I think learning even one other language would be a good idea, even if it is Spanish. I had to learn a few during my lifetime. At least you're being more open-minded about it than you used to be, I will give you that. Though to get slightly off topic I have to ask, why is it that when I visit your country and see a nice device such as an ipad that I cannot have it immediately? When I talk to one of the associates they tell me I'll have to order one. It's such an inconvenience, why can't they just give me the model that is there? When I tried to take it they got angry; am I not a costumer that deserves it if I pay for it? Americans are strange and I don't think I'll ever understand them.
P.S. I am terrible with picking out gifts. I hope that it's not too bizarre, but then again, you like strange things, don't you?
P.P.S I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't find them scary in the least. In fact I found them quite amusing.