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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #200 on: February 15, 2012, 01:53:19 pm »
^ thought they had something for that... was it called Mcafee or something like that? Or was it a password to get on the computer???

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #201 on: February 15, 2012, 09:01:27 pm »
-Sigh- They do have soemthing for it called parental controls. Oh well, some people never learn.

Okay time for another commentary:

Now I've heard some people say Iran isn't a threat. To that I respond, SAY WHAT!?!

Consider this, throughtout the country they have signs saying "Down with America" and "Death to the West". Now before everyone flies off the handle and says it's because of America's evil policies, consider this. Iran's Government has one the MOST oppressive policies towards women. their human rights violations towards their own people are unbelieveably horrific. And it's abundantly clear the real rulers the Mullahs of the country are bent on World Domination and nuking Isreal. But here's a major problem with that line of thought. Isreal has in it a prominent temple containing relics sacred to the prophet Mohhamad. So, why are the Mullahs of Iran so eager to blow it up when they now it contains holy relics of Islam. The answer is...when boils down to it when you get past the robes and the Quran they hide behind what you're left with is bunch of greedy, selfish old men who are using Islam as means to further their dreams for world domination. Now granted former ruler of Iran the Shah wasn't the nicest of people either, I'm not saying that. But these old men are trying to take over the World and so their enriching Uranium in order to create Nuclear weapons. And knowing how religious fanatics work, the scariest thing about them is...they may very well do it.

What's scarier is that thesse guys don''t understand the consequences of their actions. Consider this, if they blow up Isreal with a nuclear strike, the Middle East is a VERY small region. Enter into this equation a littkle something called Nuclear fallout which would make all oil and every ounce of land in the region radioactive for centuries to come and uninhabitable thusly cutting the world off from it's oil supply. So Iran would not only be destroying itself but it's neighbors as well. The problem is religious fanatics don't understand the concept of unintended consequences they just see their desires. Now their President is dangerous, and I think he could be a problem if he ever gets free of his leash. But Iran IS a threat because religious fanatics and nuclear weapons don't mix. Just something to think on.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 09:18:04 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #202 on: February 26, 2012, 02:52:59 pm »
Sorry to double post like this but not much has been happening here for a while so i thought I'd put in my 50 cents on a certain matter. There are a lot of folks out there who have said that going back to the gold standard is the cure for our economic woes. Some have even said that mantaining the fiat system will cause the country to collapse just as other countries that use paper money collapse and Gold and Silver are the way. Not so fast I say. Before you jump on the gold standard bandwagon read this article from from Moneynews magazine, I think you'll find it very enlightening.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 08:44:23 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline HalcyonFour

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #203 on: May 04, 2012, 08:33:54 pm »
I would recommend that everyone here e-mail and call their senators to STOP CISPA. This is a new threat to internet privacy and censorship. It's getting ridiculous.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #204 on: May 15, 2012, 10:11:52 am »
Well folks it's looks as though Mitt Romney's just about got this primary wrapped up.

ANd the latest Rassussen polls show that Moderates and Indpeendants are coming out more in favor of Romney than Obama.

First off let me say I have no problem with Obama's skin color. I don't judge people based on how much melanin content they have in their skin, I judge strictly on ability. Obama has proven incompetent, and Inexperienced. And that's why i hope yto God that Mitt Romney becomes president. Oh I grant you Mitt Romney isn't perfect, but let's be practical, Mitt Romney has the qualifications to get things done and get this country back on track. I believe if anyone can straighten out our books he can.

I won't say it'llbe easy. I believe EVERYONE is going to have to sacrifice something to get his country back on top. But hey sometimes we have to sacrifice something for the greater good, otherwise how would we change and grow?

Also while I can't place a link here because of all the foul language in it...there's a rant on Occupy Wall Street that Adam Corolla did a while back. I strongly recommend people view that.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 07:04:01 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline Malaria

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #205 on: May 15, 2012, 10:57:14 am »
Whenever anyone opens a statement declaring that they cannot! be! racist!, I assume they are pretty racist and self-conscious about it. Which is good. More people should be self-conscious about their racism. Lord knows we've all internalized a lot of vile ideas about people of color that we have yet to confront properly. And when I say we, I mean I'm racist, too, and that I recognize that that's bad. I also recognize that denying it won't do anything to resolve the pervasive, poisonous racism that underpins our social structure.

Your argument sounds like a 30 second pro-Romney commercial. I haven't actually learned anything from you that would make him a more compelling candidate. Those are just election cycle buzzwords.

I'm not sure what you mean by sacrifice. Do you mean taxes? Because I have some serious doubts that Mitt Romney, Professional Rich Person, will be all that eager to increase taxes on rich people.

I categorically cannot vote for Mitt Romney, because he said he would support a Personhood Amendment, which would eliminate women's access to hormonal birth control. I will not vote for anyone who tries to make people slaves to their reproductive capacity. If Romney wants to protect the precious babies, he can start with the foster system. Then he can move on to improving access to birth control and sex education, so there are fewer unwanted fetuses to begin with.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #206 on: May 15, 2012, 07:24:35 pm »
Interesting perspective. But I must graciously but heartily disagree.

I mean that a lot of programs, even the most sacred cow of programs,  like or not are going to get cuts. It just has to be done. The trick is to find WHERE to cut in the right way that will leave the program leaner and healthier.

And I say with certainty Mitt Romney doesn't believe in forcing women to be slaves. I mean take a look at him and his wife Anne. She's not his property, she's his partner in an equal relationship. (And I give kudos to her because helping raise 5 boys, surviving cancer, and dealing with MS that is the sign of a warrior's heart.) I mean no sensible person Republican or Democrat wants that because forcing women to be second class citizens would be useless. But with the fact that we've spent outrselves into such a horrendous state we can't afford much more of anything.

As for the sex education, I agree better sex education and understanding of all options is the key. That kind of knowledge will give young people power to decide their reproductive fate. And oing so in a completely unbiased way will work even better. The problem isn't just getting the funding. There are ALOT of people out there who want to see sex education more extensive and that movement is growing everyday. Here's the big problemit's also getting the kids to listen. Because from what i've seen of our public education system there's a serious lack of discipline there. Kids are riding roughshod of the teachers, principals, and even parents to some degree. They're afraid that their kids will sue them or that if they spank them child protective services will come and take their kids away.  I've seen this lack of disicpline myself and this whole mentality of, "I don't have to do what you say or listen to you or anyone because I'm SPECIAL! I deserve my rights." It's a mentality that Adam Corolla talked about in his OWS rant.

Malaria I'll not tell you who to vote for. If you choose not to vote for Romney well...who am I to tell you what you can and can't do? But if the latest CBS and Rasmussen polls are any indication. Come next year we're going to see a change in the presidency. That's just my take.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 08:55:44 am by Animeman73 »
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Offline Chibachi Nero

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #207 on: May 15, 2012, 09:23:12 pm »
okay, animeman, i'm going to have to say no to basically everything you just said.

your third and fourth paragraphs especially represent a keen lack of any understanding of how the republican party is currently operating with regards to reproductive rights. no, mitt romney is not advocating that we literally force women into slavery. but he IS advocating that female-bodied people lose reproductive rights, which for many can lead to a loss of autonomy. if someone is forced by the government to give birth to a child they don't want, that's an immense physical, emotional, mental and financial strain on them. regardless of your personal stance on abortion, the right to decide what happens to their body should lie with the person themself, and not be dependent on the wellbeing of what is effectively a parasite.

the republican party right now has consistently supported legislation that restricts abortion rights. they have not, however, supported anything to increase comprehensive sex education. so no, romney being elected to president will not help in that regard. and frankly, as someone who is in high school currently, i find it a little offensive that you think we're honestly that bad. some students don't pay attention, but that's always been the case. romanticizing your past helps nobody. i had health class last year, and trust me, kids payed attention when we did sex ed. people really want to learn this stuff. the problem is, in fact, getting the funding, as well as keeping conservative groups from banning it entirely.

and in response to your second paragraph, frankly if the wealthy in our country payed a fairer share of taxes and we stopped spending so much on the military we wouldn't have to drastically cut so many "sacred cow" programs. considering that a lot of school funding is on the chopping block right now, i think we've moved past "making sacrifices" for the greater good and fully into "we need to figure out another plan because this ain't working" territory.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #208 on: May 16, 2012, 09:34:14 am »
Actually my good Chibachi Nero there are a lot of wealthy people who have been forced out of wealthy by being taxed too much. Now don't get me wrong everyone should pay taxes. But well, when the tax burden is placed on one type of people specifically "The rich". And well granted I beleive Reaganomics was a DISASTROUS failure. Clinton P think did a heck of a job in terms of the economy, he actually balanced the budget and got us a surplus. Granted this nasty recessiona nd deby did start on George W. Bush's watch, that much is true. But the problem her is OBama, Nancy Pelosi, harry Reid, and the ilk have hijacked my party and promoted programs which have made the beleeding worse.  Obamacare, which happened on Obama's watch, The bank Bailouts which Pelosi and the Democratic Congress sponsered. Oh make no mistake the banks should share in the blame.,..they did wrong and they should pay. And actually they're starting to pay because their stockholders are revolting against them. What's the one way to hurt a bank the most, hit em,' in the pocketbook. But blaming all priovate sector business and "The rich" for the actions of the Government and the banks well, I just don't see the right in that. Blaming SAFEWAY, Harley-Davidson, Gardenburger, McDonald's, and even Microsoft for the actions of The Congress aand I said the logic escapes.

In terms of my comments on sex ed. Okay granted I overgeneralized, and I apologize for that Chibachi Nero. And I'd bet any amount of money you probably understand studying hard and working hard. And like i said i agree we need comprehensive sex education programs. And I grant you there are bad apples in the Republcian party who don't wnat Sex Ed programs, and that I think is foolish. And i'm not romantocizing my past, in fact my past was horrible! My high School years were among the worst years of my life. I went to high school int eh early 90's during the time of the L.A. riots and the Rodney King incident. This was back in the early 90's when the barely had any understanding of asberger's syndrome.

Also you should know 50% of Republican womne, yeah you read right Republican women are for Roe vs. Wade. They want abortion kept safe and legal. And that's only right no Government or religious orgaanization has the right to tell anjy woman what she can and can't do with her body. It should come down to the woman, her doctor, and her God. In short the ball is in her court.

And i hope this doesn't come off as confromtation or anything but when exactly has Mitt Romney has never said he wants women's reproductive right eliminated?

You want there to be more money for schools and education here's the answer, now I'm not sayong complete degregulate all industry because that has disaster written all over it. We need regulations to protect workers, investors, honest businessowners, and the public. But what I am saying is give the bueiness owners out there some slack. Le those who have the money be given some ease from their Tax burdens and from unecessary regulation so they can start hiring. Give private sector business a chance to prosper, and we'll see more taxpayers in the system, and more money in the system. And when there's more money in  the system then we'll have more money for programs like comprehensive sex ed programs. it again copmes back to the issue of our stinky economy.

There are a lot of good law-abiding wealthy people who would be willing to give  apersona  job. But here's the thing we have to understand. If a person wants that high paying job or that million-dollar job, they have to start at the bottom and worj their way up.A lot of sucessful entreprenuers started off cleaning bathrooms, or flipping burgers. Hardly anyone gets that big break instantly. A lot of times like or not we have to work for it. I have 4 weeks vacation in my job as a courtesy clerk and I didn't get that overnight it took me 12 years to get it. The short of it is, don't expect anythingt o be handed to you on a silver-platter. Again ask any sucessful; rich person and most will tell you that they started at the very bottom of their profession. That's just how it goes. I understand that there ar always going to be people in this country who have more than me. that's always been the way it is and I'm at peace with that. And for all of Capital;ism's flaws, it's still the best sytem we got, and it does work. It's a sytem in which people are judged bytheir actions and deeds. I'm not saying worshp at the altar of random ruich people, but what I am saying is give them a beak, have a postive attitude, and respect them for the fact they drive their proverbial Rolls Royce because they worked hard and they built something.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #209 on: May 30, 2012, 07:41:25 am »

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
- John Fitzgerald kennedy
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #210 on: May 31, 2012, 05:41:41 pm » has put out an interesting breakdown about the sex of sources cited in the media, especially on women's issues. (I think they're everyone's issues, but that's only sort of related.)

Highlight: "For example, in front page articles about the 2012 election that mention abortion or birth control, men are 4 to 7 times more likely to be cited than women." Ugly feminist laughter.

It's not enough to say that we believe that women deserve rights when prompted and leave it there. If we want our politics to be legitimately non-sexist and non-gender discriminatory, we need to be proactive in recognizing our biases in favor of recognizing the authority and reliability of men's voices over women's.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #211 on: June 23, 2012, 06:22:39 pm »
Something interesting today on FOX news. Mike Huckabee had on his show a number of Millenials. And they ranged from Democrat, to Republican, to Independant.  yup there were people there who were planning to vote for Obama, ROmney, and even Gary Johnson the Libertarian nominee. And as always things were civil and respectful on Mike Huckabbee's show. I may not always agree with mike Huckabee but I give him KUDOS to him for keeping the  show nice, relaxed and very civil. That's the kind of class we need in poltics. We can disagree to our heart's content. But when it's all said and done we're Americans and let's go out for a berr and/or a buger, or well just to chat. Now doesn't that sound wonderful?
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #212 on: July 22, 2012, 09:26:12 pm »
Okay there's something I want to get off my chest. it seems to me that lately there have been some pretty nasty names thrown around by Democrats, Republcians, and independants. I from time to time unfortunately have given into the temptation. But recent ecevents and hanging around my parents for sop long have brought to this revelation/declaration. While my beliefs may at times be grating whether you support Obama, Romney, or even Ron Paul I make this promise. i will never ever use the terms libtard, Neo-con, or sheeple. I've found that those words can undermine the lines of communication. While we may not agree on everything I make this pledge never to use any of these words to attack anyone. I believe we can debate without the name-calling. That's the sign of a truly civil society, and now more than ever we need that.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #213 on: July 22, 2012, 09:30:15 pm »
I don't think Neocon is a bad name, though.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #214 on: September 16, 2012, 08:01:39 pm »
Well folks we have a new low in EPICALLY stupid, facepalm-esque laws. In the city of New York it is now illegal to seel 32 oz drinks. They SAY that it's part of the effort to combat obesity. Personally I think this law is facepalm absurd and has EPIC FAIL written all over it. I mean what gives the city of New York the right to play food and drink police. I mean banning 32 oz drinks to combat obesity? In the words of WWE superstar the Miz, "Really...really...really?". I think all this is going to is aggravate the problem and a majority of New York city people are going to rebel against this silly law. Obesity and combating it are a matter of personal responsibility. You can't legislate good health in people. Fitness like I said is a matter of personal responsibility. And banning 32 oz drinks is not going to solve anything. That's my take on it. Have nice day. :)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 10:21:13 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #215 on: September 16, 2012, 10:09:13 pm »
Here's a video on the topic I watched awhile ago. It opened my eyes a bit. I really don't like the idea of telling people what to do with their bodies . . but the reality is that individuals do not live in a vacuum.  We all affect each other.

The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 7): Drugs Cigarettes Alcohol...and Sugar?

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #216 on: September 17, 2012, 12:19:41 am »
Here's a video on the topic I watched awhile ago. It opened my eyes a bit. I really don't like the idea of telling people what to do with their bodies . . but the reality is that individuals do not live in a vacuum.  We all affect each other.

The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 7): Drugs Cigarettes Alcohol...and Sugar?

With all due respect, reppy, I honestly couldn't take anything in that video seriously as soon as I heard the word "fluoride". This guy argues against the nanny state, but he is really advocating for using its disastrous results. They admit in the video themselves that the government has been telling us what to eat, and that is why we are so fat...yet they now want these same government bumblers to direct even more flawed and desperately uninformed policy? That is insanity!

One extremely important element that they do not mention AT ALL in this clip is the monstrous, disastrous government subsidies that go into sugar, dairy, corn, and other unhealthy food industries every year. These drive down their prices so low that they become a very cheap input in the production of virtually every food, a fact that the video actually mentions. The reason why sugar and high fructose corn syrup are an input in all of these industries is because they are subsidized by our tax dollars. Instead of regulating people's behavior, we should work to wean Big Agra off of these subsidies that encourage obesity!

Follow the money; I bet the folks producing this video are behind some new big pharma big agra or big pharma stunt that will protect the very industries it seemingly criticizes.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #217 on: September 17, 2012, 11:46:31 am »
Here's a video on the topic I watched awhile ago. It opened my eyes a bit. I really don't like the idea of telling people what to do with their bodies . . but the reality is that individuals do not live in a vacuum.  We all affect each other.

The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 7): Drugs Cigarettes Alcohol...and Sugar?

With all due respect, reppy, I honestly couldn't take anything in that video seriously as soon as I heard the word "fluoride". This guy argues against the nanny state, but he is really advocating for using its disastrous results. They admit in the video themselves that the government has been telling us what to eat, and that is why we are so fat...yet they now want these same government bumblers to direct even more flawed and desperately uninformed policy? That is insanity!

One extremely important element that they do not mention AT ALL in this clip is the monstrous, disastrous government subsidies that go into sugar, dairy, corn, and other unhealthy food industries every year. These drive down their prices so low that they become a very cheap input in the production of virtually every food, a fact that the video actually mentions. The reason why sugar and high fructose corn syrup are an input in all of these industries is because they are subsidized by our tax dollars. Instead of regulating people's behavior, we should work to wean Big Agra off of these subsidies that encourage obesity!

Follow the money; I bet the folks producing this video are behind some new big pharma big agra or big pharma stunt that will protect the very industries it seemingly criticizes.

The man in the video actually produced an hour and a half long speech criticizing high fructose corn syrup and sugar in general. So no, I don't think he works for big agra. =P It's an ~8 minute video that is part of a series . . you can't fit everything into it!

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #218 on: October 04, 2012, 11:17:21 am »
Some things were said about PBS on the debate last night, that I don't agree with, so I leave you all with this

*no maxs were harmed, just told him the dog wasn't a pony*
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 11:18:24 am by superjaz »
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #219 on: October 04, 2012, 08:27:50 pm »
Okay I admit there are some VERY great things about PBS. I definitely disagree with Mitt Romney on that. But there are a lot of thing that i do agree with Mitt Romney on. And last night I can say without a doubt Mitt Romney won that debate.

First off let me state for the record I have NOT seen 2016: Obama's America, simply because I find that Micheal Moore-esque pseudo-documentarian stuff to be intellectually insulting and the reason why there's so much vitriol in this country. But the thing about Obama is how is it that a community organizer from Chicago becomes a Senator and later the President in such a short time period? The answer is, he had help. But now when Obama's being tested he cracks under pressure. And the whole "I don't have time for this" vibe he gave off last night showed clearly his inexperience in the position of executive officer of anything. The case of Barack Obama is a case of too much, too fast.  Barack Obama has shown himself to be the sort of person that believes, "It's my way or the highway". That to me is a sign of political inexperience and dare I say naivete. Maybe Barack Obama as my friend Peach pointed out (And she's a Republican) could have been as great as Clinton was. but like I said he got too mkuch, too fast, and too soon. He should have been allowed some time to grow and gain some experience. But we have to face facts that barack obama has shown hinmself to be inflexible, and an incapable president.

And in direct contridiction Mitt ROmney was the Republican Governor of arguably the most liberal state in the unions, and SOMEHOW he wheeled and dealed his way to creatinga  successful state economy and making Massechuttess (Sp?) a more tempting state to do business in. The is a man who understands who our allies are and who understands how to get this economy going again. Some folk have said Mitt ROmney was born with money and has a silver spoon in his mouth. For that matter some have accused him of not being an American citizen. Actuallly i did some research on that. (Research is good!) Mitt Romney is DEFINITELY an American because he was born in Detriot michigan the son of a former actress and later Governor George Romney. When he came of age Mitt actually took the whole of his inhertiance...and donated it to charity. Everything Mitt ROmney has ever gotten money-wise he earned through his own blood, sweat, and tears. that's right Mitt ROmney is a self-made millionaire. He never in his time at BAIN shipped abny jobs overseas, that's just propaganda. What mitt Romney can do is sit down with others even of opposing vuiewpoints and work with them to come up with a deal. Mitt ROmney knows how to play with others. True leadership is not just knowing when to lead, but when to follow and be part of the team. Granted there are things liek PBS that disgree with Mitt Romney on. But on a lot of things including how to fix this economy, mitt ROmney has the right idea. Mitt Romney has explained that this economy probably can't be completely fixed in 4 years. But if we elect him he can sure get us on the road to fixing things. Obama talked about Mitt Romney needing to be specific, this coming from someone who doen't know how to work with others, as my stepfather always said there's a difference between talking the talk, and walking the walk. Mitt Romney can talk the talk, and then walk the walk because that's the kind of guy he is. And that's the kind of man we need for the presidency.

And that's my thoughts on things.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 08:04:37 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #220 on: October 11, 2012, 06:33:41 am »
Definitely NOT voting for "The Zero," but not keen on Mittens either.

Romney's point about PBS was "... but is it worth borrowing MORE money from China to keep
  • going - or NOT?"

Sesame Street makes HUNDREDS of millions of dollars in franchise and licence fees from plushies and other toys, costumes, etc. They get about $7mil from US TAXPAYERS which is a small fraction (like about 6% or 7% of their total income. I think they are successful enough to go it alone without my wallet.

About Mitt vs The Zero being more American, that's a no-brainer; TeH One spent much of his boyhood growing up OUTSIDE of this country, so he's not passionate and not really fluent in specifically American cultural experiences - baseball, hotdogs, Mom & apple pie, 4th of July fireworks, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and the Pioneer Spirit of the Oregon Trail.

(That last one: we are -not- collectivists. We are -not- 'all in this together.' We fled to freedom from people who said we must share our sacrifices. We replied. 'Oh Yeah? Bye-bye,' and closed the shop when they tried to tax us, bought a wagon and walked the trail to economic freedom in small, freely associating groups. We did not expect government to be there ahead of us, providing bridges, guard rails, or mandating sanitation regulations or monitoring 'carbon footprints' of our campfires. If somebody broke down ['stumped' entered the American English language in the 1850s] we were free to assist but just as free to walk on by. We didn't like the fact that not everybody made it, but niether did we consider it a necessity: there was no 'No Pioneer Left Behind' act. THAT too is American - that most people can make it mostly on their own but American people are free to Make it Big and Keep It - none of the former Soviet Socialist republics ever invented Windows or iPhones, because no one is going to experiment late nights in a garage for an invention which becomes the Property of some Peoples Republic. Even today, China does not invent - they copy from the inventors: Americans.)

One thing I DO like about O. is that he's telling the rest of the world that "Just because USA has the means, materiel, or assets to go abroad and solve other people's problems, does NOT mean that we MUST do so." Previous generations such as my Dad us the phrase "America is the Policeman of the World" and I always hated that, because we never seem to drop off a bill for our overseas services - that gets paid in full and on time.  In Libya, O. told the NATO countries "OK, school's out, the USA has led these things for long enough that you all should know how to do it yourselves: this time YOU work the exam problems and we'll be the teacher who can help out in case you have trouble with a question, we will EXPLAIN the exam question but we won't DO IT FOR YOU - not this time."

That's one of my qualms against Mittens - he is the type of guy who thinks that we MUST be global peace makers and bridge and hospital builders even when we are past broke. I disagree. Syria - the land where people danced in the streets when the towers fell on 9-11-2001 - and now they're shooting at each other. The Zero is right on this one: Hang back and pass the popcorn.

Mittens is also a squish on gun rights and illegal aliens.

I will possibly vote Constitution Party as a matter of conscience, but this year's leader of ther party is a former Democrat from Virginia, so I don't know if I can really trust him. The other alternative is the Libertairan party, but generally I don't vote pro-pot either.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #221 on: October 11, 2012, 08:03:54 am »
It's worth noting, though, that Romney didn't say he was going to cut just Sesame Street. He said he would want to cut off the whole of PBS, and federal money accounts for about 12% of their funding*. It wouldn't kill them, but it would likely result in smaller / rural markets losing service.

Personally, I rather suspect the reason he would like to do so has little to do with saving money... PBS' share of the federal budget is only about one-hundredth of a percent**. The real reason seems much more likely to be related to the far-right mantra that PBS indoctrinates people with liberal values - an assertion for which I haven't yet seen any reasoned defense. (If there is one, I would be interested in seeing it.)

* - The majority of which actually comes from private donations, not franchise fees.
** - You'd get a LOT more savings by ending corporate subsidies. Subsidies to the oil industry alone range from 30 to 170 times PBS's share of the budget, depending on whose estimates you believe.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 08:05:18 am by @random »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #222 on: October 13, 2012, 08:11:08 pm »
Well folks once again I have to get on my Soapbox about something. And since this is the appropriate thread to do so, here we go. -Gets on soapbox.-

There's a couple ballot measures this year that I think are of great importance. They are Ballot Measures 82 and 83. Those who are against these measures are claiming that the measures will allow out-of-state gambling interests to come in and wreck havoc in Oregon. The thing is I'm here to tell you...that is simply UNTRUE! If anything these ballot measures guard against that sort of thing. And the Oregonian Newspaper's Politifact section has called this along with the other claims by those against 82 and 83 "Pants on Fire" as in "Liar, liar pants on fiore". What meassures 82 and 83 would do is a loow an inspired group of entrepreneurs the chance to build a place called "The Grange". What it would be as a hotel, a gambling casino, and a shopping mall among other things. The most brilliant thing about it is they want to use the old Mul;tnomah Kennel Clun dog track. I'm all for these measure for several reasons.

1. The jobs in construction and the Grange area itself that would be brough in would help revitalize the Wood Village area, give the area of SOutheast Portland/Gresham/Wood Village a real injection of life and vitality. And since the Dog track closed Wood Village has been hurting.
2. The money that would be generated there would REMAIN here in oregon providing more income for all involved.
3. (This is the most personal) Part of the Grange would be a hotel. And don't get me wrong the Vancouver Hilton is a FANTASTIC hotel and I imagine the same can be said of the Red Lion on the Quay. It if The Grange came into being it would mean Kumoricon would have another hotel option. And I for one would LOVE to see a Kumoricon out here in the Southeast Portland/Gresham area. Besides that that the city of Vanncouver is a nice place but I for one would love to see Kumoricon come home to Portland.

I believe the ones who are against 82 and 83 are either forces that are generally anti-entrepreneurial or they workk for the other Gambling casinos here in Oregon who don't want to lose their Monopoly. And I for one have never liked Monopolies and believe that when there's more competition it drives prices down and drives the quality of custome service up. After all in private enterprise that's the name of the game. Also I think small businesses such as travel agents would benefit from the grange because it means all the gambling casinos and hotheir hotels would have to compete and offer special deals. and that's part of how travel agents get their business. Not to mention ther's all the others factors involved when gambling casinos / hotels compete.

So all my fellow Kumoricon goers who are registered to vote whatever your political affilation I ask you to join me in voting YES on measures 82 and 83. Nothing but good can come of the Grange.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 08:21:09 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #223 on: October 15, 2012, 01:32:09 pm »
Here is my soapbox for the kennel club.

That racing track is an important piece of history.  Yeah, they couldn't renew their lease back in 2004 because they were operating at a loss.   I think it is a waste to dispose of the existing structure for a new one.  It is private property so ppl can do what they want. 

Also, the greyhound racers cited the reason for going out of business as tribal competition.  How well are they going to be able to compete against the tribes when the tribes and non-tribal casino are not on an equal playing field?
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #224 on: October 15, 2012, 07:30:23 pm »
Here is my soapbox for the kennel club.

That racing track is an important piece of history.  Yeah, they couldn't renew their lease back in 2004 because they were operating at a loss.   I think it is a waste to dispose of the existing structure for a new one.  It is private property so ppl can do what they want. 

Also, the greyhound racers cited the reason for going out of business as tribal competition.  How well are they going to be able to compete against the tribes when the tribes and non-tribal casino are not on an equal playing field?

Interesting thoughts my good fellow.  Still, I'm all for the Grange. ANd here';s what you need to know about the grange.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #225 on: October 17, 2012, 08:33:21 am »
Sorry to double post folks but I have to get this off my chest.

Well the folks for the grange have stopped campaigning for it which isn't a good sign. it's disappointing when something with so much potential geyts bushwhacked like that. But oh well, life goes on.

The presidential debate last night is comparable to the heavyweight boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. And I have to say this debate didn't disappoint. Obama in the debate definitel;y came out swinging. Romney was consistantly on his A game. He made a alot of valid points about Obama's record on both foreign and domestic policy. Overall I think that Romney edgeed this one out. It wasn't easy but I think Romney gained a slight edge by the end.

This debate was so tense at one moment I figured Romney and obama would just simply toss aside civlity and get into an old fashioned Donnybrook (Fight) one thing is certain, noobody will forget this debate anytime in the near future.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #226 on: November 01, 2012, 09:53:24 pm »
I'll just be glad and done when the election season is over so that we can know which [SERIES OF WORDS THAT HAVE BEEN CENSORED] will be in the White House and go on with the butchering of American values and privileges...
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #227 on: November 02, 2012, 10:41:48 pm »
I'll just be glad and done when the election season is over so that we can know which [SERIES OF WORDS THAT HAVE BEEN CENSORED] will be in the White House and go on with the butchering of American values and privileges...

I don't want either of them.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #228 on: November 05, 2012, 10:44:34 pm »
Taking my ballot over tonight as it is my tradition, I take to toe county election office.
I am for Romney and dismayed anybody can tell him and Obama apart. I see a lot conservative are grumbling but the problem is  the conservative wing no  compelling reason for me  to vote for any of the in the Republican party primary.  Ether we get unprincipled blow hards to big  government conservatives. Fort the record I am more closer to Objectivism Ie strongly individualist and Capitalist.

As for The Grange I voting no on both . I interested ending the state Monopoly on gambling but 82 and 83  is cronyism at its worst, allowing for the Grange but no competition.  I ether all in allowing private gambling or all out  and prohibiting private non Native American casinos, and State lottery.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 06:35:24 pm by acton »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #229 on: November 06, 2012, 05:56:18 pm »
Hey folks, this is election night I know. But i have to get this off my chest. I too have voted against 82 and 83. What brought this change? Well here it is.

The more i examined the measure and the vagueries in it  the more I realized that some thing about this measure didn't feel right. And frankly super vague measures give me the creeops. And beides that John Kitzhaber put it best when he said, "We made a promise to the Indian tribes." and we've kept that promise. The indians are making money for their people thriough old fashioned capitalism. I've been to Spirit Mountain and Chinook Winds those places are in my opinion doing very well in making lots of money. Not tto mention the food at Chinook Winds is terrific. XDDDD

But anyway that's my take on things.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 08:37:48 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #230 on: November 06, 2012, 06:43:04 pm »
I voted and I am with you both on the grange thingy a.promise is a promise
And America has broken enough of those with natives Oregon is better  then that
lots if things were fishy about it, not counting the whole casino culture
(not saying anti gambling, I enjoy the (very very very rare) trip out to a casino see a comic, get some cheap buffet etc) like that they were from Canada and feels like Oregon money would be funneled there.

Anyway I will be happy to see the election stuff over voting pole calls and junk mail, and ads on TV
So I say no matter who wins lets all do our best to get by during these crazy days
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #231 on: November 07, 2012, 06:38:10 pm »
I've been to Spirit Mountain and Chinook Winds those places are in my opinion doing very well in making lots of money. Not tto mention the food at Chinook Winds is terrific. XDDDD

No it not gambling I just donating to the Native American Welfare fund. (at the blackjack table)

I suspect it will be worst for me next campaign season for calls and junk mail because I just registered as a Refusenik (independent) from Republican; I just got tired of bad campaigning or busting  my but for a moderate who better than a liberal only the get shot down by the Conservative wing in my former party. Then there immigration which the GOP still does not get it right, admittedly I more towards Objectivism than Conservationism.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 06:46:34 pm by acton »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #232 on: November 23, 2012, 02:30:56 pm »
I woted FOR 82 and 83 because I think that capitalism means opportunity for ALL.
Making a risk to open a casino should be open to anyone willing to look into the risks,
just like opening a restaurant.

Also I had recently been to Vegas and saw how LAME the indian casinos are her in Pac NW vompared to the showmanship and combination of Class and Kitchty-Tacky that makes Vegas so fun to go and observe.

Spirit Mountain is great for a buffet stop during a trip to the mid southern coast, but c'mon.
I don't play blackjack but I DO enjoy craps occasionally.

I will also be switching from (R) to (Independnet) - I had been indie for many years but went (R)) to try to make a difference in the primaries.
All the good, conservative candidates who understood about risk and opportunity versus false security sold to you by taking other peoples money - got washed out by the squishiest crap sandwich left standing: Romney. Yuck.

Then the Repubs screwed with thr rules at the last minute to prevent thr Ron Paul delegates from Maine from being properly seated.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #233 on: December 23, 2012, 08:57:11 am »
Hello all I wasn't sure where to put this so I chose here. there's something i really want to get off my chest.

I have no doubt everyone here knows about the horrible shootings at Clackmas Town Center and Sandy Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. Make no mistake what Adam lanza, the perpetrator did was wrong. All those children he murdered were little more than babies.

The thing is it's been noted that the guy has Asberger's Syndrome. So I think I'd better stop this potential train wreck before it gets out of hand. So I want to clear some things up about Asberger's Syndrome. First off it is true that our attention spans can be And when we get into something it is true we REALLY get into it. But when it comes to behavior people with Asberger's are some of the most gentle and kind individuals you could ever meet. Ask anyone who's got a friend or relative with my condition. Or ask anyone who knows me they'll tell you I'm in reality as gentle as they come. I have Asberger's syndrome myself. The thing that really ruffles my feathers, proverbially, is the "Liberal open-minded media" today has a nasty habit of stereotyping people such as me. They make us out to look like we're weak, stupid, and helpless or we're homicidal killers. And THIS is something that makes me really want to pull my hair out. I can tell you for a fact I am not weak, I am not helpless, nor am I stupid! I admit I make mistakes. What person doesn't? It's the nature of humanity to make mistakes. And people with Asberger's are noted as being highly intelligent. As matter of fact some speculate that Micheal Angelo, the guy who painted the ceiling of the Sistine chapel, had Asberger's Syndrome. My Mom has said if that's the case I should be all right as long as I don't start painting the mural of the Sistine chapel on our ceiling. And I can tell you I most certainly am NOT a homicidal killer. In fact the very thought of killing anyone espcially innocent little children in cold blood is something that I find absolutely disgusting! So my fellow Kumoricon goers I know that this month has had more than it's share of tragedy for us. But please don't scaopegoat people with Asberger's Syndrome. Adam Lanza had soem other things wrong with him. That 20-year-old young man was a powder keg waiting to explode. I ask all of you to get the facts about Asberger's syndrome.

Also siome folks on the left have said we need more gun control. Some folks  on the right have said we need to make more guns available and have armed security guards at schools. With all due respect having armed secuity guards at a school with children who are little more than babies I think is a terrible idea as it would scare the daylights out of those kids. The real problem isn't guns, it's mental health. We have to face facts for all our scientific development there's still so much about emotional instability and mental disease we don't understand. We need to increase funding to mental heaklth reaserach to make sure that people like Adam lanza and the terrible events at Sandy Elementary can never happen again. Dr. Chandra from 2010 put it best when he said, "Diagnosis is ony the first step, the process is incomplete unless it leads to a cure." And it's true diagnosing what Adam Lanza had would only be the first step we need to find beter treaments and cures. We have to be very careful here as there will be some constitutional implications. WHich is why I say pay very close attention on this subject. Because this is REALLY treading on thin ice.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 09:15:14 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #234 on: April 04, 2013, 08:20:25 am »
Okay folks, I'm back from Sakuracon and I have something to say. I make it no secret I've butted heads with  a lot of folks and I'm not a big fan of any type of political extremism. Lately from extremmists on all ssides of the aisle I've been hearing talk about how America should be split up into one part Liberal, one part conservative, or go even further and start a new civil war. To that sort of thinking I say, "No!" and I'll explain why.

1. Historically speaking the last time we had a civil war the country nearly got ripped to pieces by it. And we still have a lot of enemies out there who want to take over the world and would love to see us implode and turn on one another. The last civil war brought a lot of pain, heartache, and bloodshed to this country. We don't need another civil war where brothers, sisters, cousins, even whole families are fighting and killing one another. Starting another civil war will do no good for anyone in this country.
2. Seperating people based on thought creates the possibility and the likelihood of the creation of litmus tests and thought police. If you've ever been to the Middle East and totalitarian parts of the world you'll know they have thought police there and litmus tests. I am avidly anti-thought police and anti-litmus test. Not only that but as I recall our own wonderful constitituttion frowns on those sorts of things.
This affects us anime fans because anime has a lot of material in it which teaches morals and values and makes people think for themselves. A person with a rather....twisted sense of logic in a totalitarian society might, and probably would, consider many of the ideas in anime to be subversive and a threat to their power. And in a society where thought police call the shots absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The truth of matters is yes we have differing ways of thinking and looking at the world. Yes, we all have our opinions and we can disagree to our heart's content. But as a whole we the people of the United States of America are better off together than we are apart. The alternative is far more horrible.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 09:18:30 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #235 on: July 23, 2013, 10:38:10 am »
I should just take over the world and enforce my dominance... that'll solve everything.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #236 on: August 03, 2013, 08:55:56 pm »
Lol! Dude you should meet my friend Brian. He's the head of a group I'm a part of the Crazy Author's Society. He's got a deviously evil mind and he wants to take over the world also.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #237 on: August 25, 2013, 09:53:02 am »
Sorry to double-post like this but I thought it's necessary.

Well folks the Obama administration is at it again. Obama's teaming up with his corporate supporters to quietly try and sell SOPA 3.0. Another attempt to try what would essentially shut down places like, Youtube, and the ilk. Another attempt by a small group of massive corporations to try and play big brother with humaity's creativity. In a sense they're trying to be thought police. And as you've probably read in one of my previous posts, I'm avidly anti-thought police.
I say let's get online o places like and such and sign petitions to let Congress know we've got our eye on them abnd if they try and pass anything like SOPA 3.0 we will use the power of the ballot box to go medieval on them.
Besides that here are a coupler easons why SOPA 3.0 won't work. 1. Do you think internet pirates give a flying fig about laws? they don't they'll just continue to do what they do. 2. SOPA would unnevessarily go as far as to criminalize the little guy or girl with the big idea. because then a massive glutted power-crazed corporation could just storm in and take the idea from that person and send them off to jail under the premise that they had the idea first. That's right, abuse of power and authority. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That would essentially put ghundreds even thousands of innocent entrepreneurs and ordinary people in our already over crowded prison system call because a small group of corprorations think they know better than  "We the epople".
This kind of thing irritrates me because I don't want anybody telling me what I can and can't do or think. Terry Goodkind, a great fantasy author who wrote the Sword of truth novels once wrote, 'Freedom, I decide my own fate'. It means people should have the right to decide what they want to do with their lives, not have it dictated to them by a person,  group, or entitty of people. this has a lot to do with anime because if SOPA passes how long before those in charge go after companies like FUNimation and ban all abnime because they can't control it. Who among you my fellow Kumoricon goers will join with me in saying no to a bill which would do too little to help us and give too much to a platry few? Who will goin me in saing NO to SOPA 3.0?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 10:23:23 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #238 on: September 21, 2013, 11:32:30 am »
Okay, to give this thread some life I thought I'd post this here. i was reading Willamette Weekly the other day and i heard mention that the Oregon or Portland Government is considering giving the okay to the Hyatt company to build a hotel near the Convention Center so as to give the palce some life.
Now on this subject I'm actually of two minds.
It would mmean the convention center would get a lot more people and it would mean conventionm goers would have a place to go and rest after a hard day of convention goings on. It would definitely put Kumoricon one step closer to being able to access the convention center without much diffuclty.
The biggest problem I see with the idea is two words: THE COST! how much is this going to cost the Oregon taxpayers because this economy let's face is not exactly in the best of shape, in afct this economy is horrible. And i don't like the idea of taxpayers being burdeebned with more than we already got.
Like I said, I'm of two minds about this. I'll open up the discussion now to everyone else and see what your thoughts are.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #239 on: September 22, 2013, 11:46:47 am »
Animeman73: Ever heard the phrase: Spend money to make money?

Do you think the hotel would be for free? XD If it is near the convention center, everyone will want to go to that hotel to be near the convention. Think about how much money businesses around here make off Kumoricon not counting the hotels. When people are in a hotel, they spend money. They usually are eating out, buying snacks, souvenirs.

When was the last time you attended con but didn't spend more than the entry fee? The fact is, you don't. You go to eat at Subway or whatever, you buy at least one thing from con. Maybe you have dinner with your friends at a restaurant before or after. Get some ice cream. Did you have to get a hotel? More money there. Did you have to ride a train or a plane to get there? Yay! And what hotel do you most want to stay at? The one that con is near or happening in or the one a couple blocks down the road?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 11:47:12 am by fairly_foxy »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #240 on: October 07, 2013, 06:23:49 pm »
~~Formerly Otaku_24~~

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MAYBE: Who knows

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #241 on: October 07, 2013, 09:06:22 pm »
They are going to make us default on all our debts and we will no longer be a world power. :( Our money won't be the world's money.... they will probably pick someone more responsible who pays their bills.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #242 on: October 08, 2013, 04:36:46 pm »
You're welcomer to your opinion Otaku_24, however, I think there are some things you need to be made aware of. The Republicans both moderate and TEA Party did NOT want the shut down. In fact they did all could to prevent it. They sent over a  number of bills from the House to the Senate that would've kept the government running. Harry Reid actually didn't allow them to get voted on. As much as it grieves to say so, that's what really happened, The Democrats under Obama and Reid started the shut down.

And defunding Obamacare was and is  necessary and I'll explain why I think that way.

You see overall Obamacare I say without a moment's hesittation has some good ideas. In fact the first 20 pages of it is littered with reforms that in my own humble opnion should've been put in place a long time ago. The problem with it is the other 200 pages of uncessary rules, regulation, and taxation. Not to mention there's no entrepreneurial incentive in it. And having that would help drive costs down by creatinga controlled market environment where people could take their healthcare across state line and basically it would make the Government -funded HMOs compete with one another like any business. It's simple capitalism, compettition drives down costs, creattes more jobs, and makes companies strive to have better customer service so they can get repeat customers. Granted it stands to reason they shouldn't profit by making people msierable, there's a moral way and an immoral way to make money.  As it stands Obamcare is just a means for the CEO's of the Government-funded HMO to squeeze more money out of the people while maintaining their monopoly. Not to mention there are both Democrats and Republicans understand that a tax on medical equipment, like what they have in the ACA, will just drive up costs. Not to mention, since the Obamacare websites have gone up they've had more bugs than a bait store. Obamacare has ome good ideas, the problem is it has a lot more bad ideas. The proverbial devil is in the details.

It's just like my grandfather always taught me, "There's no such thing as a free lunch".  I understand you're frustrated Otaku_24. Trust me on this dude when I say nothing would make me happier than to go to DC find the leaders of both sides in in this and give them a good old-fashioned Leroy Jethro Gibbs headslap. But since I can't we'll just have to make due by writing our Senators, Congresman, and even the president to stop with the ideological bickering and "Get er' done." But believe me Otaku_24 I understand your frustration completely.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #243 on: October 08, 2013, 05:33:21 pm »
MY RESPONSE TO Animeman73;

Here's what I think should happen;
2. Raise the debt ceiling, so America doesn't go to heck in a ham basket. (You likely know what I mean.)
3. Revamp Obamacare (keep the good ideas and scrap the bad ones).
~~Formerly Otaku_24~~

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MAYBE: Who knows

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #244 on: October 08, 2013, 05:59:16 pm »
1. I understand you want the shut down to end right now. Unfortunately, sometimes that easier said than done. Though it does make mewant to pull my hair out.
2. And I agree we should raise the debt ceiling and they will. We just need to put in some spending reductions.
3. Revamp Obamcare, You darn tootin' on that good buddy!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 06:08:36 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #245 on: October 14, 2013, 08:44:52 am »
Sorry to have to double post liek this. But i think all anime fans are going to want to see this. And all pokemon fans.

Well folks, as if there weren't enough reason why the whackjobs out there fear the power of anime here's one from the Twlight Zone that will make you laugh.  America's favorite animal rights whackjobs in PETA are at it again. This time they're accusing Nintendo of promoting animal creulty through a game they've put out called, Pokemon XY. PETA says that capturing Pokemon and "forcing" them to battle promotes animal cruelty. Now seeing as how I'd bet dollars to doughuts (or riceballs XDDD) none of them have ever seen Pokemon this statement is laughable at best.
 And mind you this is THE SAME PETA that believes that our favorite feline and canine pets are nothing more than slaves and that seeing eye dogs for the blind is another form of slavery. in short theeir ideas of what constitutes animal cruelty are dangerously generalized and vague. Don't get me wrong it's important that we treat our animals with respect and dignity. I would NEVER lay a hand on a cat, dog, or horse in anything other than to pet it or scratch it on an area of the neck or head it can't get to.
 So to PETA for insulting the intelligence of anime fans and Pokemon fans, as well as making one the most RIDICULOUS accusations of the year...THIS WTH AWARD IS FOR YOU!!!l
One cannot truly live life without having a sense of honor.

Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #246 on: February 11, 2014, 12:16:54 pm »
...has it really been this long since someone posted in here?

Oh, well.

Anyway, I'm mainly posting this question out of curiosity, thanks to a political cartoon.

It sounds like many Democratic voters are believing that Hilary Clinton will get the nod as their party's rep for the 2016 elections.  What if she doesn't want to go for it, or something keeps her from being a contender?  Do the donkeys have realistic options in the event that Hilary doesn't go for it?  I can see Joe Biden being a possible one, but of the few that I know of, I think Andrew Cuomo or Mark Warner could make strong contenders.

As a Republican, I can say that I'm not sure who will make a serious push for the White House.  What I can say is that I like these as possible nods:
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
John Kasich
Jon Huntsman
Peter King - I hear that he's already announced his bid
Sarah Palin
My cosplay plans for 2022 (thus far): Vanir from Konosuba
My son's plans this year (thus far): Penguin Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh

Offline Animeman73

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #247 on: March 01, 2015, 06:40:27 pm »
Okay it's been a while since anyone posted anything here so i thought I would put my fifty bits in. Now I realize that everyone has their perspective be they Liberal, Conservative, independent, Libertarian, or whatever. But we should recognize three things 1. No one side is evil all sides have their virtues and their flaws simple as that 2. We are all Americans, we were born in this country so therefore we are American citizens. 3. Violent radical Islam represents a threat to all of us. If you've been watching the news you know about all those innocent people whom ISIS has so brutally slaughtered. This strain of Islam represents a threat to the world because it seeks to create a caliphate in which they can tell everyone what they can and can't do and basically eliminate free will itself. This is the greatest challenge of our generation and one of the biggest threats to the world since the U.S.S.R. and Nazi Germany. The scariest thing is since these guys genuinely believe, because of their faith, that all Americans should be slaughtered they just don't give a (Cough, cough ahem) hoot. If we don't go after them you can bet any amount of money they'll come after us.

Why should it bother those of us who attend anime conventions, well allow me to explain. As I've said so often anime has a knack for questioning the status quo and getting people to think. And violent radical Islam doesn't believe that people should have the right to think for themselves. And also, for those of who attend anime conventions, have you seen how some of the females at anime conventions dress. If violent radicalized Muslims were to see that they'd have a conniption fit there and then. And the last thing I would ever want to see is an anime convention be attacked by a fanatical religious zealot because it doesn't coincide with their rather twisted view of the world. And violent radical Islam is just psycho enough to pull something like that.

Whether you're part of the staff of this convention, or just an attendee everyone here on this forum who just talks here or has bumped into me at the convention I consider all of you to be just awesome, and I don't want to see any of you have your lives snuffed out by these psychopaths. And for that matter I don't want to see them use their political branch to try and outlaw anime or anime conventions. But the fact of matters is we have an enemy out there that wants to destroy us along with killing/enslaving every man, woman, and child they can in the name of their radicalized twisted religion. But tell me is wrong to want to protect your family, your friends, everything you consider precious. If the answer is it's not wrong then understand this, violent radical Islam is a threat to everyone and must be stopped, for all our sakes. And that's my thoughts.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 07:40:37 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #248 on: March 05, 2015, 08:58:19 pm »

My cosplay plans for 2022 (thus far): Vanir from Konosuba
My son's plans this year (thus far): Penguin Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh

Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #249 on: March 25, 2015, 06:59:16 am »
But the fact of matters is we have an enemy out there that wants to destroy us along with killing/enslaving every man, woman, and child they can in the name of their radicalized twisted religion.
Oh, and don't forget: they hang people and also throw people off buildings to to fall to their deaths, just for being ACCUSED (by others) of being gay...
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 07:07:42 am by Prinz Eugen »