You know, I've never understood putting down someone for what they like. Really. It makes no sense to me.
Would you put someone down for what food they liked? Like, if someone was a big fan of Mexican food .. would you insult them endlessly for it? What if they went to somewhere that --gasp-- only served Mexican food?!
Then again, there are some things that make no sense to me and I have no wish to participate in. Example: wine tastings. Could not care less. Zero interest. I have zero interest in alcohol, don't want to hang out with people when the central focus is alcohol, and frankly .. I don't have anything else to say, so I shouldn't have said "and" .. ahem, anyways .. I don't go around insulting people that enjoy alcohol. I'm not walking up to someone with a Guiness beer shirt and insulting them for, you know, liking beer. I'm not insulting my sister for liking wine. Okay, I might give her a little bit of crap in the future, just for fun, but I'm not going to berate her over it.