I apologize for the double post but wanted to bumo the thread since I need advice and how to rescue this cosplay. D=
So I got home from a totally lousy day at work and found my package waiting for me on my bed. I tried it on and sadly the top is significantly darker than the purple pictured online. =/
I'll have to use it anyway, but I have to say I'm really not pleased with how this costume is turning out at all. Also the red paint I used on my goggles ended up drying into a hot pink color even though it's clearly labeled "fire brick red" so I need to buy a new color to repaint that part (should be the same color as the lenses...) The wings are the wrong shape, but I couldn't find any other ones that would work well (need to add all the black lines) but I don't think I'll be able to avoid having stupid looking wing straps, and also the top doesn't actually have true sleeves and just melds into the shirt, so the wing straps kind of make the top bunch weird.... man, and I was feeling really good about finally getting stuff done too.
Here's a pic of what I have and the original Butterfree Gijinka pic so you guys can see the parts I'm struggling with.
Also this shirt is really unflattering... sad times.