I will be updating people's cosplays, so look here if you want to know people's plans!
Raveen92: Roy, Lust?
Nekovamp13: Envy
CLAP_Attack: Roy, Havoc?
cloud-9: Hughes
moiramctaggart: Lust
Shingami_Lover: Chibi-chan (Ed)
Shingami_Lover's bother: Al
FateChooseMe: Sloth?
Being a Sin? Need that tattoo? Go here! So, I'm gonna be Envy again. And he/she/it'll be improved!!!
With better hair, thinner/muscular body, and even purple contacts!!!
And for next year, I am trying hard to get all 7 sins! I know I have a Gluttony, Lust, Wrath and me as Envy so far. And I even have a Father!!!
I'm gonna try to convince a friend to be Pride...
And I'm talking the Anime sins, not manga, though having both would be awesome!!!!