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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #150 on: November 27, 2011, 02:30:53 am »
^ I'd be interested in seeing when the modern use of the term originated, and with whom. "Islamism" used to be used as a vaguely-insulting term for Islam, right up there with "Mohammamedanism". It's no wonder that it's often mixed up with "Islam".

(To me the ease with which it causes confusion makes the term dubious at best. It would be just as fair to call the Norway mass-murderer a "Christianist".)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 02:41:19 am by @random »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #151 on: November 27, 2011, 02:44:27 am »
According to Wikipedia, it was originally coined by the French in the eighteenth century as a general way of referring to Islam. It gained its current meaning in the 1970s and 1980s with French academia, and was adopted into English around then. It is, as I mentioned, a somewhat contentious term, since its purpose is to separate Islam as a faith from Islam as a political system, and many people whom we might consider Islamists object to the separation of these ideas, and say that they are just Muslims.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #152 on: November 27, 2011, 03:28:40 pm »
We've been talking a lot of about valid news sources and media spin, and I was reminded of this article on the Icelandic bankruptcy. It states that the reason that Iceland is no longer in the news is because it rejected an EU-imposed economic hegemony.

The belief that citizens had to pay for the mistakes of a financial monopoly, that an entire nation must be taxed to pay off private debts was shattered, transforming the relationship between citizens and their political institutions and eventually driving Iceland’s leaders to the side of their constituents. The Head of State, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, refused to ratify the law that would have made Iceland’s citizens responsible for its bankers’ debts, and accepted calls for a referendum.

I feel like Iceland's overwhelmingly pro-people response to the banks' financial abuses is the ideal response to Occupy.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 03:30:12 pm by Malaria »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #153 on: December 01, 2011, 08:06:46 pm »
Hello folks I'm back.. I had some problems with my monitor but I got them fixed.

First let me clairify something. The whole accusation of me being racist is absurd. First off Islamsists are indeed what I meant. I do happen to feel that this Islamist mentality is a perversion of Islam, just as the Spanish Inquisition was a perversion of Christianity. For anyone to call me a racist is absurd because you see I am a member of the fiorgotten Miniority...the handicapped and we get (Cough, cough, ahem.) rubbish from all groups. I have been bullied by the Black, the White, the Hispabnic, the Asian...ALL groups.  Does anyone realize that they used to lock people like me up in insane asylums...just because of a genetic defect? Thank God those days are gone. And because of this I've developed some authority figure issues with bullying types.

Fox news is NOT Islamophobic that's more propaganda put out there by people who are haters of Fox news. I grant you this FOX news commentators aren't exactgy the most accurate. Of course not they're giving an opinion. And I happen to especially disagree with FOX news' anti-union stance being that I'm a proud UFCW member. But nonetheless the whole talk of Isreal being part of some massive global war conspiracy is just another conspiracy theory.The questions I pose are these WHO are thse co-called members of the war-mongers conspuiracy, WHAT[/i do they have against the U.S.?, and WHY would they seek to destroy the economy of this country especially considering the fact it would cause them to collapse as well.

Oh and just so you know I've been doing a little studying of the constitution thanks to a little old website that haas the entire constitution in big print that I can read. And well I'm more convinced than ever that what I believe is is correct. You may not see it that way and that's fine, this is a free country. But I've found another reason to believe Ron Paul would never win. Recently a fellow by the name of Dick Morris put out a book for kids on politics featuring a dog. Well Dick Morris called Ron Paul a nut in his book and Ron Paul told his supporters to boycott the book hoping to try and hit Dick Morris in the pocket book. Ironically the exact opposite has happened. Now if Ron Paul would do that on the compaign trail can you imagine what he would do if anyone questioned him while he was in the White House. Chances are he'd use the constitution to have them eiither hanged for "The good of the nation" and he'd twist, filter, and pervert the constittution to do so.

Okay on another issue. Herman Cain's past as really come back to bite him in his patooty. It looks as though he's going to be the first to get "Kicked off the island", in short I think he's pretty much done. And based on what I've seen the race for the Republican nomination ot will probably come down to Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Now I don't agree with everything these two say but I have to admit these guys have some good ideas about how to get this country going again. And frankly I think somebody needs to go supernanny on the Democrats in the Senate and Barack Obama.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 07:42:14 am by Animeman73 »
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Offline Chibachi Nero

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #154 on: December 01, 2011, 08:46:18 pm »
Okay, first - just because you're part of an oppressed minority does NOT mean you can't be racist, and it does not give you an excuse for racism. Minorities are fully capable of having their own prejudices and oppressing other minorities. The fact that you belong to a minority that's been heavily stigmatized and treated awfully sucks, but it's certainly no excuse for dumping on others. That's a ridiculous thing to say, and I sincerely hope you don't believe that.

Secondly, who exactly called you racist? I'm looking at the thread and I can find people who thought you were Islamophobic, but that was due to a misunderstanding of terms and anyway, Islam is not a race, it's a religioin practiced by people of many races.

Thirdly, please at least make an effort to check over your posts, it makes them very hard to read when they're full of typos and faulty coding.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #155 on: December 02, 2011, 02:04:55 am »
First, Animeman, I'm sorry you suffer from vision problems (if what I'm inferring from your post is correct), and I'm sorry I misspoke and by proxy accused you of harboring feelings you do not. However, I'm going to agree with Nero that just because you are a minority doesn't mean you can't have anti-other minority sentiments (not using a specific "you", just a general one), and I want to remind you that you are not the only minority in this debate. I am part of a minority, and I know Malaria is as well, and I'm sure we're not the only two. Many minorities besides the handicapped have suffered horrors at the hands of majorities and minorities alike over the course of history. You're also not the only person who has been bullied. Hateful words and feelings can (and have) come from every race, nationality, gender, orientation, religion, or ability level. Saying someone is exempt from anti-minority sentiment because they are also a minority is naive.

Here's an example of Islamophobia from Fox News. There are more out there. I don't feel like looking. And if they're all giving their opinion, shouldn't they at least be concerned with the accuracy of their facts, since millions of Americans go to Fox News as a news source? Many, many people take everything Fox says as gospel, so if they're assuming everyone's misinformed, biased opinion is fact, then this is a problem. And didn't you say earlier that Fox wasn't a biased news source? It's very difficult to have a news channel based primarily on opinions without bias being rampant. That is a fact of human nature.

Quote from: Animeman73
Recently a fellow by the name of Dick morris put out a nook for kids on poltics featuring a dog. Well Dick Morris called Ron Paula  nut in his book and Ron Paul told his supports to boycott the book hoping to try and hit Dick Morris in the pocket book. [...] Now if Ron Paul would do that on the compaign trail can you imagine what he would do if anyone questioned him while he was in the White HOuse. Chances are he'd use the constitution to have them eiither hanged for "The good of the nation" and he'd twist, filter, and pervert the constittution to do so.

Wait... What? Someone put out a book that had an negative opinion about Ron Paul, so Ron Paul asked his supporters to boycott it... And this means he's a murderous psycho who would kill people for disagreeing with him, had he the authority? I don't follow this thought-process. If I were famous enough to have someone give a negative opinion of me in a book and I had supporters, I'd probably want people to boycott it too. Doesn't mean that if I were president I'd have people hanged for disagreeing with me. What makes you think that would be his reaction? It's pretty clear from what he's said that he's all about the Constitution, and I don't see any indication that he would willingly misinterpret or "pervert" it to achieve his own ends.

I agree with you about Herman Cain, because he's pretty much a scumbag. I also agree that it will probably come down to Romney and Gingrich. I most likely will not be voting Republican in the 2012 presidential race, because if those two are on the ballot, neither will be getting my vote. Ever since Newt Gingrich said he fears a secular nation would be run by radical Islamists I haven't been able to take him seriously as an informed and intelligent person, since that sentence is so absurdly oxymoronic. Also, his statement (that I have paraphrased) that if you're not Christian you don't know what it means to be an American is deeply upsetting and offensive to me, as someone who loves America but is not, has never been, and never will be a Christian. Mitt Romney's God-charged speech is off-putting due to his implication that he's all about religious freedom, assuming you are religious and pray to a god. This article expresses my sentiments about his speech on a political level, and this article on a personal one. As far as I'm aware Romney hasn't actually said he's discriminatory against atheists the way Gingrich has, so he's so far the lesser of two evils, but anyone who ignores history to justify his labeling of an originally secular country as Christian only to turn around and tell me I'm the one who has their history wrong is not someone I'll ever vote for if I can at all help it. I have lots of other feelings about the political beliefs of Gingrich and Romney, but I won't get into them since I'm already too wordy.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #156 on: December 09, 2011, 12:32:23 am »
I found this interesting article that may give a new perspective to the whole abortion debate.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #157 on: December 09, 2011, 11:19:39 pm »
My philosophy on abortion is this. The decision is hard enough on a woman as is. Why have Government should remain an issue between a woman, her Doctor, and her God. No if's, no ands, no buts about it.

And I can assure everyone out there the chances of Roe Vs. Wade ever being overturned are somewhere between nil to nonexistant. Because you see it's not just Democrats who support the Court upheld law, 50% of Republican women...yeah you heard me, Republican women believe in Abortion should be kept a matter of personal choice.

As I've stated the Abortion's the beeswax of the woman, her Doctor, and her God.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 07:33:45 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #158 on: December 10, 2011, 04:10:15 am »
And I can asure everyone out there the chances of Roe Vs. Wade ever being overturned are somewhere between nil to nonexistant. Because you see it's not just Democrats who support the Court upheld law, 50% of Reopublican women...yeah you heard me, Republican women believe in Abortion should be kept a matter of personal choice.

AS I've stated Abortion's the beeswax of the woman, her Doctor, and her God.

I hope you're right, Animeman73... but popular opinion won't matter in whether Roe v Wade is overturned. All that matters is "Who's sitting on the Supreme Court". If a pro-life Republican gets elected next term and gets to replace one of the pro-choice judges, we're probably looking at major restrictions if not an outright overturn.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #159 on: December 10, 2011, 05:15:47 am »
My philosophy on abortion is this. The decision is hard enough ona  woman as is. Why have Government should remain an issue between a woman, her Doctor, and her God. No if's, no ands, no buts about it.

And I can asure everyone out there the chances of Roe Vs. Wade ever being overturned are somewhere between nil to nonexistant. Because you see it's not just Democrats who support the Court upheld law, 50% of Reopublican women...yeah you heard me, Republican women believe in Abortion should be kept a matter of personal choice.

AS I've stated Abortion's the beeswax of the woman, her Doctor, and her God.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

If Roe v Wade is overturned I'm probably going to have to move out of the US. It will be the first step of what will likely be many in creating a country I no longer want to be affiliated with.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #160 on: January 11, 2012, 02:32:56 am »
OK guys, it's been quite a while since I've posted. I've been on a MASSIVE media hunt. I was absolutely addicted to the information I found and I. Am. TERRIFIED of what is happening in this country right now.

Is ANYONE aware that Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act?

Is ANYONE aware of what this does to us?!

I just got back today from a town hall meeting with Senator Merkley, and God bless that man, because he voted against it. I know that some people earlier on in this thread supported SOPA and PIPA but the Senator himself was talking about how the bill is dangerous to our free speech, and thank goodness he is actively in an effort to stop this.

Furthermore, the federal government has massively increased its TSA funding, and over 9,000 TSA checkpoints were issued on the streets in 2011.

Does anyone else feel like America is turning into a police state?! I watched The Rise of FEMA on Youtube the other day, and I was absolutely speechless about the military attacking peaceful protesters with sound weapons.


You don't have to watch the whole thing; the stuff I'm talking about starts at 57:00. It is very disturbing to me. If you choose to watch it, it is imperative that you watch until 1:14:00, at the very least.

We need to start talking about this!!!
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #161 on: January 11, 2012, 05:50:25 am »
I really enjoyed this piece by Glenn Greenwald (he rules) called Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies.

I'm pretty dang left-wing last time I checked (voted Nader in both '04 and '08 presidential elections), and there are things I would dislike about a Ron Paul presidency.. but the guy at least strikes me as being 1) consistent 2) honest 3) willing to talk about things that no one else is talking about.

NDAA is scary.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #162 on: January 11, 2012, 07:51:59 am »
Sorry to put a damper on the ideological trip but it's time for a moderate's reality check.

Sorry but the U.S. NOT attacking it's own people and that whiole the rise of FEMA and police state nonsense was cooked up by ideological groups who don't undestand the reality to the kind of world we live in. I've heard how that whole Ben Franklin statem,ent about trading freedom for protection has been misuseed. Let me ask this does anyonme out there REALLY understand what a police state is?

Folks I know what a police state is. And consider this. If we were living in a police state don't you think the thought police would've come for you a long time ago? But they haven't, because there is none. We still have our freedom of speech. A police state is a government in which the Government actively opresses other people's thoughta and beliefs. And the U.S. has most certainly NOT become that. Anyone, in my opinion anway, who thinks otherwise is selling something.

And as for these so-called video I could take them tio any unbiased fact-checker out there and we could probably break down all the lies these videos are telling. The left is throwing a temper tantrum because they're losing control. The right is throwing a temper tantrum because the want control back. Which is why I believe uit's time for us Moderates Democrat and Republican to stand up together...take botht the left and the right by the an ear, give them both a good Jethro Gibbs head slap, and set them in the corner to think about all the damage they've caused to the country while we moderates fix things. The real truth is neither left nor right but down the middle moderate. And I for one call on the members of the silent majority to stand up and help end the petty political shinnanigans of both ideological extremes and help get this country back to the greatness for which we once stood. Because where the U.S.A. is concerned...our best days are NOT behind us! Because we don't die...just multiply!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 02:31:40 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #163 on: January 11, 2012, 08:22:32 am »
Let me ask this does anyonme out there REALLY understand what a [police state is?

Folks I know what a police state is. And consider this. If we were living in a police state don't you think the thought police would've come for you a long time ago? But they haven't, because there is none. We still have our freedom of speech.

I'm wondering: How do you reconcile your statement with the fact that arresting peaceful protestors has become commonplace?
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #164 on: January 11, 2012, 11:32:12 am »
No one can be trusted.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #165 on: January 11, 2012, 11:47:57 am »
Sorry to put a damper on the ideological trip but it's time for a moderate's reality check.
Why is everything you disagree with ideology?

Sorry but the U.S. NOT attacking it's own people
Definitely no problems with police brutality. Not against peaceful protesters, and not in impoverished neighborhoods or neighborhoods dominated by people of color.

and that whiole the rise of FEMA and police state nonsense was cooked up by ideological groups who don't undestand the reality to the kind of world we live in.
I don't have an opinion on whether or not the martial law in the FEMA camps was a symptom of a rising police state, but I find the bolded portion of your statement very boring. Security threats, real or imaginary, have historically been used by military and executive powers to accumulate power. It's sort of a given in modern historiography that war and security propaganda are used to squash dissent and reform. I, personally, am grateful to any political organization that is vigilant in regards to executive overreach. The only check on misuse of government power in a republic is an engaged citizenry. Exploring the possibility of abuse of power is the definition of civic virtue, whether you like what conclusions they're coming to or not.

I've heard how that whole Ben Franklin statem,ent about trading freedom for protection has been misused.
Everyone always argues that the Ben Franklin quote is being misused when the other side is using it. It's over-quoted to the point of irrelevance, and extremely easy to rationalize its application to almost any situation ever.

Let me ask this does anyonme out there REALLY understand what a police state is?
I feel like I have a fair idea. My definition of the police state would include constant surveillance without the requirement of a warrant and the ability to arrest and hold people without charges or due process or trial. Unfortunately, wiretapping and digital activity monitoring have been fairly commonplace for the last decade.

I still wouldn't consider the US a police state, because it lacks your usual climate of fear and suspicion of everyone around you. We could easily go that way, though. Plenty of democratic or republican states have turned authoritarian when the going got rough enough. Naomi Wolf actually wrote a fascinating analysis of the rise of fascist governments through history called The End of America. You probably hate Naomi Wolf, but I think it would be willfully ignorant to say that her argument is unsound.

Folks I know what a police state is.
Could you provide your definition? I've given you mine.

And consider this. If we were living in a police state don't you think the thought police would've come for you a long time ago? But they haven't, because there is none.
The police state doesn't include literally arresting everyone. None of us are community organizers or local party leaders. People who kvetch quietly among themselves without taking action aren't a danger to the police state. Even at the height of Soviet terror, people still gossiped in their kitchens. It isn't until you try to do something (like protest corporate control of the political process in the US) that you get pepper sprayed in the face and piled onto by multiple police officers.

We still have our freedom of speech.
What's freedom of speech without freedom of assembly to request redress of grievances?

A police state is a government in which the Government actively oppreses other people's thoughta and beliefs. And the U.S. has most certainly NOT become that. Anyone, in my opinion anway, who thinks otherwise is selling something.
Then clearly, I am selling you an alternate definition. Lucky for me, my definition is grounded in tangible government structures and not an extremely vague term like "oppression."

Orrr no one is selling anything, and are instead exercising their civic virtue and completing their civic duty by remaining vigilant in the face of government action.

But if we ignore that I find your definition problematic due to ambiguity, we could also consider the fact that it's too broad. You can be a theocracy, which requires people to hold a certain set of religious and cultural beliefs, without being a police state.

And as for these so-called video I could take them tio any unbiased fact-checker out there and we could probably break down all the lies these videos are telling.
Your certainty ahead of time that these videos are lying doesn't say much for your objectivity as a consumer of information.

The left is throwing a temper tantrum because they're losing control. The right is throwing a temper tantrum because the want control back.
This seems like a very reductive way to look at the political climate. Despite having a Democrat for a president, the Republican party, and conservative politics in general, have been key to the American political scene for the entire last decade. The Blue Dogs, your beloved moderates, have done just as much partisan damage as any of the pro-gun or pro-human rights legislators could've dreamed. Stupak-Pitts was a Democratic amendment to the healthcare bill, after all.

Which is why I believe uit's time for us Moderates Democrat and Republican to stand up together...take botht the left and the right by the an ear, give them both a good Jethro Gibbs head slap, and set them in the corner to think about all the damage they've caused to the country while we moderates fix things.
You seem really convinced that you've got an army of moderate legislators waiting to come out of the wings and do what you think is best, but if that's true, where are they in politics? The increasing polarization of our legal representatives is partly party machinations, true, but the parties wouldn't be able to operate this way if not for a dearth of other, more cooperative leadership.

The real truth is neither left nor right but down the middle moderate.
I'm willing to consider any cogent opinion, and so far you haven't presented me anything even remotely convincing. Just a series of slogans, mostly.

And I for one call on the members of the silent majority to stand up and help end the petty political shinnanigans of both ideological extremes and help get this country back to the greatness for which we once stood.
So you... want to re-elect Ronald Reagan?
I don't see that this country was ever greater than it is now. I think that's the varnish of nostalgia speaking. In the past, we had different horrifying problems, and now we have new ones. For example, no one's getting beat into paralysis on the Senate floor anymore, and the bathrooms are unsegregated. Instead, we have hilariously partisan politicking and the steady roll back of reproductive rights.

Obviously that's an extremely simple comparison, but the point I'm trying to make is that there were never any halcyon days. Speaking as a woman-assigned atheist Jew, I would rather be living in the US now than any US that has come before.

Because where the U.S.A. is concerned...our best days are NOT behind us! Because we don't die...just multiply!
Naw, we're definitely on the declining track of the Roman Empire. History's a spiral, after all, and patterns have a tendency to repeat themselves.

I mean, you're right, population-wise we're probably going to keep growing, but that doesn't mean we won't experience any dissipation in our national structure. Maybe we'll be forced to reorganize along our watersheds or agricultural needs, something cool like that.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #166 on: January 11, 2012, 02:37:34 pm »
Peaceful, actually the soo-called peaceful protestors that have been arrested have been actively antagonizing the police. Now granted most protestors  out there want to follow the laws of the land and indeed the protest peacefully and don't insult the police.

But if the police were arresting every protestor out there then the jail cells would be more overflowing then they already are. Granted some police officer do have an attitude but those officers are few and far in between. Most officers out there are just trying to do their job. And we need to give the police the right to do their job.

The sad truth is the few protestors who are being arrested are the ones who are deliberately antagonizng the polcie. and these types either come in spoiling for a fight and/pr they're part of an anarchist group that decided to crash the party.

If hundreds of people protexsting were being arrested then the streets of this city would be practically empty. Sorry but that's more ideological pro-paganda. And another thing it's not a good idea to assume things about people in fact my family and I had some problems with some of the stuff Reagan pulled. Above all else he was anti-union, and I'm pro-union.  Also i was a kid when Reagan was in office. The truth is there will never be another Ronald Reagan. the only thing i want is a president who can get things done and get us back to a measure of prosperity.

And this comparison of American tio the Roman Empire is complete is utter nonesense. The very idea of comparing us to that is in and of itself an insut to this country. The ones who scream how we'rre a dictatorship or a police state are the ones with their own agenda. And usually that agenda doens't benefit the American populace. As for my definition of a police state I've explained it. The words are written but have fallen onn deaf ears. And you'd be surprise by how many moderates are out there.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 07:57:09 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #167 on: January 11, 2012, 06:40:35 pm »
Shaking my head.

I've asked this before, and I don't mean to insult you, but Animeman...are you trolling? Sometimes I honestly wonder.

Also, did you even take a look at the video at all? You don't have to pay attention to Alex Jones and what he says about world government and the devaluation of the dollar, among other things, but the footage is what is important. Documented evidence that the U.S. military, along with the police--in clear violation of posse comitatus--are attacking its own people. We saw this with UC Davis, but this Rise of FEMA footage was taken almost three years ago. You can argue about the theatrics of the video, but the scene I was talking about (57:00 - 1:14:00) looked pretty clear-cut to me. I posted it on this forum because I wanted to know what other people thought about it, and whether it concerns any of you as much as it concerns me. Now, I know that there have been many incidents like this that have happened over the years, but my awareness has increased over the past couple of months, and I just really feel compelled to bring it up.

I also found this today: In this article, the Department of Homeland Security admits to monitoring Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc...and interestingly, The Drudge Report.

Needless to say, new information keeps popping up. Please speak up if any of these sources seem questionable to you.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #168 on: January 11, 2012, 08:01:51 pm »
I really enjoyed this piece by Glenn Greenwald (he rules) called Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies.

I'm pretty dang left-wing last time I checked (voted Nader in both '04 and '08 presidential elections), and there are things I would dislike about a Ron Paul presidency.. but the guy at least strikes me as being 1) consistent 2) honest 3) willing to talk about things that no one else is talking about.

NDAA is scary.
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Excellent, excellent article. Thanks. I liked how he compiled all the video clips at the end.

Another really great one is called "What Makes a Progressive President?" It's really funny because the article comments about how in every single one of these types of progressive pieces on Ron Paul, there's always a disclaimer at the beginning: I'm not endorsing him! So don't come after me.

I also voted for Nader in '08! I voted for Paul in the Republican primary, and when he dropped out I voted for Nader. Weird, I know, but they have similar opinions about various issues. Plus, I really love Nader's consumer advocacy.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #169 on: January 11, 2012, 08:04:20 pm »
I'll be frank. No I'm not trolling. I do admit that lately my comments have been rather abrasive and I sincerely apologuize for that. But my opinions still remain what they are.

And the whole devaluation of the dollar thing is a myth another conspiracy theory. Basically, and this is my opinion everything that's been said doesn't make any sense at all. All this stuff about hidden world governments is a lie. This is why nothing personal but I don't understand Ron Paul or his followers at all. Nothing makes any sense to me. I'm not saying that you're insane, as a matter of fact if we met in person i imagine you'd be very sane and reasonable. Also that would be name-calling and that's wrong. What I do say is that the concepts discussed are wrong, inaccurate, and just ridiculously paranoid.

I grant you this I've been a bit rash in my language perhaops, but saying things like calling me a racist because Ihave differing political views that's wrong (The action is wrong that is.), and when people say things such as Americans are weak, lazy, stupid, and need a Big briother kind of guiding hand is good, while saying the being patriotic by saying things such as "U.S.A. rocks" and "U.S.A.we don't die, just multiply" is comparable to the Rman Empire and ad that's wrong. This thread is about expressing diffferent political points of views and you're going have to face the facts that not evryone is going to agree with you or think the way you do. that's the beauty of this country. You can say what you want to say, but that doesn't mean that i can' speak my mmind also. I'll do my best to mellow out the tone of words but I will say this I am a moderate Democrat, I voted for William Jefferson Clinton in my first election back in 1992. And I will ALWAYS be a Democrat and proud of it.

But I'll also say this I've met my fair share of Ron Paul supporters and well...they can get pretty mean and nasty when anyone even remotely questions their point of view. And the whole idea of a revolution or bringing down the forces of the "Shadow giovernment" have you ever asked yourself how that really makes people feel. I'm probably one of the older dudes on this site, but I say you might want to take a trip into the rural areas of the state or into the other sstates of the country and just ask people about their perspective on things, you might be surprised. have I made myself clear?
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 09:31:59 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #170 on: January 11, 2012, 08:56:37 pm »
Basically and this is my opinion everrything that's been said doesn't mmake any sense at all.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but as you said, they don't have the right to force or expect others to agree with them without evidence for that opinion. Heck, they don't even have the right to force or expect others to listen when they present evidence - but pointedly or repeatedly ignoring evidence could be seen as forfeiting any expectation of being taken seriously.

(Then again, that itself is only my opinion. ;))
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #171 on: January 11, 2012, 09:35:35 pm »
Basically and this is my opinion everrything that's been said doesn't mmake any sense at all.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but as you said, they don't have the right to force or expect others to agree with them without evidence for that opinion. Heck, they don't even have the right to force or expect others to listen when they present evidence - but pointedly or repeatedly ignoring evidence could be seen as forfeiting any expectation of being taken seriously.

(Then again, that itself is only my opinion. ;))

Okay granted I'll take a closer look at the evidence but still articles saying things like the Government is spying on us via Facebook, in my opinions, is absurd and serves no gain for anyone.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #172 on: January 11, 2012, 10:46:37 pm »
I tend to respond to your posts by quoting the portions I'm responding to. I would really appreciate it if you did the same, since it would make your responses easier to follow.

I'll be frank. No I'm not trolling. I do admit that lately my comments have been rather abrasive and I sincerely apologuize for that. But my opinions still remain what they are.
And we would all take your opinions much more seriously if you provided evidence.

Admittedly, I've been pretty lazy about sourcing my comments, but that's because I'm just... am lazy. And I keep assuming a fair amount information is common knowledge when it clearly isn't for you.

And the whole devaluation of the dollar thing is a myth another conspiracy theory. Basically, and this is my opinion everything that's been said doesn't make any sense at all. All this stuff about hidden world governments is a lie.
I'm pretty sure this isn't a response to anything I said, but I really wish you could provide some evidence. Anything, really. Even a White House Press Secretary saying something like "the dollar is still strong."

This is why nothing personal but I don't understand Ron Paul or his followers at all. Nothing makes any sense to me. I'm not saying that you're insane, as a matter of fact if we met in person i imagine you'd be very sane and reasonable. Also that would be name-calling and that's wrong. What I do say is that the concepts discussed are wrong, inaccurate, and just ridiculously paranoid.
I'm just gonna skip this, because I am apathetic to Ron Paul and will continue to be unless he becomes the Republican nominee for president.

I grant you this I've been a bit rash in my language perhaops, but saying things like calling me a racist because Ihave differing political views that's wrong (The action is wrong that is.),
We all assumed you were racist because the term Islamist is usually employed by racists in order to further dehumanize all Muslims and Arabs. Funnily enough, that's not a mutually inclusive group of people.

Sound like a racist, get called a racist. We might've jumped the gun, but I'm pretty sure you can see how we got there.

and when people say things such as Americans are weak, lazy, stupid, and need a Big briother kind of guiding hand is good,
When did any of us express or explicitly support that sentiment?

while saying the being patriotic by saying things such as "U.S.A. rocks" and "U.S.A.we don't die, just multiply" is comparable to the Rman Empire and ad that's wrong.
Patriotism is acknowledging the faults of your nation, working to improve upon them and loving the nation regardless. I don't acknowledge those statements as patriotic. They're nationalistic.

I said "modern Roman Empire" and you automatically assumed I was saying that that's inherently bad. That's your bias talking. I was just making a historical comparison, which is made widely and often. Even the Heritage Foundation, that bastion of conservative thought, sees the similarities.

This thread is about expressing diffferent political points of views and you're going have to face the facts that not evryone is going to agree with you or think the way you do.
I don't think anyone is upset that your political views are different. We just wish you would provide some evidence, any evidence at all, to backup your opinions. Instead, you just call everything we source biased or lies.

that's the beauty of this country. You can say what you want to say, but that doesn't mean that i can' speak my mmind also. I'll do my best to mellow out the tone of words but I will say this I am a moderate Democrat, I voted for William Jefferson Clinton in my first election back in 1992. And I will ALWAYS be a Democrat and proud of it.
Are you a Democrat if you don't believe in any of the positions of the party?

But I'll also say this I've met my fair share of Ron Paul supporters and well...they can get pretty mean and nasty when anyone even remotely questions their point of view.
Every candidate has supporters like that. There are people who stand with you 100% who can be huuuge bigoted jerks. That doesn't delegitimize your point of view.

And the whole idea of a revolution or bringing down the forces of the "Shadow giovernment" have you ever asked yourself how that really makes people feel.
I doubt that most Ron Paul supporters would present their policy aspirations quite that way on first brush with someone new. But assuming they did, could you provide some suggestions about what you think people's reactions are? I don't really understand what you're leading to here.

I'm probably one of the older dudes on this site, but I say you might want to take a trip into the rural areas of the state or into the other sstates of the country and just ask people about their perspective on things, you might be surprised. have I made myself clear?
No, I'm still confused as to what you're driving at.

edit: What if I never proof any of my posts before posting. Ever ever.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 10:49:44 pm by Malaria »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #173 on: January 12, 2012, 12:01:02 am »
Malaria, a lot of Animeman's previous post was directed towards me. I am a Ron Paul supporter, which is why he talked about Ron Paul and some of the other things about which you were confused.

Since multiple people have already said it, I am tempted not to sound like a broken record, but I feel the need to repeat.

Animeman, you need to start examining the facts we are giving you. We are going through the time-consuming process of replying to each and every one of your sentences, as well as taking precious time out of our day to Google evidence and present it in a clear format so that we do not make brazen claims.

That said, I am glad that you finally admit to not clicking the links. Everything we have posted, you have refused to look at. And I personally take offense when people write things off by calling them "conspiracy theories" and then move on without checking the facts. The dollar is being devalued. Trillions and trillions of federal reserve easy money has infiltrated the monetary system both here and abroad, and on August 5th, 2011, for the first time in 70 years, the United States Treasury bills' rating was downgraded by  S & P . This is very big news, and there does not need to be a conspiracy to recognize that the dollar is in very bad shape right now. We should not subject ourselves to foolish normalcy bias because we are unable to envision a world where the U.S. dollar no longer reigns supreme as the world's reserve currency. It  might take time, and it may never happen, but to dismiss basic economic principles about easy money policy by labeling it as a conspiracy does not equate to a good argument.

Furthermore, DID you click on "The Rise of FEMA" link? I'm assuming you did not. I asked you to simply watch 57:00 to 1:14:00. Just watch it! It's live footage of American soldiers attacking its own people. Why is it so hard to open your mind up? The only reason why I mentioned Alex Jones is because I know most people's opinion of him and conspiracy theories in general, and I wanted to warn you ahead of time so that you don't completely dismiss the footage, as you have clearly done. I just want to let you know that you don't have to agree with his opinions; I certainly don't agree with all of them. All you have to do is just look at the footage of the military kettling against the American people and attacking them with sound weapons (LRADS). It's very simple.

Anyway, thanks for recognizing that you have neglected to look at the evidence. At least we're getting somewhere now. And I applaud you when you stick to your guns in this thread. Though I must admit, I do tend to get frustrated with your posts, for the reasons stated by Malaria.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #174 on: January 12, 2012, 08:16:47 am »
Everyone here says i should offer proof of who Ron Paul really is. Check out these articles:

This took a great deal of time and research but I think it helps prove my point. And another thing i won't use the term islamist anymore, instead I'll use the term gangsters who have hidden behind the Muslim faith because that's exactly wheat theso-called Mullahs of Ira are.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 08:50:52 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #175 on: January 12, 2012, 08:48:34 pm »
Everyone here says i should offer proof of who Ron Paul really is. Check out these articles:

This took a great deal of time and research but I think it helps prove my point. And another thing i won't use the term islamist anymore, instead I'll use the term gangsters who have hidden behind the Muslim faith because that's exactly wheat theso-called Mullahs of Ira are.

Animeman, I don't remember doing it, and I don't recall seeing any other specific Ron Paul supporters in this forum, but when has anyone asked you to provide proof of who he is? Thanks for taking the time to post links. The first one in particular used so much straw-manning and ad hominem tactics, it took some effort to glean a cogent argument out of what the article was actually trying to say. The second piece was a forum thread. Since there were some pro-Ron Paul posts on that thread, I'm uncertain about what you wanted me to figure out from there. The third one sort of left me scratching my head, because from what I understand about the legislation, it basically reinforces the 10th Amendment, which reflects Ron Paul's strict constitutionalism. Thus, I'm not certain that their arguments were very effective. Interestingly, I was already aware of the fourth one. Adam Kokesh has done a piece addressing it. I, as well as reppy have provided some thoughtful pieces on Ron Paul as well. I would suggest you take a look at those since I have taken the time to read the links you have posted.

I already know you're not a Ron Paul supporter. I'm not trying to get you to vote for him, so I don't know why you posted those links. You've already said that you were impressed with Mitt Romney's business experience and that you'd be voting for him because of that. OK.

Did you watch the FEMA video?
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #176 on: January 12, 2012, 11:41:49 pm »
I did see the Youtbe video, interesting video. Can't say I agree with it or the information laid out therin, but it was an interesting and differnet perspective.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #177 on: January 13, 2012, 02:21:35 am »

I really wasn't expecting anyone to agree with what was said. I'm just trying to get people to see what is going on. To see how the military is treating its own people. To let people know what is going on in their country when they don't see it.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #178 on: January 13, 2012, 04:35:22 am »
I really enjoyed this piece by Glenn Greenwald (he rules) called Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies.

I'm pretty dang left-wing last time I checked (voted Nader in both '04 and '08 presidential elections), and there are things I would dislike about a Ron Paul presidency.. but the guy at least strikes me as being 1) consistent 2) honest 3) willing to talk about things that no one else is talking about.

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Excellent, excellent article. Thanks. I liked how he compiled all the video clips at the end.

Another really great one is called "What Makes a Progressive President?" It's really funny because the article comments about how in every single one of these types of progressive pieces on Ron Paul, there's always a disclaimer at the beginning: I'm not endorsing him! So don't come after me.

I also voted for Nader in '08! I voted for Paul in the Republican primary, and when he dropped out I voted for Nader. Weird, I know, but they have similar opinions about various issues. Plus, I really love Nader's consumer advocacy.

That's a cool video. I saw the video at the time where Ron Paul (with Nader) endorsed 3rd parties in '08. And I saw some of their interviews at around that time. But never saw this. And I will read that article soon.

I used to read, but stopped because it started to grate on me after awhile. . .

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #179 on: January 13, 2012, 08:10:16 am »
@HalcyonFour I know we've had our misunderstandings in the past and i admit I've been rather ornery (Gads maybe I take more after my Grandfather, God rest his soul, then I thought.) and do apoligize if I've seen like a troller, i get very...passionate about my plitical beliefs so much so that i get as stubborn as a mule. But if and the others here are willing to ley bygiones be bygones what do you say let's set the grief of the past aside?
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #180 on: January 13, 2012, 09:27:59 pm »
@HalcyonFour I know we've had our misunderstandings in the past and i admit I've been rather ornery (Gads maybe I take more after my Grandfather, God rest his soul, then I thought.) and do apoligize if I've seen like a troller, i get very...passionate about my plitical beliefs so much so that i get as stubborn as a mule. But if and the others here are willing to ley bygiones be bygones what do you say let's set the grief of the past aside?

Of course. I understand passion in politics as well, and polite discourse is always welcome. I'm just concerned about the state of affairs of our nation.

But I still would like to continue to let people know about various issues, particularly regarding civil liberties. I'm just so concerned about stuff, it's hard for me not to talk about it. I'll also try not to be what they would call a "Paulista". If I post anything, I will try to keep it relatively neutral, but sometimes it's hard.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #181 on: January 13, 2012, 10:22:37 pm »
@HalcyonFour I know we've had our misunderstandings in the past and i admit I've been rather ornery (Gads maybe I take more after my Grandfather, God rest his soul, then I thought.) and do apoligize if I've seen like a troller, i get very...passionate about my plitical beliefs so much so that i get as stubborn as a mule. But if and the others here are willing to ley bygiones be bygones what do you say let's set the grief of the past aside?

Of course. I understand passion in politics as well, and polite discourse is always welcome. I'm just concerned about the state of affairs of our nation.

But I still would like to continue to let people know about various issues, particularly regarding civil liberties. I'm just so concerned about stuff, it's hard for me not to talk about it. I'll also try not to be what they would call a "Paulista". If I post anything, I will try to keep it relatively neutral, but sometimes it's hard.

Thanks i appreciate that.

You know as I get older, and start to reflect on the things I've seen since first really started to notice the world. And well somethig has occured to me. Some of your remember the tragic events of Columbine back in 1999 when several teens carrying automatic weapons stormed the school killing a number of students and eventually...themselves. In the days that followed the questions that follwed were, "How did violence on T.V., in video games, and music cause this?"
However I'm beginning to think the questiobns at the time were driven by fear. And fear is something even more dangerous and more mind numbing then anything in the human psyche. And well as i reflect i start to think with the low quality of T.V., music, and a number ofvideo games these days I've realized that in our fear the wrong questions were asked. Instead of asking how the media or video games caused this we should've asked this, "Where were the parents of the teen shooters in all this? And why didn't they notice what was goin on and get their kids some psychiatric help?

Bullyiing is a terrible thing and should be combatted in our schools that's a given. But this is why parents need to take a more active role in their kids' lives, so that way if the kid is having problems, they'll feel comfortable enough to go to their parents with their problems. Also parents need to have the courage to get their kids the help they need even if the kids don't quite know it themselves. There are some kumoriocn forumm goers who would understand this because they have kids of ther own. This should ringa bell with the Kumoricon goers who are parents and those who aren't. Because when a child starts wearing black, listening to dark music, and talking about suicide or shooting someone isn't that when any parent would freak out and get their kid help?

More importantly than that the politicians and PC parents groups need to get out of trying to regulate T.V and movies. Because the reason there's so much mean and nasty Sur-reality T.V. out there is because T.V. is being regulated into the ground. Now granted there have to be some regulations in place to protect kids and adult viewers from those who would take advantage of them, of course we need that. But we need to take the reigns off of the T.V. and movie industry so the writers, actors, and directors can do their jobs while the exxecs run the business end of things. The FCC still has a place i T.V. however the over regulation needs to stop so T.V. can get good again. More importantly, in my own opinion. T.V. could also use an anime revolution. Now that's the type of revolution I'd happily partake in!

So that's it put a leash on regulation and let the T.V. (and even the movie industry) get back to doing what they do best.

This is just my opinion, and have a nice day. :)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 08:42:33 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #182 on: January 16, 2012, 07:49:34 pm »
Sorry to double-post like this but nobody has been here in a while. So I thought I'd put this in. People often talk about racism without even knowing what it truly was. But the Civil; Rights movement of the 60's understood. they understood all too well. I recommend everyopne here get a Histopry book on the Civil Rights Movement and/or the 60's and read up on it. And since this is the birthday of the legendaasry civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin luther King Jr. (Who to me was and always will be a true American hero.) I have a link ere that everyone sahould look at. look and listen there's a great deal to be learned from this.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 04:53:33 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #183 on: January 17, 2012, 07:23:24 pm »
Sorry to double-post like this but nobody has been here ina  while. SO I thought I'd put this in. People often talk about racism without even knowing what it truly was. But the Civil; Rights movement of the 60's understood. they understood all too well. I recommend everyopne here get a Histopry book on the Civil Rights Movement and/or the 60's and read up on it. And since this is the birthday of the legendaasry civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin luther King Jr. (Who to me was and always will be a true American hero.) I have a link ere that everyone sahould look at. look and listen there's a great deal to be learned from this.

Thanks for the link, Animeman. How ridiculous that because of "copyright laws" it's not legally available.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #184 on: January 17, 2012, 08:33:55 pm »
If yopu're reffering to the measures congress is trying to pass. Here's the way I see it. Copyright is one thing but these bills would give unpresidented abuse of power abilties to a few small corporations run by umm...individuals who are less than adequate in certain areas (Nuff saif d for family friendly purposes.) and would stifle entrepreneurialism even more.

This bill would essentially kill the internet including Youtube. It's just another attempt by a few large companies espcially movie companies to steal creativity from us because they don't have any. Well if media big brother thinks he's going to take control of my life, got a new flash for them. I got a nice Jethro Gibbs headslap and a raspberry with their name on it. Also would anyone from the moderators mind if P put the link to a petition that's being sighed against these measures, or would that be going too far? I want to know before I take any action.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #185 on: January 17, 2012, 08:38:54 pm »
...Animeman, she was referring to the fact that, as they state in the link you provided above, the video footage of the speech is not available online because it's copyrighted. You have to buy it if you want to see it.

Which is in fact pretty ridiculous.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #186 on: January 17, 2012, 08:52:47 pm »
Also would anyone from the moderators mind if P put the link to a petition that's being sighed against these measures, or would that be going too far? I want to know before I take any action.

No worries, as long as the link is PG-13.

...the video footage of the speech is not available online because it's copyrighted. You have to buy it if you want to see it.

Which is in fact pretty ridiculous.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 08:54:51 pm by @random »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #187 on: January 18, 2012, 04:56:17 pm »
Oh sorry Halcyon my bad.

And here's the link for the petition. Let's stop SOPA and it's sister because if we don't Big brother will take over the internet. And I don't want socialism taking away my internet rights in the name of "PROTECTING" copyright laws.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 04:58:06 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #188 on: January 18, 2012, 05:14:55 pm »
Oh sorry Halcyon my bad.

And here's the link for the petition. Let's stop SOPA and it's sister because if we don't Big brother will take over the internet. And I don't want socialism taking away my internet rights in the name of "PROTECTING" copyright laws.

Man, I am with you except that this is not socialism. At all. In any way.

The protection of private property above all else (in this case intellectual property or IP) is a thoroughly capitalist notion.
Legal action that puts an unfair legal and economic burden on private citizens doesn't correspond to any particular political theory. It's just bad governing.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #189 on: January 18, 2012, 05:23:07 pm »
^^ What Malaria said.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #190 on: January 18, 2012, 06:00:27 pm »
Actually you're right on is bad klawmaking, no it's worse it's EPIC FAIL lawmaking. And you're right copyright is a capitalist idea, and i do support copyright laws. The creators of stories and such should have the right to make money off their work, it's only fair.

What PIPA/SOPA do essentially is set up a system of power abuse where a few powerful movie companies who haven't bveen able to come up with anything creative can sue anyone, even a new company on the Internet for copyright infrigment, even when their work shows no sign of it. And that is stifling the Great Ameerican spirit of entrepreneurialism which is an integral part of how we became so great a country. Although the more I think about it, you're right Malaria, it's not socialist, it's worse, it's monopolistic, and monopolies mean bad news for the consumer. And likewise when there are a great number of companies on a certain somethingor creatinga  certain product or service to choose from, prices go down, jobs and customer service quality go up. After all with any private business...and this is something in my opinon A LOT of private companies have forgotten...customer service, is EVERYTHING!!!!

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #191 on: January 20, 2012, 02:44:25 am »
An open post to anyone who still believes SOPA/PIPA won't be abused... even without having those laws, the RIAA and MPAA have persuaded the DoJ to arrest the founder and some employees of MegaUpload and seize their domains as "criminal copyright infringers".

No, I'm not joking. I wish I were.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 03:53:09 am by @random »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #192 on: January 20, 2012, 06:17:58 pm »
OKay on to another topic.

When it comes to the idea of Gays and Lesbians being allowed tio adopt and raise children some have asked should they? My answer to that is...if they can provide a stable loving environment for that child then I say HECK YEAH!

I've heard some say that a child needs both their mother and father. Well let me respond with this, what if the hetero couple doesn't want the child or anything to do with the child? Does that mean a child has to be forced to associate with their biological parents just to sate someone else's ideology, I don't think so. Now granted a child might find it a bit odd living with two men or two women, but I think the gay or lesbian couple who adopts the child would be smart enough to explain things to the child when they're old enough. I'm about as heterosexual (As in I like women.) as they get but I strongly believe that gays and lesbians deserve the right to live with the same quiet dignity as the rest of us. I also believe that one opreferences in terms of...intimate company should not be factor in whether one is allowed to or not allowed to adopted a child. I'd bet any amount of money there are a alot of dignified gay and lesbian coupkes out there who would love to have a child to raise. Because with a lot of these law-abiding Gay/lesbian couples I'd bet any amount of money they could teach their kids good and bad and everrything else just as well as any hetero couple.

That's my view on things.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2012, 07:40:52 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #193 on: January 24, 2012, 01:27:02 am »
...Animeman, she was referring to the fact that, as they state in the link you provided above, the video footage of the speech is not available online because it's copyrighted. You have to buy it if you want to see it.

Which is in fact pretty ridiculous.

This made me giggle.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #194 on: January 24, 2012, 01:34:57 am »
An open post to anyone who still believes SOPA/PIPA won't be abused... even without having those laws, the RIAA and MPAA have persuaded the DoJ to arrest the founder and some employees of MegaUpload and seize their domains as "criminal copyright infringers".

No, I'm not joking. I wish I were.

Yeah, this has been all over the alternative media news.

Additionally, we may have a problem larger than SOPA and PIPA on our hands; it's called ACTA, and from my understanding, it's more of an international trade agreement and is not subject to the same kind of legislation as SOPA and PIPA:

My response to this is, why do we even need SOPA/PIPA if things like this can already be done. Why all of these attacks on free internet all of a sudden? My guess is that it is not solely related to piracy.

And sorry to revert back to the internet piracy stuff, Animeman. I just had to comment on ACTA.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #195 on: January 28, 2012, 08:03:16 am »
Halcyon, it's all good. Granted people should have the right to make money off their own intellectual property but I agree that information itself should be free. And these acts (SOPA/PIPA and ACTA) are a blatent attempt at monopolizing information itself. This is a form of fascism and I'm as much against fascism as I am socialism.

And on the subject of monopolies that brings me to the first of my commentaries here in this section. While I promise to keep the language as always family friendly I will be offering my opinion. You can choose whether to say "Hear, Hear" or "I beg to differ, good sir." on this.

It's abundantly clear that Obamacare has fiscal and government disaster written all over it. I myself am not a big fan of it and I believe it's going to be defunded sometime in this or the next year. It's also pretty evident that Obama is a puppet. I mean there's no way he could've become president so quickly without having some powerful backers. But who are Obama's puppetmasters, the answer might surprise you. Believe it or not contrrary to what the TEA party and ideologues would have you believe it isn't the unions. Unions only want Health care for all their members. And almost all union members are hard-working, honest, law abiding citizens who just want to make a living wage and take care of their families. That's not too much to ask is it? And I can tell you it most certainly isn't the Doctors out there, my own dentist has made it clear as have the medical community here in the U.S. that they are against Obamacare, mainly because it would interfere with their ability to do their job more so then now.

So who really came up with Obamacare? The answer is...the heads of the major HMOs. Why so, well...maybe this is my Asberger's talking or maybe I'm on to something but in this world there are patterns in everything. And here's the pattern or the motivation for the major HMO heads. By putting Obamacare into place it will protect their profits and their pocketbook allowing them to play games and pull fast ones on their customers while insuring that there's no new competition. That's right boys and girls it's that old demon known as greed, with perhaps a serving of Sloth. And people wonder why Greed and Sloth are considered two of the 7 deadly sins. The major HMOs don't want new competition because that would chip into their profits, and force them to have to improve their customer service. In our capitalist system (Which while not perfect has helped us survive as a nation for several centuries.) when there's lots of competition prices get driven down, and the quality of customer service smd product goes up. After all in this game custmer service is a must if a company wants to attract more customers. But the HMO heads are only interested in their wallets, they don't care about who their clients are. And frankly that just makes me sick. With Obamacare the HMOs are using our own Government to protect their bottom line. This is why I believe Obamacare needs to be repealed, because it doesn't provide healthcare for everyone it just protects the profits of a few HMO execs.

And there you have it.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 03:56:01 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #196 on: January 29, 2012, 06:53:02 am »

China bound!!!

Offline HalcyonFour

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #197 on: February 03, 2012, 01:09:48 am »
It's also pretty evident that Obama is a puppet.


Except I don't think it's the HMO groups like you were saying. I think it's Goldman Sachs and other Wall Streeters. Same people who funded Obama's campaign are now funding Mitt Romney's.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #198 on: February 10, 2012, 08:56:15 am »
Okay I'm not sure if this is the best place for this but I HAVE to get this off my chest.

My friend Peach has been in quite an infuriated state recently and so have I. A number of days ago a number of you probably heard a report about about a couple of kids 5 and 7 years old who were murdered by their father because they were starting to talk in regards to the killing of their mother. I feel sorry for the Social worker who was just doing her job in this case. But here's the part where things get political in an inappropriate setting. WHO of all groups just happens to show up at the boys' funeral...but none other than America's favorite hate-mongers Westboro Baptist cult, to me they're NOT a church they're a cult. Now to emphasize the point that I'm not a racist nor am i homophobic let me state that I view Westboro's twisted ideology with nothing but disdain and contempt. Showing up at the funeral of two innocent little boys to spew their hateful poison. I dispised Westboro before but now more than ever so help me if I ever come across any of them I'm going to forget my manners and give them the one fingered salute if you know what I mean. Bad enough that the Phelps family are manipulating weak-minded religious zealots but to show up at the funeral of two innocent boys taken from this world in so tragic a fashion just so they can force their beliefs down everyone else's throats. These guys REALLY make me sick!

And that's all I have to say about that.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 08:15:51 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #199 on: February 11, 2012, 01:35:14 am »
...I dunno if this has been mentioned since Im to lazy to read through all the posts..... ._. And I totally just discovered this today so I am out of the loop when it comes to political shtuff.............
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 01:37:22 am by Chromophobic »