I am currently in freakout mode over the fact that I might not have Yuna's staff for con. See, Heather offered me PVC for the rod and I can do that just fine. I'm just worried about the head of it. >< -cries- I might use a mix of paper mache, clay, and cardboard. Maybe ><
That's too bad about Tifa. Barret's gonna be a little lonely this year...
As for Yuna's staff, I'd suggest craft foam...but I suggest that with everything. Your idea will work just fine, though, I'm sure. Best of luck! Let me know if you need any pointers or advice. I'm much more prop minded than fabric or clothing-minded.
Also, I just took some test shots for Barret's waist-guard, and I feel really good about this costume right now. This is only to show the proportions of the waist-guard and see how it fits. The jacket in these pictures is not part of the costume, just something to show how much the vest will, essentially, cover once it's done.
Sorry about the blur with this one.
Oh, and for comparison:
I know the guard is a little too wide, but Barret's proportions are really difficult to replicate I'm realizing. I'm hoping to even out the proportion with my stance and vest, though. Wide shoulders, huge arms, and spread legs, lol. That's the ticket!