LAST UPDATE:: 9/3/11
DRRR!! PHOTOSHOOT: There will now be 2 different shoots. There's no special difference between the two shoots besides the time difference, so choose which one you'll attend:
Day 1 | 1pm | Esther Short Park
Day 3 | Noon | Esther Short Park
--This is final. See you all there (:
Characters (for sure)::
MIKADO RYUUGAMINE - kittykat1blabla's group, the_toll_of_death's group
KIDA MASAOMI - Sugarlat, DewbMonster, Blender, kittykat1blabla's group, Kevo, the_toll_of_death
ANRI SONOHARA - agpgirl, Fachion-pari
IZAYA ORIHARA - K-Rock-Inc, Vexatious, SpecterSoturi, yumibagel's friend, kittykat1blabla's group, FluffySora, the_toll_of_death's group, PoPiPocky (psyche)
SHIZUO HEIWAJIMA- iBubbleTeax3, LtCommanderRichie, Lulu_Autumn, yumibagel, kittykat1blabla's group, OokamiYami's brother, the_toll_of_death's group, KyoKyo866, puddlejmping, PoPiPocky's friend (delic)
SHINRA KISHITANI - CLAP_attack, kittykat1blabla
CELTY STURLUSON - GaaraoftheFunk
NAMIE YAGIRI - winryrockbell27, the_toll_of_death's group
SAKI MIKAJIMA - Teddy_Bearxx
MIKA HARIMA - xLollicon, the_toll_of_death's group
ERIKA KARISAWA - the_toll_of_death's group
Characters (maybe/unsure)::
KIDA MASAOMI - nyahaha, Romo, backtoblue
ANRI SONOHARA - fleur_fraise, kittykat1blabla's group
IZAYA ORIHARA - dandanchu
SHIZUO HEIWAJIMA- 66stripedboots
WALKER YUMASAKI - kittykat1blabla's group