Demony : You don't remember? Sadness. XD
I was with DancingTofu and KogaRyu in normal clothes and we were about to head to Voodoo Donuts and all of the sudden you were like, "You're so pretty..." And I was like, "Huh?! D: [/bluuuuuuuuuuuush]"
Cyprus : Yeah, you seemed pretty chill so I was perfectly fine around you.
And I'm sure I don't. People think I'm a bitch. ^^
Psh, my Sasuko was crap. XD First one I ever sewn and it still needs some major work to get it perfect. So I'm going to hold it from cons until I fix it up a bit more. But at the same time I'm working on two new cosplays I hope to show at Akicon or Sakuracon. After class today I'm going to do some homework, finish cleaning my room from the mess left behind from KumoSpaz and then bust out my sewing machine and start working again.
And I'm glad I could make you laugh. ^^ A laugh in the morning is always a good start to a day.