I got my Tajima cosplay done~ I just need to get the wig styled still. I'm not happy with my jacket though, the closest thing I could find was a blazer, and the slacks are to relaxed. I'm sure I can get them fixed up somehow, shouldn't be that hard to do right?
Amanda is letting me borrow her Sakura cosplay, and If things fall through I'll have Hinata too. I'll be buying Amandas cosplay if it works out from her later. She says Sakura is retired for now~
Meep is commissioning my Emily cosplay, from Air Gear the school uniform. Around Christmas I'll be buying the Kogarasumaru jacket. I have a plan to Mikan maybe.
My blonde wig I'm getting from Nyahaha is being used for all three of these cosplays :p
Rave. Female Deidara is almost done. I just need the fishnet, the shirt and the headband. I'm sure my Hinata headband will be okay, considering I'm having it styled up like Sakuras headband for him.
Duskull is no where near done, my friend is making me my mask but I still need all the clothes. Black and Grey, I'm debating on a witches hat.
Namine isn't defult this year, its the school version for the panel. Doe bought the costume for me I just have to pay her back as soon as I can.
I'm quite happy with my choices this year♥