Answers in bold
Also, just a heads up, the joystick is a little funky. It just feels like its loose, but works fine to my knowledge.
Thanks, I think I might be interested. I can get another charger for it and all the other parameters seemed acceptable. Starting with games about two or so months ago they started requiring the 6.0+ software update to run new games. This screwed a little with my 2000 model (a silver PSP) and I am working out the kinks. Concerning accessories, I was only really inquiring about the power cables. I am thinking of it as a gift for my brother so I am worried about the joystick a little.
To business, are you someone only looking for cash/money purchases or are you a trader? I can pay you money, but I am a big fan of promoting trading, and if you aren't just looking to make some money, I can offer you $100 ($20 more than what you were asking) and offer you your pick of stuff from my post: have several thousands of dollars of stuff up for trade so if you see something you like I would be more than willing to work out a partial or full exchange with you. Buuuut, this posting is titled "Sacrifice" so I don't know if you would be interested or not
Let me know what you think.