Not really...
Me, Kiba, Shino, and Itachi roomed together last year and the year before I was with Naruto, Kiba, Shino, and a Sasuke.
I've never done an OC but one year I might maybe... :/
I realize with my hair color right now I could do an easy SNJ Gaara. XP Maybe a closet cosplay is in order...
ShinHina = #1
I like SasuHina, too cause I think it's cute.
KibaHina isn't bad either...
Can you tell I'm a Hinata fan? XD
I like Sakura with either Naruto, Neji, Gaara, or Sasuke.
NejiTen seems like a stalkerish relationship to me but it's not terrible...
But no matter what, ShinHina will always be my OTP~<3