Author Topic: Getting in shape  (Read 293094 times)

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Offline nikkiolie

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Getting in shape
« on: December 07, 2010, 08:48:54 pm »
Its about that time again. The new year is almost here and with the new year comes new cons. We all need to start focusing on getting in shape for those costumes we really want to do so lets get a new thread going since the last one seemed to die out.

First off lets hear your current status, including age, height and weight
Next lets here what your goal is and when you want to reach it by.
How are you going to reach that goal.

Current Status: I'm 22 and weigh 136lbs roughly, it goes up and down frequently but always between 135 and 140. I am 5'4" so my weight is within the normal but getting close to the overweight.

Goal: I don't have a weight goal, its more of a look goal. I want to look like I am in shape. Right now I look normal and I want to get to the point where I can flex muscle and you can clearly see it. I also want people to be able to see muscle without flexing. I am planing on cosplaying Lilith in 2011 so I would like to look good while doing it. I guess the only other goal I have is to get down from a size 7 in pants to a size 5.

Plan to reach goal: I have started going to the gym this week and I am going to try to work out at least 30 minutes a day. What I think is really going to help me reach my goal is starting P90x. Thanks to Reppy I am able to start this. I think this routine will help me reach my goal. Its a good hour workout 7 days a week. I know that even if I don't follow it to a "T" I will still reach some of the results I want. I will go through it as closely as I can though :D

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2010, 10:37:00 pm »
yay~ another one is started~

Current status: I'm 16, I weigh about 144ish, I'm 5'7".

Goal: I would really like to get back down in to the low 130 lbs, but because of muscle weight, I don't really like to have a weight goal... I would really like to loose my belly fat, because I wanna see my abs that I know I have xD And I would like it if my calves were less "manly". They are bigish and muscley right now, and I don't like that, but I don't know if that's possible to change.

Plans: I'm starting up Winter Track next week (hopefully). I can't exercise much right now because of an ear infection that is not wanting to heal up properly. But when I start, workouts are 4 days a week. But I'm going to get a 24 hour fitness membership and hopefully workout 6 or 7 days a week.
check out my facebook page!!

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 10:42:11 pm »
Radness. I was hoping this thread would get made soon. XD

Current status: 25, ~185lbs ^^  Mid-summer I was around 170lbs, before Kcon about 175lbs.  I did put on a decent amount of muscle mass in the past 6 months, so I don't know how much of my weight gain is fat, but I do know I have put on a little bit of weight around my waist.  I blame: seasonal affective disorder, my brother moving in and always having tons of junk food around the house, and working 2 jobs and going to school 3/4th time.

Goal: Look like a total beefcake, 24/7.  Okay, a little joking but still, I like to look athletic and strong, like I could lift something heavy or move fast if I needed to.

Plan to reach goal:  It will be winter break after tomorrow for me, and I plan to quit one of my jobs so I'll have more free time.  (I only had one day off this entire fall quarter, Thanksgiving, and guess what I spent it doing?  EATING.  And a little basketball.)  Anyways, I plan to start eating healthier again (got some liquid fish oil again, since the pills are a pain to take for me) and exercising more regularly.  Since I'll be quitting my produce job, that means I will have nights free and thus I can play basketball at the church building up to 3 times a week.  I should also have more time to visit the gym.

Also, I'm totally going to start doing my workout log again, and maybe even track my food intake on (it's free, so sign up if you haven't already done so!)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 10:50:23 pm by reppy »

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2010, 11:14:11 pm »
Status: 18, 5'4", 115-120 lbs
Goal: Tone my belly and my legs, by springtime.
Plan: Take advantage of PE class that I have every other day. Make scheduled time to dance at home - at least 2hrs/week.
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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 01:05:01 am »
Current Status    I'm 22, 5'10" and currently weigh 165.

Goal  Nice looking abs, get tone.

Plan   Continue going to the gym at least 3-4 days a week, reduce portions by 1/4, eat less junk food, and possibly get another personal trainer. I'll also look into starting P90X or at least start working out at home as well. Though for that I'll need someone to text or message me daily in order to keep myself accountable and on track.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 01:05:54 am by KogaRyu »
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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2010, 02:48:20 am »
Status: 18, 5'11-6'0, 210
Goal: Gain muscle in place of fat. I want to be in better shape, lose all the bulge. >n> A healthy weight for my height/build is like 160-170.
Plan: Walk/run the dog for an hour every day. What he feels he can do(old age, don't want to push him). Start running with Paprika, if not with her on my own. Use the exercise equipment that's set up in the garage.
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Offline nikkiolie

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 05:15:20 am »
Though for that I'll need someone to text or message me daily in order to keep myself accountable and on track.
I think a few friends of mine are going to try o do p90x at night as a group so I could always send you a text when we do that and force you to do it as well (assuming you aren't doing anything else at the time like work).

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 07:35:41 am »
Status: 14, 5' 3", 116 pounds
Goal: To tone out my body more, become more flexible for more awesome poses, and grow atl east an inch. xD
Plan: Actually trying in P.E, running on the treadmil at home, use tan in a bottle, TAFFY STRETCHER. XDDD

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2010, 09:17:50 am »
Current Status: I'm 17 and weigh 139lbs and am 5'4" tall.

Goal: Like Nikki, I don't really have a weight goal, but I want to be able to look good in cosplays, especially ones with leg or belly showing, because there are alot of those I want to do. I also have a fairly large butt and that doesn't look too great in cosplays. :/ And to get more flexible!

Plan to reach goal: I have a Personal Fitness class going for this semester(and I'm a slight slacker) but it's over mid-January so I need to make a plan. I watched Sahara get pretty fit just by jogging so I think I'm gonna start doing that soon. I'd rather work on a treadmill but I don't have one. I also am trying to find stomach toning exercises to flatten out my tummy.

Note: If you have any ideas, please let me know. :)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 09:18:47 am by Vampire-Kameko »

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2010, 02:26:00 pm »
Current status
I'm 21, 5'6, 160 lbs. I've gained 10 lbs since I came to college, which blows.

I just want to get my stomach flat, it doesn't even have to be all muscley. I'd also like to lose some of the fat on my thighs and my arms too.

Start getting used to cooking healthy dinners again after my finals are done (I've been living off of mac and cheese and hamburger helper lately). Try to work out at least 4 days a week. Like I think 4 of the people here I've been thinking about trying P09x since so many of my friends who work out have recommended it to me. I'm just worried about doing it since after school starts, my schedule will make it impossible do do every day.

~2012 cosplay mofos~
Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim, Miria Harvent- Baccano!, Filia- Skullgirls, Milk- Pop'n Music

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2010, 03:03:59 pm »
Current Status
I'm 19, 5'3" and I weight about 120lbs.
I am in a healthy weight range but I have a squishy stomach, love handles, and my inner thighs need work.

Due to genetics, it's hard for me to keep in shape. I'm the ONLY female in my ENTIRE family who isn't overweight.
I want to tone my stomach to be flat, tone my inner thighs, and get rid of those damn love handles...
I'm not worried about weight since I do want to put on some muscle and I'm pretty tiny to start off with.
And I want arm muscles!!

I need to start eating healthier! I plan to learn to cook and work on salad techniques. Fruits and Veggies will be my new best friends.
Also, I have a Wii Fit and I'm going to try and work on that more as well as keep up with my gym class in College and actually work out with some effort and not be afraid to try the machines I've never used before.

Also, Crunches! )< I hate them but I need to do them.
I can work on my legs on our total gym as well as my arms.

Pretty much I need to do weights for my arms, side leg lifts, and crunches. But I fail at keeping myself motivated...

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2010, 04:47:51 pm »
I'm 20, 5'6", no idea what my weight is honestly, I don't do the weight thing. All I know is in the last year and a half I went from a pant size 22/24 to a pant size 14.

size 14 seems to be my standstill weight, so now the real work begins. I'd like to be a pant size 8/10, but really I just want to be able to cosplay Sailor Mars next year and not look horrible in the spandex/mini-skirt getup.

I'll do what I did to lose previous weight but to more extremities. Hit the gym every other day or at lest three times a weak- Do some physical activity everyday if I can't hit the gym- and watch my food intake. Amount, no junk, and try and get a balanced diet- carbs, dairy, meat, etc...

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2010, 05:16:03 pm »
Current Stat: I'm 16, 5'2" and weigh about 82 >u>
I wear extra small sizes ands sometimes I cant find cute clothes that fit meeee :<


stuff thats high in calories but is still nutritious

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2010, 05:17:55 pm »
^Wow meep, if you want to be heavier that's fine but remember to stay healthy!  I'd recommend lifting for a few more pounds, personally.


So.. I'm 24, 5'6" and probably around 135 lb.  I don't check my weight much because it doesn't matter.  The Important thing is liking the shape I've got, or changing it!

Goal:  Let me see here, I think I'm leaning towards getting visible defined abs, perhaps trimming a few lbs. off other areas, and increasing over all strength while keeping my muscles slender.  Unlike most people wanting to show off their guns, I'd prefer to have small flexible arms/legs that still pack all the punch (or kick ^^) that anyone with twice the girth has.  Showing off what you got isn't too important to me, unless its mah abs which is probably because I like how they can look.

Plan:  Actually making a schedule this year will probably be my easiest way to stay on top of things.  Its too easy to forget if I don't have something out in the open to remind me the things I have to do.  Perhaps I'll try and find a running partner near me, and getting a few more weights for home to work up to.

I hope everyone out there is able to get the look they are trying to achieve so they can have an awesome, self flattering and confident cosplay!  :)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 05:20:48 pm by camname21 »

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2010, 10:13:42 pm »
Current Status: I'm sixteen, around 5' 2'', and somewhere around 120-130 lbs, fairly fit...ish.

Goal: My goal isn't as much physical as it is kinesthetic, I guess? I mean, I'd like to flatten out my stomach and get some more muscle tone, but it's mostly about increasing my strength and my endurance.

Plan: Keep playing roller derby, and doing strength exercises. Continue with the exercise routine I've been doing for a few weeks. Eat healthier.

Currently working on: Toni Ipres - Hanna is Not a Boy's Name

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2010, 10:36:27 pm »
Current: 24, 5'11, 166lbs and I'm a fatty. :\

Goal: I don't care about endurance. That has come and gone. I need to flatten my midsection and hips or I'm going to be uncomfortable cosplaying during MEWcon.

Plan: I burn through the food I eat too fast and none of the stuff stored in my gut. I'm going to exercise after I wake up, not eat any food for an hour and then eat breads and fruits like I normally would. This would be easier if I had access to lots of medium triglycerides but I'm not in AZ anymore so no help for fatty. :/
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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2010, 05:05:55 pm »
Though for that I'll need someone to text or message me daily in order to keep myself accountable and on track.
I think a few friends of mine are going to try o do p90x at night as a group so I could always send you a text when we do that and force you to do it as well (assuming you aren't doing anything else at the time like work).

Yeah, if it's not too much trouble that would be great! I just got a copy of P90X as well, so I could try to keep up with you guys.
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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2010, 05:26:01 pm »
Though for that I'll need someone to text or message me daily in order to keep myself accountable and on track.
I think a few friends of mine are going to try o do p90x at night as a group so I could always send you a text when we do that and force you to do it as well (assuming you aren't doing anything else at the time like work).

Yeah, if it's not too much trouble that would be great! I just got a copy of P90X as well, so I could try to keep up with you guys.
I'm going to try to get you a copy. :D

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2010, 06:33:50 pm »
So I'm 22 and 5' 1" on a good day. I'm overweight and know it.

Goal: Back down to 135 (my healthy weight) and trim and tone!

Plan: I have a gym membership, so my goal is to actually go there 5 days of the week (instead of the maybe 3 i get there now). I've changed my diet radically. Mostly based on the china study at the recommendation of my doctor. I just need sum1 to stay accountable too, cause on my own i'll get a lil lazy. :)
2013 (in the works): Soi Fong (Bleach), Faith (Mirrors Edge), Agito/Akito (Air Gear)
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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2010, 10:30:53 pm »
I'm 19, 5' 8", and probably around 150 or so. My goal's around 130-140. I also SO want to do P90X, since I really want to tone up and lose my subcutaneous layer of protective padding (aka fat). I've been doing yoga and pilates a lot recently as well, and even though it really doesn't do anything weight-related it definitely helps build strength and flexibility. I used to have a lot more muscle and overall strength about a year ago, but then I was really super sick and bedridden on-and-off for about two months and I was soooooo weak afterward. I've been working on it since but I still don't feel nearly as strong as I used to, which really sucks.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2010, 10:43:22 pm »
2nd day at Track, and I feel like I got hit by a train xD I'm so sore, but it makes me feel like I'm getting something done.

I've been wanting to try yoga, and I think my PE class next semester is gong to do yoga type stuff.
check out my facebook page!!

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2010, 10:48:35 pm »
I looooooooove yoga, it's actually really fun. For a workout system that doesn't have a whole lot of movement overall it really gets your blood pumping. And, you know, the flexibility and such, it's all good.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2010, 10:49:21 pm »
Oh good! Cause I really need to work on my flexibility xD
check out my facebook page!!

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2010, 11:29:48 pm »
Current: 20, 5'8", 207lbs faaaaaat.

Goal: 160, slightly toned. I don't expect to be statuesque or anything, but tighter abs would be nice. Also, back down to pant size 12/10 would be good, too. Haven't been that small since freshman year of highschool...

Plan: I have an excercise bike, plan on 20min, 3 times a week, monitoring calorie intake, reduce to about 1500 daily. I'm doing a set of crunch exercises 5+minutes for 2 nights a week for now (more later on as it gets easier). As well as simple things like walking more instead of driving, eating healthier, more balanced meals. I'm a baker, which is most of the problem... If I can, I'm going to do a yoga or pilots class this semester, too.
2011 cosplay list:
Ukraine - Hetalia

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2011, 12:55:38 am »
Current: I'm 17, 5'7", and 126lbs.

Goal: I'm pretty fit, but I'd like to tone my muscles more and work on my stomach. Also become more active to keep up the results when I get them. Eating healthier too.

Plan: Go to the gym (I'm actually going tomorrow :D ) at least twice a week, three sets of ten sit-ups every night and morning, and be active for at least 30 minutes every day.
Kumoricon '10 cosplays:
Shizuma Hanazono from Strawberry Panic!
Takuto Kira from Full Moon wo Sagashite

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2011, 01:01:06 am »
Lolz hi Marika XD

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2011, 02:50:57 am »
Lolz hi Marika XD

Hahaha Hiiiii! xDD
Kumoricon '10 cosplays:
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Takuto Kira from Full Moon wo Sagashite

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2011, 04:55:52 am »
Hope everyone is doing well with the start (or continuation) of their goals for improved fitness.  :)

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2011, 05:29:42 pm »
I am going to start my workout again tomorrow. I got off track the last couple of weeks but now I should have everything I need :D

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2011, 06:00:13 pm »
Make sure you wear something warm if you go outside, its freezing out there!

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2011, 08:21:51 pm »
Just going to butt in here:

Current Status: I'm 15, 5'3" and about 156 pounds. I'm more muscle then I am fat, but there's still a significant amount of fat on my body that really needs to go away. It really takes a chunk out of my self-confidence when the kids in my marketing class make fun of my weight :/

Goal: 130-140 pounds. Even if I don't reach my goal, I'd like to gain more muscle and loose some chest. I'd also really like to be able to wear a swimsuit when summer rolls around. I've never had the self confidence to wear a two piece swimsuit, so I would really like to have the confidence to do so.

Plan to reach goal: Like Nikki, I got some P90X stuff for Christmas, and I'm pretty psyched to try it out. Hopefully it'll work as well as it says it will ^^
I'm also trying to cut soda out of my diet in its entirety. I'm already a vegetarian (which I'm proud to say was one of my successful goals last year), so I don't have to worry about meat.
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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2011, 10:15:40 pm »
Oh man I didn't see this thread!

5'2 and 146-144 lbs, 17 years old.
I lost about 10 lbs over the summer, and even though my weight hasn't gone down too far during the winter, people have suddenly been telling me I look like I've lost a lot of weight and I think I'm starting to see it too.

Down to 135 lbs by Sakuracon. But also weight isn't a huge factor, I mostly want a smaller waist measurement. Bust is fine, my hips can't really lose anything. My goal for now is to get down to a 31 inch waist, and I'm 33-32 right now. I want to have a flatter stomach and I want (and I know this'll sound crazy) my thighs to not touch. It's not a "I NEED SKINNY LEGS" thing; I have naturally wide hips and figure it won't be too hard once I start losing weight. My thighs don't touch when I wear tights and I want them to look like that all the time.

FFFFFFF- the hard part. I've been trying to eat healthy but it's really difficult with school and the fact that if I don't eat small snacks continuously during the day, I can't stay awake and alert. I also need to get back into working out, PE will be starting for me in February and I'd like to not be a total wuss in class.
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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2011, 10:36:32 am »
I'm 17 and 130ish at 5"5

I want an ab line, or at least to look more lean and less flabby for Sakuracon

Go running and do stretches every day like I did in the summer


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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2011, 10:08:00 pm »
Status: 18, 5'11-6'0, 210
Goal: Gain muscle in place of fat. I want to be in better shape, lose all the bulge. >n> A healthy weight for my height/build is like 160-170.
Plan: Walk/run the dog for an hour every day. What he feels he can do(old age, don't want to push him). Start running with Paprika, if not with her on my own. Use the exercise equipment that's set up in the garage.

Delayed reply, but YEEEEEEEEE I would love to run with you, buddy. Just text me what days you're available. ♥♥ I need to pick it up again. TwT

Current: I'm 19, 117-120lbs at 5'6"? Uh.. It's been a while since I've checked my height.

Goal: I want to be toned/in shape with a flat tumbly and shapely legs before summer, and keep myself that way. @u@

Plan: Pick up late-night running & stretching again. YESSSSSS. I slacked off once I got sick over winter break, but MOVE ASIDE 2010, 2011 IS GOING TO BE AWESOME FOR COSPLAY :D


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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2011, 10:09:53 pm »
Dude, we should stretch RIGHT NOW.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2011, 10:40:25 pm »

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2011, 11:04:34 pm »
Ya'll should try foam rolling sometime.  It's so amazing. O:  It'll hurt (in a good way) the first few times but it loosens you up a lot.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2011, 11:18:09 pm »
Satus 5'9
Weight 166

Goal Just beat my 16 year old version of me.

Plan Find some one to compete against because I only work out my best when its about competing. I also might start working out at work so I can kill 2 birds with one stone just the good ol' push/pull/sit ups routine as long. I just hope I dont get in trouble for doing that.

Also i kept reading P90X all i can say is It does work in a way but if your looking to get strong it not the way to go but if your just going for looks then yes its the way to go I suppose. Eating Healthy is the way to go. I personally say to you all is stop drinking SODA and more water.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2011, 01:25:19 am »

Oh by the way I didn't get to working out at all today, maybe I will start tomorrow >_>;

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2011, 10:24:50 am »
On another note. I will be doing my work out soon. I found the best motivation in the world, a horrible picture of me and I look like a wale x.x

Oh and for those of you wanting to do p90x
« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 10:30:31 am by nikkiolie »


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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2011, 10:46:05 am »
Oh by the way I didn't get to working out at all today, maybe I will start tomorrow >_>;

Pfff I don't care if it makes me a lazy sonofawhore, I am not working out until my feet stop hurting so bad.

I will do some stretches tonight though, we should all cordinate.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2011, 10:54:49 am »
Well if we are all coordinating I am going to do back and chest today. I am quite literally about to start.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2011, 11:33:01 am »
Just going to butt in here:

Current Status: I'm 15, 5'3" and about 156 pounds. I'm more muscle then I am fat, but there's still a significant amount of fat on my body that really needs to go away. It really takes a chunk out of my self-confidence when the kids in my marketing class make fun of my weight :/

Goal: 130-140 pounds. Even if I don't reach my goal, I'd like to gain more muscle and loose some chest. I'd also really like to be able to wear a swimsuit when summer rolls around. I've never had the self confidence to wear a two piece swimsuit, so I would really like to have the confidence to do so.

Plan to reach goal: Like Nikki, I got some P90X stuff for Christmas, and I'm pretty psyched to try it out. Hopefully it'll work as well as it says it will ^^
I'm also trying to cut soda out of my diet in its entirety. I'm already a vegetarian (which I'm proud to say was one of my successful goals last year), so I don't have to worry about meat.

Good luck :3 lot of walking and good food :3 and water ^^ rember to eat more then once a day I hope you reach your goal Good luck hunneh. Also leek and potato soup is good for losing weight as well :3 eating that and play hours of ddr and exercising ive lost 60lb

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2011, 04:42:42 pm »

Oh by the way I didn't get to working out at all today, maybe I will start tomorrow >_>;

Nikki, you are an inspiration. I stretched so hard last night.

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2011, 05:58:48 pm »
I'm getting back into being interested in bellydancing so I think I'll see if I can find some bellydance workout videos or something. I mean, I gotta do SOMETHING with these hips hahaha.
Actually I was practicing the hip movements last night and this morning to see if I could still do them and my hips are sore today. THIS IS A GOOD SIGN.
Current Kcon Plans:
-Ringo Oginome
-Anarchy Stocking
-Roxy Richter

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2011, 10:37:43 pm »

Oh by the way I didn't get to working out at all today, maybe I will start tomorrow >_>;

Nikki, you are an inspiration. I stretched so hard last night.
Sometimes I try really hard. :P

Did anyone else start p90 today? Oh I also have a link for the torrent

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #46 on: January 05, 2011, 12:15:07 am »
I'm downloading it now, so I'll probably aim to start tomorrow :3

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2011, 09:55:56 am »
After being sick for a few days I am able to continue my workout now. I also took some of my measurements and I want to get them down. Right now I am B: 36 1/2 W: 28 1/2 H: 38 1/2 and I want them to be B:36 W:26 H:36

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2011, 12:19:06 pm »
first off nikki i love your icon....

2nd off... i started a cardio work out with my "fitness" game for the wii (no im not being lazy im actualy working out!) its fun but sometimes i yell at the tv because it goes it fast D: ("no wait! what how do i do that again?") i also wanna start walking every where again once it gets warmer so i dont get sick again >.<
kumoicon 2013:
day 1: morning- Guu (hare + guu)
day 1: afternoon- Terra (ff6)
day 2: chibi moon (sailor moon)
day 3: Princess Zelda (loz:oot)

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Re: Getting in shape for 2011
« Reply #49 on: January 07, 2011, 04:11:29 pm »
Belly dancing on the news today~~~
I saw that there's apparently a new class starting in Tigard, I want to do it so badly >: But on the news spot they showed a move I didn't know so I practiced it, and I could feel it stretching my muscles. Right now I'm looking up some belly dancing work out videos on YouTube.
Current Kcon Plans:
-Ringo Oginome
-Anarchy Stocking
-Roxy Richter