@chibiorochimaru: He does! Not to mention he's so pretty, at least I think so...
Haha, probably gonna need it quite a bit.
"So Viking Norway, how do you plan on handling the problem with nuclear weapons?"
"I don't know what these weapons are, but they sound like something worth having. As for enemies who may have said weapons, I say we'll bring forth the warriors of Odin and Thor and fight them to the death, making sure that they may not escape with their lives and take these weapons from them, and if they be good men of battle, may they join the gods in Valhalla and dine where they can feast and fight among them in the afterlife until Ragnarok! But let this be known, THERE SHALL BE BLOODSHED!"
"...what? Uh, calm down, sir..."
Oh lord...I'm going to be a nut.