stardust, periods differ for every woman. You're probably fine, but if you feel like it's really a problem, it might be a good idea to see your doctor. The only thing I feel you need to realize is that your doctor might request a pap smear. In case you don't know, a pap smear requires you to get butt naked in that little cloth gown and have your doc go inspect your hoo-ha. Your doc takes a little stick, scrapes the inside of your vagina, and that's pretty much it.
I've had it done. It's horribly awkward, but it's really not bad at all. It's a good idea in general just to make sure everything is functioning fine (and actually its part of a woman's yearly physical). It doesn't hurt at all (at least it didn't for me), and I'm sure your doctor would be very kind about it. Even if you see a pediatrician, some peds doctors do these.
Now this does NOT mean that a pap smear will happen. I'm just saying you might want to be aware of the possibility. Usually a special appointment is made for that sort of thing.
Can you tell I work in a clinic? I work in a clinic. The exact clinic where I had my pap smear. I was prodded gently, scraped politely, got dressed, and walked about fifty feet from my doctor's office to my desk. Awkward. And mildly hilarious.
I seriously won't be able to look at you guys in your outfits without wondering whether or not you have the need for a maxi pad or a tampon.