Hello my fellow Hetalia cosplayers! It's only a few months before the Christmas season starts and i somehow felt the need to post this now xD(fff It's not even a month away now 8D)
Anyway...We've invaded Valentines day. We've invaded countless cosplay meetups. And we invaded Kumoricon from the inside out...So why not Christmas?Yes! I've disided to have a Hetalia Christmas cosplay meetup because i wanted something exiteing to do for my Birthday this year ^^
Day: Sunday, December 12th
Time: 12:30pm. Gift exchange/photoshoot will go on untill about 3:00pm or so and people can stay or leave whenever they want to after that ^^
Where: Lloyd center mall, by the elevators where Santa is.And please fill out this form so i can know who all is comeing ^^Name:
Forum name:
Present? Y/N?:
List of people who will be coming:Saki-the-cat ~ Santa!France
Fuyuko ~ Canada
sporkoon ~ Sealand (maybe)
nekovamp13 ~ Greece
nando-kit ~ Canada
GenkiIchigo ~ Hungary
Agehaix ~ Scotland or Spain
SpaceCubaLikesConan ~ Elf Prussia o.o
StarryShay ~ Christmas Belarus
Wrath-Chan19 ~ Joulupukki Finland or Liechtenstein
liquid-time ~ Lichtenstein
sandrobotticelli ~ Soviet Russia (maybe)
shipop ~ N.Italy
FullmetalApollo ~ Fem!Spain
Taikei ~ Winter!America
Zetetic ~ Ukraine
ambergen87 ~ Seychelles
Javie ~ Austria or Japan
KyoKyo866 ~ Canada
objection-tango ~ Austria
Lozootfreak101 ~ England
KinkyFriedChicken ~ Turkey
TurboSaiyanJason ~ Roman Empire
steelychan ~ Sealand (maybe)
Naruchan ~ Christmas sweater Spain
BlueElyssa ~ Poland
BlueElyssa's friend ~ Lithuania
saya-chan14 ~ Canada
ambergen87's BF ~ Thailand
FullmetalApollo's friend ~ Santa hat!America
Hosha-sei ~ Denmark(possibly)
steelychan's friend ~

Akahata ~ Chibi!America
GillyGilbert ~ Prussia
Kemeso25 ~ Canada
ChibiOrochimaru ~ Norway
Borzoi_Feet ~ Hong Kong
Manadreal ~ England
Manadreal's friend ~ France
lchama1 and her friend ~ North and south Italy
alisonclark ~ America
GAMES: White elephant gift exchange(because nekovamp13 was was nice enough to think of it o3oThanks~!)
Ok so, i'm going to ask everyone who is going to play to bring a small cheap handmade or storebought gift that that country would most likely give (like, Spain or Romano would give tomatos or China would give pandas. Hopefully something more creative than that though ^^; ). Then you would wrap them up, make sure no one knows who's giving it (no hints or putting a to and from tag on the front). The we would all put the presents onto a pile and take turns picking out a random gift. Once we all have a gift, feel free to trade gifts with other people if you are not fully satisfied with your gift ^^ (NOTE: You don't have to play if you don't want too. No one is makeing you. If you don't feel comfortable playing, then don't. Just know that only people bringing a present to play will only be able to play because we want to make sure we have enough presents for everyone.)
(Repost from page 16 =_=; )It's the white elephant and we give joke gifts ^^ But I want people to bring something as a gift that has to do with their country/character/online Hetalia jokes/jokes from the manga and anime (Lame example: Spain or Romano would give tomatos. Italy would give out pasta or a white flag. But please try and be creative as you possibly can ^^; Something that people have to guess where it came from. If that makes any sence). As for the spending limit, please make it under 5 dollars or so (even something from the dollar tree would work).
Photoshoot of Christmas madness!
If it's not raining, i thought it would be fun to have a Hetalia christmas photoshoot outside at Hollyday park right across the street from the mall (yes, i know it's not a game, but it's something to do ^^)__________________________________________________________________________________
Notes: I will post activities and other details once it gets closer to December or sometime in November. As for presents, PLEASE DO NOT BRING ME BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. I DO NOT WANT TO FEEL BAD FOR GETTING A BUNCH OF BIRTHDAY PRESENTS FROM PEOPLE I BARLY/DON'T KNOW. I would like to request that, if you do plan on bringing presents at all, please bring something like a bag of candy or a bunch of little handmade gifts, things that EVERYONE at the meetup can have. (this is a Christmas meetup after all)Also, BECAUSE NO ONE SEEMS TO READ THE COMICS*sarcasm*, you might not know where the whole "Christmas bloodbath" comes from, well, here you go:http://aph.starry-sky.com/chrismas_bonsai.html[WARNING: slight nakedness, but everything's censored by roses...but it wouldn't be Hetalia without that, right? xD](Also, I won't, at any point during the cosplay meetup, get naked or make other people get naked o___o;;; )