  You shouldn't feel it unless you think about it (and when you're having fun at a con, why would you?).  Hopefully if you try to use tampons you can distinguish the difference between "dirty sexuality" and "personal hygiene" and you won't have that mental block that might make it difficult to insert properly. 

WOW, wall of (hopefully helpful) text.  Anyways.  If you're concerned about a period, obviously don't plan to wear something where this could be an issue... Also, I don't know about you guys, but my bleeding tends to get worse when it's hot, so for your own (and perhaps your health's?) sake, I'd advise taking a few minutes to cool off outside whenever it gets too hot inside the hotel. 

I apologize if my post offended anyone... However, I don't feel like vaginas/periods/tampons/whatever are anything to be ashamed of.  It's a part of life and there's no use avoiding saying things for the sake of... grossed out boys, or whatever.  If there are any girls grossed out, SHAME ON YOU! 

another fake edit: Gryffinclaw Princess mentioned taking a bath, and I recently learned taking a bath/swimming during your period is totally...bloodfree!  Or, well, nothing will get out since the water creates a "plug" though obviously once you stand up.... Have a towel ready.  Or, hotel towels are usually white... Well, don't make the hotel have to buy another towel. 
Please marry me xD;
Anyways, I agree on the pill part. I'm only on it for period-ness and 'cause parents made me. But it helps SO MUCH. I used to have EXTREME PAINS for my period and stuff was EVERYWHERE. /shot but, now everything is so manageable and NO PAIN.
But yeah... there's my two cents. Birth control works yeah.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2010, 02:43:33 pm »
Thankfully, I've never had my period during a con time, but I'm always afraid.
I started mine when I was in 6th grade, so about 2 years ago. Maybe 3.
And it's still irregular. Sometimes I will go 3 months without having it, sometimes I will have it twice in one month.
So I always worry.

My cramps are just horrible. It feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife and twisting it. Oii vei.
I bloat like crazy, too, that sucks because my cosplays fit me JUST RIGHT, but when I bloat, they are too small. Dx

I don't get headaches or mood swings, but I do get hot flashes, or whatever they are called.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2010, 02:52:25 pm »
Thankfully, I've never had my period during a con time, but I'm always afraid.
I started mine when I was in 6th grade, so about 2 years ago. Maybe 3.
And it's still irregular. Sometimes I will go 3 months without having it, sometimes I will have it twice in one month.
So I always worry.

My cramps are just horrible. It feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife and twisting it. Oii vei.
I bloat like crazy, too, that sucks because my cosplays fit me JUST RIGHT, but when I bloat, they are too small. Dx

I don't get headaches or mood swings, but I do get hot flashes, or whatever they are called.
I recommend seeing a doctor. Having periods THAT irregular is not normal, and is doctor-appointment-worthy.
Also birth control can help regulate periods. BIIIIRTH CONTROOOOOOOOL
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2010, 02:55:40 pm »
Agree with the above...
Your hormones are just being funky...My sister's the same way...
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2010, 02:59:58 pm »
I'll probably talk to my dad about birth control.
This should be fun. Dx *sarcasm*

He might think I'm going to have the naughty.
But I'm not.

Ah, fathers.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2010, 03:11:59 pm »
Instead of going and talking to your father about birth control, ask him if you can go to the doctors for a check up for irregularity. Then your doctor can suggest what is best for you. If this so happens to be Birth Control, you can ask the doctor to explain it to him.
Right out asking your father for birth control is dangerous and can lead to great suspicion.

Plus, your body could be perfectly normal. If you are under great stress, your period will change and normally can be quite late. After having my period for 7 years, I am still irregular if I am under stress. I have gone at least a month without during finals or in any stressful situation. And then it gets worse because I get stressed as to it being late and it gets even worse and even later. So I would check your emotions around the time you are supposed to have your period and if you are stressed, I wouldn't worry about it being late.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2010, 03:17:46 pm »
IM so glad I planned out my next period day 8| THANKfully its the week before the con.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2010, 07:20:31 pm »
Felt the need to add my two cents on the subject...
I recommend The Diva Cup (Or Lunette or Moon cup, same difference really.) If you don't like tampons, then it's absolutely out of the question. To those who are used to tampons though, the Cup is wonderful. There have been no reported cases of TSS either. Some women like them, some don't, it's basically all just preference. Here's the wikipedia article if you wish to know the details: Reviews are pretty easy to find as well.

As for cramps... The only time I get them is before my period when I haven't drunk enough water. So... Drink water? Or how about tea?
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2010, 07:25:40 pm »
As far as cramps go, they are worse the more malnourished a person is. If you have a very nourished system, your cramps will be less painful to nonexistent. Taking vitamins regularly and eating right will help your cramps immensely.

For those of you who are like, "I eat just fine and my cramps are deadly!" Well yeah, I think I eat pretty fine, too. The truth? I really don't. Just because you think you eat fine doesn't mean you get all the nutrients you need. I suggest taking vitamin pills to make sure you get everything you need. You won't see improvement right away but after some time you will start to feel less pain during your period. ^^

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2010, 08:19:44 pm »
you know it is quite awesome that we all can have a adult conversation on rather delicate, embarrassing  subject probably because lets face it, it is a pain we share.  Can you imagin a guy with a period? they would not last a day of it!  Yay us we rock!                          now 2 things that help me chocolate and steak.  Week before i crave those constantly.   
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2010, 08:39:53 pm »
now 2 things that help me chocolate and steak.  Week before i crave those constantly.   

You like steak too? ME TO! Now I don't feel so weird... yay!
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2010, 09:18:14 pm »
oh yeah give me a nice rib eye any day.  Last year went to dinner during com at the restaurant in executive hilton, new york steak to die for, Vallie (another girl who knows the value of a good steak) says she is going to kid nap me friday the 3rd for dinner cuz its my birthday,but i got to get those Vips checked in
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2010, 09:33:56 pm »
I swear, if there is a date, any time in the future when I don't want to get mine, I can guarantee that I will get it for that day, even if it breaks the cycle nonsensically! I really really really don't wanna get it but I am sure I will for con! T^T
I had it during con last year... it sucked! I am really hoping for a lucky break!

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2010, 09:39:43 pm »
Man, I forgot that there's people out there who can't use nifty sports tampons that you don't even feel that last like, all day and don't cause any problems.

That must suck.

So! My advice? If you get your period on Kumoricon and you can't wear a pad under your costume comfortably, try out tampons.

Specifically, Tampax Sport. Or any other sport tampon. They're made for people who are going to be active, they're discreet, they're small, you can't even feel them there, and they work. I'd suggest that with a thin pantliner just in case. For people with an average flow, you should only have to change once during the day.

Seriously. Tampons are little tiny lifesavers.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2010, 09:44:42 pm »
Man, I forgot that there's people out there who can't use nifty sports tampons that you don't even feel that last like, all day and don't cause any problems.

That must suck.

So! My advice? If you get your period on Kumoricon and you can't wear a pad under your costume comfortably, try out tampons.

Specifically, Tampax Sport. Or any other sport tampon. They're made for people who are going to be active, they're discreet, they're small, you can't even feel them there, and they work. I'd suggest that with a thin pantliner just in case. For people with an average flow, you should only have to change once during the day.

Seriously. Tampons are little tiny lifesavers.
I have had the most catastrophic accidents with tampons... the imagery of the Nile turned to blood comes to mind... I wish I still had faith!

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2010, 09:50:29 pm »
mine came early this month and I was grumpy and being called on it And I was like "well yeah think of the scary movie when the room opens up and the blood floods? yeah "
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2010, 09:58:37 pm »
Tampons scare me. D:
But I should probably start using them.
Once you try a tampon, can you go back to a pad? xDD

I don't know this kind of stuff.
I didn't have a mom to explain it to me. P:
My dad did.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2010, 10:01:04 pm »
You can try them but of course you can go back. ^^
Just be careful with them. You can't take them out until the are pretty full of blood or it really hurts and can rip you up inside.
I tried them once and I was like, "Screw this ****! D8<" I use pads...

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2010, 10:02:42 pm »
Okay. I'm scared now.
Death to tampons.
I'm staying with pads.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2010, 10:07:28 pm »
I know it sounds scary and I was scared when I first tried them, too. I don't use them cause I know how dangerous they can be and I don't want to risk any infections if I can't get to a bathroom when I need to. It's just like using the bathroom. It's dangerous to "hold it" because it can really screw up your insides.

You should try them though because you never know if you will like them or not. I would suggest trying them during the summer when you know you will be spending A LOT of time at home during your period. This way you can get to a bathroom when you need to and you won't have any issues of timing and such.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2010, 10:08:47 pm »
I don't think I'd like them.
Just by the sound.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2010, 10:09:39 pm »
Woah, really? I've never had a bad experience with tampons ever.

And I still use pads from time to time.

Seriously, if you get the sport ones with the plastic applicator you can't even feel them going in, and they're small enough to not hurt coming out ever.

But they still work.

Don't make people scared of tampons. They aren't evil.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2010, 10:18:06 pm »
I'm not trying to scare her, I'm just telling her my experience so she knows the dangers. She said she didn't have a mom to help her so we should help her instead. I had the ones with the plastic applicator and it was easy going in and all but I felt completely uncomfortable. Plus, I don't like the dangers that come with using them.

I think people should give them a chance because they are useful for certain situations but I don't want to tell a girl to use them without telling her the dangers as well. It's like giving someone cigarettes for the first time and not saying they could cause lung cancer.
I just don't want her to get her head into something that could be dangerous without knowing about it.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2010, 10:38:05 pm »
Tampons scare me. D:
But I should probably start using them.
Once you try a tampon, can you go back to a pad? xDD

I don't know this kind of stuff.
I didn't have a mom to explain it to me. P:
My dad did.
My dad was just like "'s some pads. Have fun." and then I had various female family friends (who weren't too smart) try to explain tampons for me....yeah they scarred me for life.
But my friend's mom who's like my mom now taught me, and everything was better. I use them if I have to, but I don't buy them or anything o no Also I didn't have too good experiences since I had to use sizes that were too big. It didn't hurt, it was just....uncomfortable...ssoooo uncomfortableeeee.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2010, 10:40:00 pm »
Tampons scare me. D:
But I should probably start using them.
Once you try a tampon, can you go back to a pad? xDD

I don't know this kind of stuff.
I didn't have a mom to explain it to me. P:
My dad did.
My dad was just like "'s some pads. Have fun." and then I had various female family friends (who weren't too smart) try to explain tampons for me....yeah they scarred me for life.
But my friend's mom who's like my mom now taught me, and everything was better. I use them if I have to, but I don't buy them or anything o no Also I didn't have too good experiences since I had to use sizes that were too big. It didn't hurt, it was just....uncomfortable...ssoooo uncomfortableeeee.

When I first started, I had to tell my dad.
Worst moment of my life.
; A ;
I was so embarassed.

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2010, 10:52:06 pm »
Tampons scare me. D:
But I should probably start using them.
Once you try a tampon, can you go back to a pad? xDD

I don't know this kind of stuff.
I didn't have a mom to explain it to me. P:
My dad did.
My dad was just like "'s some pads. Have fun." and then I had various female family friends (who weren't too smart) try to explain tampons for me....yeah they scarred me for life.
But my friend's mom who's like my mom now taught me, and everything was better. I use them if I have to, but I don't buy them or anything o no Also I didn't have too good experiences since I had to use sizes that were too big. It didn't hurt, it was just....uncomfortable...ssoooo uncomfortableeeee.

When I first started, I had to tell my dad.
Worst moment of my life.
; A ;
I was so embarassed.
Me toooo D8 And then he went around telling the whole family. And people would have "talks" with me, and I was just like "wtf does any of this mean"
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2010, 10:54:43 pm »
I tried to tell my mom and I burst into tears... worst day ever... It took me like a year before I could even say the word 'period' at all! Even when referring to the dot at the end of a sentence! It was traumatic

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2010, 10:57:24 pm »
My guy friend told me: "I don't trust anything that bleeds for more than 3 days"
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 10:57:38 pm by Mew*Haruko »

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2010, 11:00:53 pm »
My mom and sister are all like duuur huuurr 2 days
and I'm all like 6 DAYS OF PAIN

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #47 on: August 10, 2010, 11:02:34 pm »
You is oooone fertile babe.
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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #48 on: August 10, 2010, 11:11:07 pm »
My mom and sister are all like duuur huuurr 2 days
and I'm all like 6 DAYS OF PAIN
same here. ; A ;

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Re: Mother Nature Interruptions? (Girls Only Material)
« Reply #49 on: August 10, 2010, 11:22:56 pm »
girls are getting it so young these days too! 7! that is like twice the age I was when I started.

I had tv to teach me about it.

...  in grade school they did have a unit on it but they left so much out they never mentioned blood.
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