So I'm furthering my spider story since you need to know what happened (because I say so). We're walking to the car, I go around and walk right through the spider web, after yelling "getitoffgetitoff" and being convinced there was no spider on the web, I sit, we start driving. 10 minutes later I look ahead of me at the seat and this HUGE garden spider's on there, I SCREAM, my mom's boyfriend who was driving swerved a little, my mom turns around "what what what oh sh*t" after seeing how big it is. After I saw the spider my sister squished it, causing the body to fall because of gravity, right into my lap. I spasmed, it went on the floor.
So I'm curled up in sheer terror on the seat and I look down and the body is GONE. I start flipping out and flailing with the seatbelt still on trying to get myself as far from the ground as I could.
My mom starts LAUGHING at my reaction. I'm in tears because there's an effing spider and I can't see it and it's going to eat me, my sister kills it and throws it out the window. This is when I stopped hyperventilating and just sobbed quietly still clutching my legs in the seat.
The end, I hate spiders, my sister and my mom are STILL saying stuff like "Hailey there's a spider on you." and "You need waterproof mascara."