At my school, fights happened every now and then during my younger years, but during my last two, fights were a rarety.
As for mine:
- Our football team lost, but then again, the loss they had the week before was more devastating to the team; I didn't care, though, because most of our football team was full of themselves.
- The dance was boring, because they usually are, but then again, I was working.
- Never had a date bail on me, but like I said, I befriended a young lady who had that happen to her (wait, that was Snowball...)
- Our Homecoming was $10 for a single, $15 for a pair, I think. (This was 10 years ago, but I think that was right).
- It was during my senior year that the Prom was scheduled over at 11pm; dance before that were over at 12am, including Homecoming. I didn't get home until 12:45, then had to go back the following day at 9am to help clean up.
Ah... memories...