Author Topic: Donald Trump to run for 2012  (Read 14248 times)

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2011, 09:10:47 pm »
^^^ I liked the point made by the article's first commenter: Political class fail is inseparable from voter fail. It's hard to blame the politicians for acting like complete buffoons when acting like a gregarious complete buffoon is the most sure way to get elected. I'm still in a state of disbelief over the elections that contrasted "This guy is too smart and boring, but I'm a fun good ole boy" and ended with the fun good ole boy starting a disastrous "pre-emptive war" and leaving us trillions of dollars in debt.

I think Trump would be a similar cluster@#$% if he were elected. But it wouldn't surprise me anymore if that did happen. We've been sinking into "cult of personality" hell for a long time, with the tipping point (in my mind) having been Ross Perot. Ignore the people who have anything substantive to say, just listen to the people who you think are personally likeable or have a catchy slogan. (Though why anyone would find Trump personally likeable is something else that's beyond me. He trades on "I'm better than you because I can get away with acting like a complete jerkwad".)
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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2011, 05:46:19 pm »
No, tell us how you really feel about the Donald.

We've been doing cult of personality since before WWII. That's how Huey Long almost became president of the US. You might have heard the song Every Man a King in a few movies recently.

Certainly Jack and Jackie were cult of personality types, And so to Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos, the Shah and Empress of Iran. Picked to as they were most like the Kennedy's.
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Offline Animeman73

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2011, 06:57:13 pm »
I'm sorry but speaking as a Moderate and renegade Democrat I say the chances of Donald Trump running are highly unlikely and the chances of him ever getting elected are somewhre between nil to nonexistant. Trump is just trying to get attention the way I see things. The way the guy made his money may have been legal but it was rather unethical in my opinion.

To tell you the truth I'm getting fed up with BOTH parties. The Democrats are being controlled by the left-wing ideologues, the Republuicans are being controlled by the right-wing ideologues. And i feel that both extremes are pulling at this country screming "MINE! MIONE! MINE!" like a pair of spoiled children fighting over a toy. And this country is NOT a toy which is why I think we may need an independant moderate party to win the election who can in the words of Larry the Cable Guy "Get er' done."

And to be bluntly frank i don't see anyone memorable from either party grabbing my attention.

-Sigh- well that's my thoughts on Trump and on the current state of things. I do apologize if I offend but I must speak my mind.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 05:00:22 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline DaemonForce

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2011, 08:49:26 pm »
To tell yopu the truth I'm getting fed up with BOTH parties. The Democrats are being controlled by the left-wing ideologues, the Republuicans are being controlled by the right-wing ideologues. And i feel that both extremes are pulling at this country screming "MINE! MIONE! MINE!" like a pair of spoiled children fighting over a toy.
Guy1: I think the puppet on the left shares my beliefs.
Guy2: I like the puppet on the right more...Hey wait a minute there's one guy holding up both puppets!
Gov: Shut up! Go back to bed America. Your government is in control! ::)
And to be bluntly frabk i don't see anyone memorable from either party grabbing my attention.
That's because you realize the truth. Pure and simple.
-Sigh- well that's my thoughts on Trump and on the current state of things. I do apologize if i offend but I must speak my mind.
Wow, you're already apologizing? You really are a democrat. o_O

It's the current state of affairs that made me start thinking like the mob. Clinton was the only faint glimmer of this mentality when he was in office but his job is over now. That was the only time in my life where a democrat ever did anything right and compared to what I've seen recently, Donald really couldn't do much worse if he were part of either side. I know he's the most likely person to get us out of such a horrible debt but it will definitely cost us elsewhere in our lives. How deep is the hole at this point? We're gonna make it to China before the end of the fiscal year! :/
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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2011, 08:56:10 pm »
Being out of debt doesn't matter. However, we want a surplus, not a deficit, and that's what matters, so we can give money where money is due.
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Offline DaemonForce

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #55 on: April 11, 2011, 09:09:26 pm »
Do you think Donald could get it done? O_o

All that's going through my mind for the next election is who does BP want in office? Who does Coca Cola want to be president? Donald Trump doesn't have to be serious about his campaign to get in. Hell, I remember in school when we were voting on class reps, I told everyone that if they're thinking of voting for me, vote for someone else(I won with 95% vote -_-'). It's the same thing but on a bigger scale. The only difference is the ridiculous level of corruption that manages us compared to how we manage things in our lives. Donald would just be another lying devil fascist in a never ending cycle of the same stale ****. Also, that automatically qualifies him to worm his way into our lives and screw us even harder.

Disturbing, yes? >.>'
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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #56 on: April 11, 2011, 09:12:43 pm »
Do you think Donald could get it done? O_o
Nah, but I don't think many people in this country could. I could, but I'm a megalomaniac so I don't think that counts.

Tbh, I don't think the country is gonna elect a Republican president considering the stuff we've seen Republicans do this time around (attempting to redefine rape, taking away union members' rights, holding the economy hostage, etcetera).
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Offline DaemonForce

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #57 on: April 11, 2011, 09:23:13 pm »
True. All the bad PR around Republicans isn't helping them one bit. -_-

I'm a bad voter. Every four years I look at the elections with an even bigger disgust than I had to deal with during the previous vote. The left(who I like to call the party of NO ideas) just sits around making idle promises while the right(party of really bad ideas) somehow manages to ruin everything good in my life. We don't have any good people worth electing anymore and it's like a curse. The people I know think of it as a game to elect the worse of two evils. When they put it that way, I can sort of see Donald as the gorilla that comes out of ****ing nowhere and destroys everything. Obama seemed to have a good plan together but if time and jobs are any indication, I don't know anyone that likes him anymore. He's not getting another term. There's no hope in that guy. :/
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 09:24:41 pm by DaemonForce »
{Death mode} D3 Started 17.May.2011 02:20
Magi: What are you doing?
Me: I'm putting a stop to this. Now.
Magi: You'll die.
Me: I don't believe that.

Offline jaybug

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2011, 10:27:37 pm »
There aren't enough Chicago's to re-elect Obama. But boy, they sure are working on trying to make more Chicago Democratic machines around here.

You only hear the really bad ideas, as that is what gets picked up by the left, and the far-right. The good ideas don't make it far enough for most to hear, as they aren't supported by moneyed special interests.

The only bright outlook for a Trump candidacy, is that which special interests would he be beholden to? All I can think of is people with more money than God. Which doesn't strike me as bad as all the people who are rich compared to most people, but only have more money than sense. Man, there are way too many of those.

We need T.R. to be president again. A Republican, who only got into office as an attempt to shut him up, and an assassin's bullet.
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Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #59 on: April 12, 2011, 04:11:48 pm »
I'm sorry but speaking as a Moderate and renegade Democrat I say the chances of Donald trump running are highly unlikely and the chances of him ever getting elected are somewhre between nil to nonexistant. Trump is just trying to get attention the way i see things. The way the guy made his money may have been legal but it was rather unethical in my opinion.

To tell yopu the truth I'm getting fed up with BOTH parties. The Democrats are being controlled by the left-wing ideologues, the Republuicans are being controlled by the right-wing ideologues. And i feel that both extremes are pulling at this country screming "MINE! MIONE! MINE!" like a pair of spoiled children fighting over a toy. And this country is NOT a toy which is why I think we may need an independant moderate party to win the election who can in the words of Larry the Cable Guy "Get er' done."

And to be bluntly frabk i don't see anyone memorable from either party grabbing my attention.

-Sigh- well that's my thoughts on Trump and on the current state of things. I do apologize if i offend but I must speak my mind.

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Offline MiriaRose

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #60 on: April 12, 2011, 04:52:59 pm »
True. All the bad PR around Republicans isn't helping them one bit. -_-

I'm a bad voter. Every four years I look at the elections with an even bigger disgust than I had to deal with during the previous vote. The left(who I like to call the party of NO ideas) just sits around making idle promises while the right(party of really bad ideas) somehow manages to ruin everything good in my life. We don't have any good people worth electing anymore and it's like a curse. The people I know think of it as a game to elect the worse of two evils. When they put it that way, I can sort of see Donald as the gorilla that comes out of ****ing nowhere and destroys everything. Obama seemed to have a good plan together but if time and jobs are any indication, I don't know anyone that likes him anymore. He's not getting another term. There's no hope in that guy. :/
The problems Obama is having are because of the fact that he let the Republicans get away with so much crap. They changed the stimulus packages and had a lot of things be cut from them- Things that would have created jobs.

Obama definitely isn't going to be president again. Why does it seem like all the liberals nowadays don't have balls? I'd run when I turn 35, but I'd never get elected because of my radical beliefs, and things I was born with.

Liberals do have ideas, and good ones- They just aren't picked up by the mainstream democrats because the party is attempting to appeal to moderates.
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Offline jaybug

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #61 on: April 12, 2011, 05:31:48 pm »
You should read the Eugene Register Guard editorial page sometime. Woof! The liberals have all kinds of ideas. Some sound good. BUt most of them show that no serious thought was put into them, as no accounting for secondary effects of the ideas occur. Meaning the law of unintended consequences have not been taken into account, so disaster would loom upon implementation of these ideas.

For example, Eugeneans have decided to have increased urban density. But...they forgot to add amenities such as transit, or retail outlets, not even grocery stores within walking distance. So they have houses packe like sardines in their new high density developments, but everyone has to get into their car to get anywhere. Sure they could ride their bicycles, in the highest bicycle theft city in America, but how much stuff can you carry on a bike, in the rain, in winter?

And the new streets are so narrow fire trucks can barely get by. And generally good luck finding a place to park.

Density is good only if people have enough room, especially in their personal housing, and that they have ease of access to goods and services. Otherwise you just make roach motels. Sure they may look nice now, but so did Cabrini Green when it was built. Having jobs that are within walking distance would be best.

But what do we do that will have so many people working in such a dense configuration anymore? Factory jobs are pretty much gone from the US. And that was about it for high density jobs.

Another example of a bright idea from the left, was to have cars on the UO campus on the most congested street here, to back up to park at an angle. Not angle park with the car facing forward, but backwards? I listed three things wrong with that idea, it did get printed in the Register Guard. So far, I haven't heard another word. I guess no one thought what would happen when you had two people want the parking space, or that these are rather inexperienced drivers, who are probably late to class to boot.

Trump for Hair Czar!
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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #62 on: April 12, 2011, 05:49:01 pm »
I have never voted for a member of the two-party system as president.  Liberals will whine and complain about how the Democratic party needs to have more guts, and I agree, but when it comes down to them having guts (i.e., voting with their conscience for someone they believe in, not because "I don't like the guy but he's better then the alternative"), they turn and run.

I voted 3rd party in '04 and '08.  I received a lot of flak from my liberal / Democrat friends.  Now they're furious with Obama about everything.  Of course, they'll probably do the same thing in '12, too, all while decrying me for having the gall to, you know, vote what I believe in.

My likelihood for voting for a candidate is inversely proportional to how much corporations like them.  (To an extent, of course.)

It is pretty sad the lengths that Democrats / Liberals will go to to defend the Obama administration's actions, especially when they were screaming about anyone in the Bush administration that did the same thing.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 05:49:47 pm by reppy »

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Offline Animeman73

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #63 on: April 12, 2011, 08:33:33 pm »
I only apologized earlier because it's good manners. As to my thoughts on Trump, the Democrats and Republicans I stand by everything I said. Like my stepfather always taught me say what you mean and mean what you say. And then there's the fact that like my stepfather and I also have something of a problem with mortal authority figures. (NOT the staff of the Kumoricon forums..) I'm talking the type who like to throw their weight around and bully people into submitting to their agendas.

Like I said this renegade Democrat believes Dionald Trump would NEVER get the Republican nomination or win the presidency.  And as for a third party candidate not wiinning, It's my experience that there's no such thing as impossible. I mean if a legally blind and autistic dude such as myself can get a second degree Black belt in Taekwondo then impossible goes flying out the window. So I say don't count a third party candidate out just yet.

As for the NRA, well I'm not a member but I believe that whether a law-abiding citizen has or doesn't have a gun in their house that's their responsibility and their beeswax. And I'm not about to try and tell them what they can and can't do. Though I will say this the NRA's decision to support the law that was passed regarding guns on the internet after the Virginia Tech tragedy was a move that drew applause from me.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 08:53:07 am by Animeman73 »
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Offline @random

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #64 on: April 13, 2011, 07:15:20 am »
Thank you guys for the fact that the politics discussion has stayed civil as far as I've seen - I love getting to hang out with people who not only don't start calling each other $%@ #$%&ing %$#$ @*&#ers at the first sign of disagreement, they try to listen and understand where the other person is coming from. That's getting more and more rare on the 'Net these days.

But if it's not about Trump, it needs to be in its own thread from this point on.

(Like f'rinstance this one *nudge nudge*, or the gun rights thread I just moved several posts to.)

Anything else will be moved or deleted.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 07:17:43 am by randompvg »
This is my serious voice. Otherwise, I'm just another anime fan, not a moderator.

Offline jaybug

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #65 on: April 13, 2011, 05:43:46 pm »
"U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this

My-my-my-my (U can't Trump this) music hits me so hard
Makes me say,"oh my lord thank you for blessing me
With a mind to rhyme and two hyped feet"
It feels good
When you know you're sown
A superdope homeboy from the Oaktown
And I'm known as such
And this is a beat-uh!
U can't Trump this

I told you homeboy
U can't Trump this
Yeah, that's how we livin' and you know
U can't Trumpthis
Look in my eyes,man
U can't Trump this
Yo, let me bust the funky lyrics
U can't Trump this

Fresh new kicks and pants
You got it like that now you know you wanna dance
So move out of your seat
And get a fly girl and catch this beat
While it's rolling
Hold on
Pump a little bit and let 'em know it's going on
Like that
Like that
Cold on a mission so fall on back
Let 'em know that you're too much
And this is a beat
They can't Trump

Yo! I told you
U can't Trump this
Why you standing there, man?
U can't Trump this
Yo,sound the bells, school is in, sucker
U can't Trump this
Give me a song or rhythm
Making 'em sweat
That's what I'm giving'em
Now they know
You talk about the Hammer, you're talking about a show
That's hyped and tight
Singers are sweating so pass them a wipe
Or a tape to learn
What it is going to take in the '90s
To burn the charts
Legit either work hard or you might as well quit

That's the word,because you know
U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this

Break it down

Stop. . . Hammer time

Go with the flow
It is said
That if you can't groove to this
Then you probably are dead
So wave your hands in the air
Bust a few moves, run your fingers through your hair
This is it for a winter
Dance to this an' you're gonna get thinner
Move slide your rump
Just for a minute, let's all do the Trump
Trump Trump Trump

Yeah, U can't Trump this
Look man, U can't Trump this
You better get hyped
Boy 'cause you know ya can't
U can't Trump this
Ring the bell, school's back in
Break it down

Stop. Hammer time

U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this
Break it down

Stop. Hammer time

Every time you see me
The Hammer's just so hyped
I'm dope on the floor
And I'm magic on the mike
Now why would I ever
Stop doing this?
When others making records
That just don't hit
I've toured around the world
From London to the Bay
It's Hammer, go Hammer, M.C.Hammer, Yo Hammer
And the rest can go and play
Can't Trump this

U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this
U can't Trump this
Yeah,U can't Trump this
I told you, U can't Trump this
Too hype, can't Trump this
Yo, we outta here, can't Trump this
Have Fun


Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #66 on: April 14, 2011, 03:43:35 pm »
^ :o There is no amount of words to describe how epic that is!
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Offline Animeman73

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Re: Donald Trump to run for 2012
« Reply #67 on: April 14, 2011, 05:59:14 pm »
Jaybug, all I have to say about that whole Trump thing is HOLY JUMPIN' JAHOSEPHAT!!!!
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