The thread train got derailed more violently than in 'Unstoppable', so....
Cosplay! I love working on it, but when I can't, I think about working on it. I like thinking about cosplay as much as I like working on cosplay. Don't you, fellow Kumoriconsters?
Yes yes, how I love to work on cosplay and think about working on cosplay when not working on cosplay.
In all seriousness, though, the extra time is great because it forces you to reconsider your work and make absolutely sure that everything is at its best.
I share many previously mentioned sentiments. I love to see top-quality cosplay, and I love making sure mine are as faithful as possible (in personality and representation, not just appearance). So, when I see others who clearly put that kind of commitment to their work, it is an encouraging and exciting thing.
I won't deride those cosplayers whose work isn't as faithful as it could be (for whatever reason), though, and as long as they are happy with it, good for them. Like Danayoki said, this is a hobby above all things and, while quality is a standard all cosplayers are held to, appreciation and enjoyment are not limited to that on the same universal level. I can enjoy cosplay for its quality and authenticity, but that does not mean everyone must share my reasons for loving it, no? Let those who love it love it, plain and simple. Let us encourage without crushing, inspire without spiting. ^_^
If we were all professional cosplayers, or claiming to be professional cosplayers endorsed by RightStuf or Bandai or Gonzo...that'd be one thing. But we're not, so let's leave all the beaurocratic professionalism at the door. This is what we love and are passionate about, so enjoy cosplay to the fullest, in whatever way you feel satisfied with.
That turned into a bit of a speech, didn't it? Sorry.