I'm kind of in a bit of a pickle. My best friend, who has also my supervisor at work for many years, well, her bday is 11/12, so we've gone every year to HP together, my treat, as her bday gift, since the beginning. I used to be able to get her to go to midnight premiers with me, but then she started working at 7am, ...so we started going to the first Saturday matinee last year. That's what she picked for this year...and when I mentioned that I might go earlier with online friends, it kinda hurt her feelings....so I think I'm going to respect that and just wait for the tickets we already have for 12:30 pm Saturday at Gateway. These, including the online fee, were only $10 for 2, whereas, the premier, 1 ticket, VRC, online is probably $10. That's also a factor, since I have to pay $150 + gas $ to the girl who was my catsitter for Orycon. If anyone is going to the showing I'm attending, please let me know....Thanks & love, Remy.