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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #250 on: March 27, 2015, 07:30:10 pm »
Ah yes, a very despicable act which proves my point. And everyone you might want to read this. It's another example of just how despicable ISIS is.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 04:52:02 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline JaegerDarkness

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #251 on: March 06, 2016, 09:08:42 pm »
So, it's been quite a long while since the last post.

Assuming Hiliary Cilnton and Donald Trump make it to the November election, who would you vote for?

Personally, I'd vote for Hiliary. Just don't mention the email scandal, unless you want me to throw a trashcan at you, or destroy your billiard table.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 11:39:45 pm by Otaku_24 »
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #252 on: March 07, 2016, 08:57:08 am »
Just don't mention the email scandal, unless you want me to throw a trashcan at you, or destroy your billiard table.

OK, instead I'll mention Whitewater, the Vincent Foster murder, shady cattle futures deals, shredding documents at the Rose law firm, falsely claiming to have been sniped at, and the double standard whereby supposed feminists have to stand by a woman who knew her husband was diddling or harassing a number of younger vulnerable women, then using her legal assets to threaten and suppress the women who tried to come forward.

If it came down to H vs Trump, I'd VERY RELUCTANTLY have to go for Trump. Hillary has said many times that she'll be attacking gun rights. I'm a machinegun collector. The transfer tax on a machinegun is $200. She said she wants to raise it to $10,000, and raise other FFL fees to $2500. So, duh, would I vote for that?

Trump's "touch back" proposal is EXACTLY what I had to do to get my resident alien / work permit in Japan. After working a short while, we had to leave Japan ONE MORE TIME, go to a Japanese consulate (we went to S. Korea - it was closest) and fill out my paperwork, then re-enter Japan. The system worked.

I also agree with Trump's proposal that the way to solve the various migrant crises is to get them to build safe spaces in their own countries. No one else can do that for them (which means USA shouldn't be wasting money trying.)

Trump scares me A LOT because he seems to think (like the current white house resident) that he will get to RULE, rather than LEAD. But the fact that he comes from any other background than lawyering is interesting. That's what I also liked about Ben Carson, until he started being a space-case on the campaign trail and flamed out.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 08:59:39 am by Prinz Eugen »

Offline JaegerDarkness

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #253 on: March 07, 2016, 01:53:43 pm »
Just don't mention the email scandal, unless you want me to throw a trashcan at you, or destroy your billiard table.
OK, instead I'll mention Whitewater, the Vincent Foster murder, shady cattle futures deals, shredding documents at the Rose law firm, falsely claiming to have been sniped at, and the double standard whereby supposed feminists have to stand by a woman who knew her husband was diddling or harassing a number of younger vulnerable women, then using her legal assets to threaten and suppress the women who tried to come forward.
*destroys your billiard table anyway* ****, I forgot about those other scandals. *headdesk* Donald Trump is WAY too scary for me to vote for him. But, I'd hate for you to be unable to "cheaply" build up your machine gun collection.
~~Formerly Otaku_24~~

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Offline Animeman73

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #254 on: March 18, 2016, 09:18:18 pm »
I'm choosing to vote for Donald Trump myself. Okay i admit Trump is cuddly as a cactus, he's said things that make me go "huh", and he does have a few ideas I have, in terms of logistics, a problem with. Hillary is simply dishonest, she'll say anything. Not to mention there's something about her attitude towards people that grates at my nerves.

Not only that but the Democrats have been taken over by the Regressive Left. I've watched videos by people such as Sargon of Akkad, Undoomed, Thunderf00t, who are part of YouTube's growing pro-freedom movement, as well as the very witty Top Hats and Champagne. See who the Democrats are supporting these days organizations such as Black Lives Matter a known anti-cop group with some very nasty ideas and even nastier member,a  judgement based solely on content of character.

but the fact of matters is this. 1. Trump knows how to wheel and deal, 2. Trump hasn't been bought by any special interest groups and that scares the bejeezus out of a lot of extremists on both the far-left and far-right. 3. Trump actually wants to do something about our economy and illegal immigration problem as well as ISIS and he can actually get things done. 4. The GOP establishment have had 8 years to at least TRY and do something about our problems and they have not lifted a finger to do so.

Now in fairness do i think Trump is a saint and everything he says is right...NO! As I said there are a few things I disagree with him on. But I think in terms of pragmatism better him than Hillary.Hillary is not going to do anything because she's a Manchurian candidate for big corporations. Otherwise we'll have another four to eight years of incessant whining dividing and complaining. And i for one think it's about time to set aside the rubbish and, as Larry the Cable Guy would best put it, "Get er' done."

_Blasts trash cans with ki blasts- And please let's not have any trash can throwing that's very uncivilized.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 08:03:36 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #255 on: March 19, 2016, 08:11:49 am »
Sorry to double post like this but something interesting came up. While watching the YouTube videos of a young New York city Liberal named Chris Ray Gun, I came across some fascinating information that provides another good reason not to vote for Hillary but instead vote for Trump. Many people on the Kumoricon forums as well as being anime fans are also gamers (people who play video games). Hillary Clinton, not so long ago, was one of those who attempted to go after video under the premise that they make poepl more violent. And there have been ample numbers of scientific studies since then that shows there's no correlation between violent behavior in people and video games, nor is there any correlation between people being sexist, and video games.

Hillary Clinton is part of a small but very nasty moemnt called cultural authoritarianism. Now consider this...if she becomes president what's to say she won't go after video games again. When it comes to control one thing I've leanred about rhe Regressive Left they don't give up so easily.

On a side note something we all might find interesting. The late Supreme Court Judge Anton Scalia (I hope I spelled that right) actually stood up for video games. That's right a conservative-minded constitutionalist judge stood up for video games as a form of art. Just something to think on everyone.
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Offline JaegerDarkness

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #256 on: June 07, 2016, 03:28:34 pm »
For those of you who want Donald Trump to be the next President, I give you a video, that MIGHT change your mind.

*dives into a spider hole*
~~Formerly Otaku_24~~

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Offline Animeman73

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #257 on: June 07, 2016, 10:56:43 pm »
Interesting video Otaku_24. I will see that video and i will raise you.

We'll start off with a man who's quickly becoming a  darling in conservative circles and is openly gay. Here is Milo Yiannopoulos on the Rubin report:

Secondly this:

And now for my own opinion. Contrary to what you may have heard on mainstream media Donald Trump is not a racist, he's not sexist, he's not a homophobe. He's not a racist becasue he's married to a Central European woman in his current wife. He's not a sexist because his daughter Ivanka loves her father and genuinely respects him, as he does her (And the same goes for his sons too.). Also Ben Carson and Herman Cain two black conservatives are in support of him which says a lot. Milo Yiannopoulos a gay conservative supports Trump.

Now it is true Trump does at times say stupid things, he can be a bit ornery sometimes. But the thing is he's growing and he's learning at an impressive rate. Trump is a very smart man who has built a number of top ate businesses. As for the comments that he had 4 businesses go under, my response is 4 businesses out of how many? Trump has multiple businesses that are doing extraordinarily well. Business in the private sector is a dice roll not everything is going to work out no mater how good you are. That's just how life is.

Donald Trump has a knack for knowing a bad deal and how to improve things. The fact of matters is Obama has made some abhorrent deals with Iran, with CAFTA and other things. Trump would take those deals and fix them because he's the master of wheel and deal. One of the biggest reasons to vote for Trump is, in my humble opinion, this is a man who is controlled by neither the left nor the right. Neither is he controlled by ideology the way Bernie Sanders is. Ideologues from both poltical factions have been running this country for too long, and for too long they've given us a big plate full...of absolutely nothing.We need someone from outside the political establishment who knows how things work.

What Trump is simply put is practical and balanced. He knows about the crud that's going on in this country and I believe he can fix a lot of it. That includes building that wall along our Southern borders to keep the Mexican Drug Cartels out and make it so any new immigrants have to go through the main gate. This is as much for the protection of the immigrants so they don't break our laws or end up as nothing more than cheap labor for big Corporations. And before anyone shouts. "Oh yeah, what if the Cartels decide to dig beneath the walls?" well that might be effective however if say a web of seismographs were put up around the wall that would make a difference. You see even the most quiet of drilling equipment makes a certain seismic vibration and seismographs are very sensitive. If we were to place them on our side of the wall and in places where the power couldn't be cut without someone noticing that would make things all the harder. Chalk one up for the science, chalk one up for technology!

We need Donald Trump as President because we need to get our respect back we need to secure our borders, get our economy going again, and we need to start kicking the tail of ISIS and violent radical Islam because they're still out there waiting for us. And if you've read my comments where violent Radical Islam is concerned you know my thoughts. And there are other reasons for Donald Trump to be president but I'm not going into them right now because it would take too long and this post is really long as is.

This concludes my thoughts. I hope I've come across as reasonable and logical, Otaku_24. And do please come out of the spider hole I promise I won't bite your head off, now if someone were to bully you while you were in cosplay I'd happily bite their head off! No disrespect here Otaku_24.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 03:02:13 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline JaegerDarkness

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #258 on: July 15, 2016, 09:36:21 pm »
Donald Trump sucks and is an untrustworthy liar. Yesterday, in light of the terrorist attack in Nice, he tweeted that he was postponing his announcement of who he selected to be his Vice President. Fast forward, to today and he makes his announcement anyway (albeit on social media). I DO NOT TRUST DONALD TRUMP AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~Formerly Otaku_24~~

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Offline Animeman73

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #259 on: July 16, 2016, 08:45:54 pm »
Um...he postponed it out of respect for what happened in France. And well alternative media has become the new norm in this age of the Internet. What's so wrong with using the Internet to make his announcement. He's just making use of what's there. Bill Clinton did the same with his economic plan back in the 90's when the Internet was just getting off the ground.

Hillary has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's a liar, and she should've been convicted but there were dirty dealings behind the scenes. that's the only reason she got let off Scott free. Most anyone else who would've been in that situation with those E-mails would've been crucified. The system is rigged all right, rigged by the very same people who claim it is. Quite the hypocrisy there.

And with all due respect..I don't think Gary Johnson is going to do all that well. If some people want to vote for him that's their business. But whether you like Trump or not. He's our best bet for getting this country back on track, secure our borders,  taking ISIS down, and defeating the Regressive Left.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 11:19:11 am by Animeman73 »
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Hillary Campaign Multiple Bank Withdrawal Scam
« Reply #260 on: September 16, 2016, 07:28:08 am »
Are we AT ALL surprised:

PayPal also used to try this bologna on people. They'd profile for those least likely to be able to afford an attorney,
and delay, reduce, or omit payments owed. Then NY State AG gave them a $100K slapping.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #261 on: September 20, 2016, 09:54:52 pm »
I've been a gamer since before many gamers were born today. I love my videogames but not more than the welfare of an entire country, it's citizens and via international relations; the world.

Under normal circumstances I would never, ever suggest that anyone not have the right to vote but, well, anyone who thinks that thier videogames are more important than the rest of the world shouldn't be able to vote.

Not because I don't agree with thier opinions but because anyone like that has no concept of realiity to an alarming degree. People like that are dangerous, and, most likely, have no stake in anything that happens to the outside world.
I confess that I know many people like this. I don't feel any contempt or hatred for them more like..when they start trying to debate politics I just pat them on the head like a small child trying to get in on adult discussion to feel like a grown up. Just kind of..."this doesn't concern you, why are talking about it?" Not even in a condescending way but I feel like they only need thier stable jobs and videogame consoles. J'd appreciate it if they would not ruin it for those of us who have real stakes in what happens to the outside world."

Oh, and one quick PSA: if your response to someones concern over violence in games is to join a group which responds to everything with rape/murder threats  and general outrage you aren't helping the majority of us decent gamers.

Offline Animeman73

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #262 on: October 04, 2016, 08:05:16 pm »
Okay, folks, gather round it's time for an Animeman73 memo.

Whatever your political beliefs are, the fact of matters is the next four years no matter who wins are going to be rough and only time will see who wins the presidential race and who doesn't. We all have our ways of thinking and believe it or not I'm not about to start forcing my beliefs down other people's throats. Because speech and free will for everyone, no receptions! And truth told all this bickering on both sides is wearing me down as wellas  many of you out there.

I would ask one thing though...let's leave the politics and all the daily life drama stuff out of Kumoricon. We are going to attend this convention to have fun. And the staff and volunteers here work their rears off to make it all work. I know something about volunteer work because I volunteered a my local library for a year before I got my current job. Let's show these hard working guys and gals some love and appreciation by leaving the politics , the whole Dub Vs. Sub, Fan wars, cosplay wars out of it. We are united by our love of anime regardless of what side of the political spectrum we're on, no matter what color of skin we are, no matter what gender we are, no matter what our...romantic preferences are. We are united by our love of this amazing craftt known as Japanese animation or anime for short.

So let's go there to meet some great voice and artistic talent and to generally have a  good time. Let's leave all the drama behind. "Don't worry, be happy!"

And that's a memo.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 11:20:11 am by Animeman73 »
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #263 on: October 04, 2016, 10:07:07 pm »
OK, so somebody needs to do a Cosplay of Ichiya from Fairy Tail, albeit with Trump-ish overtones:

And then someone else can do Claire from the older anime Claymore, but when she's losing it and trying to prevent turning into a Hillary (or a Yoma.)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 10:10:31 pm by Prinz Eugen »

Offline Tcbyogurt

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #264 on: October 08, 2016, 09:41:15 pm »
My peers say voting for the third party is like throwing your vote away... Is that really so? Like they say it is truly Hillary vs Trump ... Say out of 100 votes, 20 vote third party, 41 vote Hillary and 39 vote Trump. Those 20 to the third party could have swayed the results... Is it like that?
Too many! Too many!

Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #265 on: October 10, 2016, 08:32:51 pm »
At this current time, a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Hillary.
This article makes an interesting point.
Trump is a vulgar charlatan, and Hillary is a shrewd, power-hungry Machievellian statist.
She would have been great working for Stalin - locking up those 'deplorables' into train cars for Siberia...

The writer (to me) says:

"Here's a perspective that I think makes a great deal of sense - quite apart from any ideological
considerations of the candidates' or your own, or the suitability of either candidate for the office, this one element pretty much gets it all to the bank, in my opinion. I know whichcourse I would choose, as a voter, if I didn't live in Oregon."[name]Forwarded from the Oregon Mensa list:<>

If we concede that Donald Trump’s character is bad, would it be better for the country to have a[/size] president of poor character who will be under intense scrutiny by the press, pols and law[/size] enforcement agencies (Trump) or to have a president of poor character who will be given a pass[/size] and or defended by the press, the pols and apparently the FBI regardless of what she says or does[/size] (Hillary.)

« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 08:36:16 pm by Prinz Eugen »

Offline Animeman73

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #266 on: October 17, 2016, 06:53:10 pm »
Hey, everyone, I have some information for you. As many of you know we live in turbulent times and well...the mainstream media these days has a knack of muddying up the waters quite a bit. Well, I'm proud to say...there's a solution. On YouTube there's a channel called the Rubin report hosted by one Dave Rubin, they interview all sorts of people Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, and Independents.  Th beauty about this is it's completely independent, no major networks are involved in this. if you're looking for honest talk about difficult subjexts in a respectable fashion, as well as discussing viable solutions then you should definitely check out, the Rubin Report.
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #267 on: October 18, 2016, 01:57:32 pm »

Offline Animeman73

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #268 on: October 21, 2016, 05:40:13 pm »
Got one of them bastards!

DNC connected with violence at Trump rallies.

I heard about that, and this is a reminder that my decision to change from Democrat to Republican was the right choice. Good greief the level of corruption in my old party is absolutely disgusting.
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Scott Adams (creator of 'Dilbert') Endorses Trump
« Reply #269 on: October 27, 2016, 10:12:31 am »

Simply because it's time to oppose the real bullies.
The safe-space bullies. The anti-free-speech bullies.
The enviro-fascist-bullies.


- - - -

.."the socialist pretends to have glimpsed paradise on earth. Those
who decline the invitation to embrace the vision are not just
ungrateful; they are traitors to the cause of human perfection.

Dissent is therefore not mere disagreement but treachery. Treachery
is properly met not with arguments but (as circumstances permit)
the guillotine, the concentration camp, the purge."

Roger Kimball

Offline Animeman73

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Re: Scott Adams (creator of 'Dilbert') Endorses Trump
« Reply #270 on: October 27, 2016, 11:24:11 am »

Simply because it's time to oppose the real bullies.
The safe-space bullies. The anti-free-speech bullies.
The enviro-fascist-bullies.


- - - -

.."the socialist pretends to have glimpsed paradise on earth. Those
who decline the invitation to embrace the vision are not just
ungrateful; they are traitors to the cause of human perfection.

Dissent is therefore not mere disagreement but treachery. Treachery
is properly met not with arguments but (as circumstances permit)
the guillotine, the concentration camp, the purge."

Roger Kimball

As a certain wascally wabbit best put it, "Aint' it the  truth"
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #271 on: November 01, 2016, 03:20:24 pm »
I've been a gamer since before many gamers were born today. I love my videogames but not more than the welfare of an entire country, it's citizens and via international relations; the world.

Under normal circumstances I would never, ever suggest that anyone not have the right to vote but, well, anyone who thinks that thier videogames are more important than the rest of the world shouldn't be able to vote.

Not because I don't agree with thier opinions but because anyone like that has no concept of realiity to an alarming degree. People like that are dangerous, and, most likely, have no stake in anything that happens to the outside world.
I confess that I know many people like this. I don't feel any contempt or hatred for them more like..when they start trying to debate politics I just pat them on the head like a small child trying to get in on adult discussion to feel like a grown up. Just kind of..."this doesn't concern you, why are talking about it?" Not even in a condescending way but I feel like they only need thier stable jobs and videogame consoles. J'd appreciate it if they would not ruin it for those of us who have real stakes in what happens to the outside world."

Oh, and one quick PSA: if your response to someones concern over violence in games is to join a group which responds to everything with rape/murder threats  and general outrage you aren't helping the majority of us decent gamers.

If this is about how Clinton led the charge against GTA, it does go far beyond "just games". It shows that a major political figure is pro-censorship, and the issue is being ignored BECAUSE it manifested about games. They need to be taken seriously like any other form of media, and if this had been about a book or a movie or a tv show, it would receive far more attention.

On another note, what's seriously grossed me out this time is that people are insistent to the point of literally ending friendships that we should only vote for the main two parties. Never mind that adherence to the two party system is what got us in this mess to begin with. And they blame Nader for Gore's loss in 2000, which is just plain factually false. There are excuses made every year to harass third party voters and this year it's just gotten worse. Yet the two main candidates are a war criminal and a bigoted rapist, and people violently insist that we have to pick one of those. Voting for who you believe is the best suited for the job is the backbone of democracy. Compromising our beliefs and voting for a candidate we can't fully support flies in the face of democracy itself.

Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #272 on: November 03, 2016, 03:02:24 pm »
Voting for who you believe is the best suited for the job is the backbone of democracy. Compromising our beliefs and voting for a candidate we can't fully support flies in the face of democracy itself.

I think that that might work as long as the electorate is choosing a person they *like* form among a pool of candidates.

Unfortunately, the last time the electrate went in with that emotion would have been either 1976, 1980.
After that, as Scott Adams' blog most recently posted, it's been about stopping that which is the most feared.

Let's see:

1976: After the Watergate fumble forced Nixon to resign and Squishy Nothingburger Gerald Ford was sworn in, people did NOT vote for the republicans. We get Carter.

1980: After 4 years of liberal, wussiness and the 'malaise' speech, 18% inflation and a 444-day ordeal of American hostages, we picked Reagan because we were sick of liberal weakness abroad.

1984: Did anyone really like Walter Mondale? (And don't forget veep candidate Geraldine Ferraro.) No. Meanwhile, the evangelical conservatives of that day were ticked off at Regan for not restoring school prayer and not effectively fighting/repealing Roe V Wade. So we voted Whack-A-Mondale and were stuck with Reagan again.

1988: I'm from Massachusetts. Against Reagan, the powerhouse who went on to become one of the three figures to take down Soviet Communism in 1989 (Pope John Paul II and Margaret Thatcher - I have no problem with women in power. Also Golda Meir.) Michael Dukakis was another wuss-boy. He tried to man-up by being filmed in a tank, but it made him only look as tough as Pajama Boy, and it showed:

So we didn't really like Empty-suit, "Read my lips" Geo. H.W. Bush but that who we go stuck with.

1992:  H Ross Perot split the conservative vote and siphoned it off from Useless Bush, and we get stuck with Clinton, with the larger part of Americans having voted for someone else. Clinton attacks our gun rights, sells our missile secrets to China, fools around because he's married to a harridan from Wellesley College. Hillary starts legally threatening Bill Clinton's victims.

1996: the Republican Establishment throw another nothingburger Bob Dole to their conservative base. It fails, and we're stuck with Clinton.

2000: Coke-head The Shrub (G.W. Bush) vs the envirofascist nut-job who must be stopped at all costs: Al "Captain Ozone" Gore.
We save America for a little longer by dangling Ralph Nader the Corsair crash dummy in front of the real hardcore green leftist commies and split the leftist votes just like the Perot factor.
It does get funny that after losing, Gore gets snowed out of a number of speeches about global warming.

2004: We end up stuck with more GW Bush because nobody likes John Kerry.

2008: We end up with The Zero because McCain is a wuss-boy on illegal immigration, backstabbing real conservatives who are champing at the bit to control the problem.
Normal Americans who will later become Hillary's 'deplorables' are disoriented and cheezed-off at having to hear "Press 1 for English." But G.W. Bush, having married into the enemy camp, tries to backstab American workers with amnesty, even though we were *promised* no amnestry after the final one of 1987.

2012. Enough Americans stayed home rather than vote for Romney the elitist, America-destroying, out-of-touch capitalist pig who made his money with Bain Capital buying up American companies where much of the work required some brain skill plus upper-body strength - steel mills, tire factories, etc - mostly white workers with no college degrees.)  So were were still stuck with the Zero and his rudderless foreign policy and failing to close Gitmo like he promissed

2016: Who do we get? One  guy is half P.T. Barnum and half Hugh Hefner.
The other choice is Hell on Earth from Start Trek OST, 2nd Season Ep 8:

This actress who played 'Stella' had Hillary's demeanor and voice down PERFECTLY.

Edit: the picture links failed to show up; I'll work on them later.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2016, 07:01:40 pm by Prinz Eugen »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #273 on: November 06, 2016, 03:12:10 pm »
 Zero for Pres you say?

I would totally vote for them!

Their combined psychic powers we would be Omnipotent, so there goes the need for the CIA FBI TSA NSA ect. Think the war in the Mideast is unwinnable and our soldiers are merely cannon fodder? Me too! But who cares when you have an endless supply of militant clones ( who are obnoxious dicks) so it's no loss. Hell, we could them for everything we don't want to do like dangerous construction projects and medical research and even if they did get angry and rebel their too stupid to be successful on their own...oh and
... the Medical advancements under Cradle? Oh it would be a great world indeed.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 03:15:35 pm by Yu »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #274 on: November 07, 2016, 10:01:40 am »
No, I meant the zero-shaped Obama logo.

"...and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."  Samual Adams
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 06:29:38 am by Prinz Eugen »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #275 on: November 08, 2016, 08:20:37 am »
No, I meant the zero-shaped Obama logo.

....No ****. I was making a joke.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #276 on: November 10, 2016, 09:39:53 pm »
As much, as I hate Donald Trump, I wish him the best of luck in reuniting a fractured country. Also, peaceful protests are one thing, but the violence MUST stop, before someone is seriously injured or killed.
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MAYBE: Who knows

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #277 on: November 12, 2016, 11:08:17 am »
Holy jumpin' Jahosephat! I was expecting many things from this election. But nothing, absolutely nothing, could've prepared me for the glaring the emphatic way that Trump absolutely defeated Hillary Clinton. Now admittedly Trump's victory wasn't exactly a landslide but it was pretty much the next best thing. And words cannot begin to describe how relieved I am that it's over and Trump got the victory. Not only that but now the Republicans have control of the House and Senate, they have the ability to do some real good. And considering that the American electorate and the people will be watching they're going to have to do their job. Add to that the fact that Trump is the master of wheel and deal and there's the potential to get a lot done.

While I am admit I am enjoying this I'm not exactly gloating. I still have my writer's quota and various other projects to work on. So much to do, but that's just life for you. But since then people have been coming out protesting the fact that Trump won the election fair and square. One protestor who was interviewed by Neil Cavuto said they wanted Trump to "Go away!"
 The irony of it all is those who are protesting in the streets didn't vote. They just assumed Hillary Clinton would win, and there's an old saying that one should know what the real meaning of assume is. The thing is, where was the outrage when Hillary stole the primary from Bernie Sanders. Now I'll be the first to say I'm not a Bernie supporter, but the fact remains he got swindled in the Democratic primary.

Still, to those who say that Bernie should've been on the ticket because he would've won it, uh...I have to disagree there. Why is that? 1. I took a good long look at what Bernie Sanders wanted to do and to be bluntly frank he never laid out how he was going to pay for all that free stuff he was advocating for. And if there's one thing life has taught me it's that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody pays somewhere. And with all the free stuff Bernie was advocating for it most likely would've come out of taxpayers, and the fact of matters is taxpayers are already stretched as is. 2. Remember Venezuela that country Bernie said was the gold standard for what he wanted to do for the U.S? Well earlier this year it's economy actually collapsed. The Soviet Union's collapse historically and Venezuela's economic collapse reminded us of this simple yet monumental truth. Socialism/Communism doesn't work, Marx got it wrong! So Bernie wouldn't have won the election because his ideas were disastrously wrong for this country.

Now another fear people have is that Trump is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade., just no! It's not going to happen! Why is that? Because 50% of Republican women, that's right you heard me, Republican women are for Roe Vs. Wade remaining the law of the land. Simply because when it boils down to it sometimes bad things happen to good people, and there need to be options for if and when that happens. Besides which, currently we have more important things to worry about than Roe vs. Wade. So, no, Roe vs. Wade will not be overturned! Just relax it's simply not going to happen!

Trump/Pence are going to end Gay marriage. Again, just no! The fact of matters is Donald Trump has basically given the Republican party a good swift kick and the rear and then proceeded to shake it up like a vodka martini.  Because of this we have people like Milo Yiannopolous the openly gay and fabulous mayhem-raising conservative, and people like Peter Thiel (I hope I spelled that right) one of the founders of Paypal and an openly gay Republican coming out of the closet.  Thereby disproving the stereotype that Republicans are homophobic. The Republican party has become more diverse and unique. And then you have Caitlin Jenner who's revealed he/she is a Republican that's just fact. And then you have organizations such as Log Cabin Conservatives a support group for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Republicans and Conservatives.

This is all part of something that Dave Rubin of the Rubin report talked about. There's a political realignment that's been taking place. It's pitting classical Liberals (Such as myself), Conservatives, and Libertarians against what's been dubbed "The Regressive Left". The Regressive Left are practitioners of a system called Neo-Progressivism. YouTube commentator Sargon of Akkad actually did a couple of very interesting videos on this subject. i think you might want to check them out along with his video on the cult mentality as I think you'll find Sargon of Akkad's videos quite enlightening.

While we're talking about the Regressive Left, the biggest reasons they and the Democrats lost this election are these at least from my humble standpoint. 1. The Regressive Left fell victim to the old adage of Frederich Nietzsche, "Those who fight the monsters should see they do not become one. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you". Having won the culture war and sending the radical zealots of the far-right running for cover the Left started to become the very same monster they claimed to hate. They became more authoritarian. 2. Keeping with reason 1 it's a well known fact the American people have authority figure issues, especially bullying authority figure types. We Americans don't like being told what we can and can't do, think, say, feel, believe, or even eat. That's something people should decide for themselves "Free speech and free will for everyone, no exceptions". 3. The fact of matters is the ivory towers of higher education have been corrupted by this far-left ideology which is allowing for some very bad very hypocritical Marxist professors to have tenure and brainwash students into entitled, vicious, mean, and nasty monsters. Now I know for a fact not all Millennials are this way. I know most Millennials are actually really nice and decent people who just want to live their lives in the American way. Sargon of Akkad actually recently had a petition that was being passed around on asking that Social Justice for the humanities courses be suspended from our Universities, not eliminated, suspended. That way they can be investigated to see what works, what can be tweaked, and what is genuinely harmful to the students.  College should be about expanding your horizons, your mind, and getting the skills needed to go out and get a job in the workplace. And as it stands these social justice courses are harming what is supposed to be a free marketplace of ideas.  In the case of suspending these courses this is something i actually agree with because it's doing some real harm to the next generation. And I genuinely believe the Millennials and the generation to come have a great deal of whet I call "Unlimited potential for greatness".

In closing I genuinely believe the election of Donald Trump is a chance to start things over and this time get things right so we can create a better America so that everyone can have a chance to unlock his or her potential regardless of who they are. And for those in the Regressive Left, there's a place for you at this table of discussion. But understand there are going to be certain rules that MUST be obeyed. For starters no calling anyone racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or any Tumblr-ism just because they have a different point of view. That attitude is part of how we got into this mess in the first place. Different perspectives are how we learn and grow as a people. Liberals aren't always right on everything and neither are Conservatives. Both sides have good and bad ideas.
Libertarians there's a place for you and Independents at this table as well. As Americans we want everyone coming to the proverbial table in good faith, to give us their ideas in a civil fashion. Name-calling, stamping feet, throwing temper tantrums, and labels isn't going to cut it anymore. The election of Donald Trump means it's time for this country to heal. We can still have fun and enjoy life but it's also time for all of us (me included) to start behaving like adults and discussing things in an adult manner. That's part of how we're going to make America great again.

Coming soon, I'm going to be talking about why dismantling the Electoral College is a terrible idea. This concludes my thoughts thank you for you time.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 04:13:19 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #278 on: November 12, 2016, 01:31:58 pm »
... the violence MUST stop, before someone is seriously injured or killed.
I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but does anyone know whether the violent vandals are being keyed by outer forces to flash-mob within the protests,
to make peaceful dissenters look bad?
This sort of stuff was tried at Tea Party gatherings - people showing up with misspelled signs, racist slogans, and iirc one noodnick shoed up at a rally in a Confederate uniform. The Tea Party adapted rapidly with "NOT WITH US" signs and arrows to call out out these agitators.
Maybe the same could be done by the dissenters - cluster around the violent protestors with signs and arrows so that the visual message is filled with "THESE A***OLES ARE NO PART OF OUR MESSAGE." 

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #279 on: November 12, 2016, 02:45:26 pm »
Hey, so if Trump is so anti-woman, did anyone notice how just like in his private organizations, he placed women into HIGH positions of power, influence, and responsibility in his campaign structure?

Dilbert creator Scott Adams:
"Trump succeeded in large part because of three brilliant, super-tough, ultra-effective women: KellyAnne Conway, Katrina Pierson, and Ivanka Trump. If you cried on election day because it was a bad day for women, perhaps you were looking in the wrong direction."

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #280 on: November 14, 2016, 07:07:44 pm »
As much, as I hate Donald Trump, [...], but the violence MUST stop, before someone is seriously injured or killed.
He just said so ("Stop it!") in an interview with Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes, yesterday (Sunday, 13-Nov-16)

AND he also said he has no problem with gay marriage, but wants to let the states work it out.
That way, in our divided nation we will have up to 50 different combinations of choices for where people can live and work and feel least the irritated by the ways that government impinges on local cultural preferences. Isn't that the way things are supposed to work out? So you can move to where you can find people you like hanging out with? Hint: Great book called "The Big Sort" by Bill Bishop.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2016, 07:10:06 pm by Prinz Eugen »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #281 on: November 17, 2016, 11:31:15 am »
Well, folks, I made a promise that I would talk about why dismantling the Electoral College is a bad idea, and I mean to deliver on that promise. But rather than just talk your ear off about it I'll show you what the Electoral College is and why it's better than the popular. And I'll do so with the help of Prager University. (And to the Kumoricon staff, don't worry. Everything on the Prager University YouTube site is completely tasteful).  Anyway here's my argument summed up by these Prager University videos.

What is the Electoral College:

The Popular Vote vs. The Electoral College:
« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 06:36:10 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #282 on: December 07, 2016, 03:54:29 pm »
Well, folks, I made a promise that i would talk about why dismantling the Electoral College is a bad idea, and I mean to deliver on that promise.

Because in this particular case, 57 urban, city-think Clinton counties would overrule the 'pursuit of happiness" on 3084 rural counties.
Hint: Urban culture is where cans and bottles are for recycling. Rural counties are where cans and bottles are for plinking.

Edit: Final tally is 2626 counties for Trump, 515 counties for The Lost Abuela.
Still the same point, though.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 06:20:07 am by Prinz Eugen »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #283 on: January 25, 2017, 06:20:50 am »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #284 on: March 07, 2017, 06:43:53 pm »
FUN PARODY VIDEO! Political, one-sided, yeah, too bad: we had 8 years of destroying our culture; now it's our turn to repel, deport, and rebuild. Maybe we'll even build our own rockets and space ships again. Remember when we used to that?
(Hah. Most people on this list weren't even born when we last lead the the world in space exploration...)

I also remember this:
(Nothing personal, this is only an example.)
Back then I was set an example for how little to care about the other side.

Obama was NOT MY PRESIDENT. To me he was always The Zero, like his logo.
To him and his family I borrow a line from a founding American patriot (and a darn good brewer) Samuel Adams:
"...[G]o home from us in peace, ... and may posterity forget that ye were [ever] our countrymen.”
THAT's how you sign off from Obama. That is the send-off he deserves.

Rant off for now, here's the vid:
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 07:54:35 pm by Prinz Eugen »

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #285 on: May 02, 2017, 06:56:11 pm »
Hello all it's been a while since I posted here. Well I have a bit of something that i need to get off my chest what with the recent events here in Portland, Oregon. Brace yourselves here we go!

This commentary came out when i was responding to a  friend on Facebook.

Here in Portland, Oregon we've had our fair share of trouble with Antifa.

 1. First there was the Anti-Trump rally where they attacked several police officers.

 2. Then there was the time in late February (After Trump's inauguration) where, in protest over the police chief refusing to resign over the protest incident, they actually blocked traffic in the area of Downtown Portland around what we know as Pioneer Courthouse Square. The police had no choice but to suit up and take them down.
 3. While the Berkley situation as going on The Multnomah County Republicans were planning to march in the 82nd Street Rose Parade, an annual; tradition here in my neck of the woods. However when Antifa got word they sent a letter to the parade officials basically saying they would pull the Republicans out of the parade and they had 200 members ready to go. The city and parade officials caved in and cancelled the whole event.
 4. The topper was the protests in downtown Portland on May 1st. The Antifa members actually started a bonfire on 3rd and Morrison, on the MAX (Our light rail system) tracks.
What concerns me more is that I attend the anime convention Kumoricon every year. My biggest worry is that Antifa might choose to show up there to beat up people and shut down the convention simply because of "Cultural appropriation" in the form of dubbed anime or the costumes.  This scares me a lot because there are a lot of anime fans especially female anime fans who come to the convention. And I know, with Antifa's lack of morals, my fellow anime fans could get hurt because of these political thugs who have no sense of laughter, joy, or fun.  I I genuinely wouldn't put coming after Kumoricon above these people.
Based on my own thoughts, and the evidence which shows a pattern of violent behavior, it's safe to say Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department need to label these people a domestic terrorist group. Whether a person is Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, Independent, Apolitical or whatever, Antifa is a genuine menace! They're bullying entitled special snowflakes who need to be put int heir place! Antifa is more than just a nuisance, they're  a genuine physical threat to us all as Americans!
That's my thoughts.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 11:26:41 am by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #286 on: May 25, 2017, 01:18:56 pm »
Well it's been a while since anyone put anything here so I figured I put in something.

Many of you may have heard about a local burrito shop that got shut down by SJWs. Why were they shut down? "Cultural appropriation"! That is White people owned the place and they were making Mexican food.  And let me just say that is the biggest load of balderdash I have ever heard in my life. Who in God's name died and gave these people the right to decide who can have what? The sheer level of arrogance and presumption here is hard to not notice.

Wat concerns me more about this simply put is how long until these people come after Kumoricon for "Cultural appropriation" due to the costume or dub anime. These SJW entitled brats are so full of themselves that they're not paying attention to the consequences of their actions, or who they're hurting. That espcially applies to the ANTIFA members of the Regressive Left.

This is actually something that Professor Jordan Peterson talked about, I believe he refers to it as "Ideologically possessed". When someone becomes so caught up in their ideology that they stop seeing reason or logic. ANd the sad thing is the more I see of these people the more I see tythey don't want to talk or be civil.

The irony of it is ever since the election of Donald Trump there's been a palpable change in the air. The political winds they are changing, and the more the Far-Left struggle against them, the more the winds of change strengthen. This is a big reason why the "Conservative Counterculture" AKA Cultural Libertarianism is sweeping the country. The Regressive Left have suddenly realized the winds are changing and are resorting to the same tactics of the tyrants they claim to br fighting against. That's quite the irony right there.

But getting back to the subject at hand these SJWs who shut down this Burrito shop had no business doing so! I strongly suspect the reason they did so was out of jealously and spite. The Far-Left are known for doing stuff like that simply because they want to make everyone as miserable as they are, simply because their lives are, or at least they think they are, so mucked up that the only way they can get ahead is go and throw mud at people who are more successful.  Perhaps these kids never got spanked by their parents enough when they were younger, maybe they got brainwashed by Marxist college Professors. I don't know and I can't say for certain without hard evidence. All i know is the Far-Left are going way too far, and I worry for Kumoricon simply because someone from the Far-Left may decide to come after the convention simply to climb up the social ladder of the victimhood Olympics that permeates the Regressive Left.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 05:22:58 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #287 on: May 30, 2017, 07:23:19 am »

I don't know if you've read the book 'The Big Sort,' by Bill Bishop, but we responded by finally admitting we're *done* with Portland and SJWs in general. We moved out of Oregon have a new home in the northern 'burbs of Phoenix, AZ.

I have not seen a Bernie sticker in a whole month and I saw only one Hillary sticker about a week ago.
Feels great...

Also, for Memorial Day yesterday I flew the Bonnie Blue Flag.
Dating from 1810, it symbolizes the first star in our current flag - the Republic of West Florida.
(Which later got absorbed into Louisiana...)

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #288 on: June 05, 2017, 10:00:10 am »
^ Lucky... in a way.  (I hate the heat).  ;D

There was a free speech rally in the downtown Portland area that I wanted to go to, but I was sort of afraid that Antifa or some other rabid group would attack and possibly harm my son.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #289 on: June 05, 2017, 10:28:22 am »
^ Lucky... in a way.  (I hate the heat).  ;D

There was a free speech rally in the downtown Portland area that I wanted to go to, but I was sort of afraid that Antifa or some other rabid group would attack..
And they did. Rainbow bullies, people trying to erase history, and people trying to tell you and me what kind of pronouns and grammar we can and cannot use. Exactly thy sort of people making anime cons and other fandom less fun for everyone. Who wants to go to a con and play "Corporate HR Employee Policies Handbook?" I'm out.

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #290 on: June 08, 2017, 11:19:01 am »
^ Lucky... in a way.  (I hate the heat).  ;D

There was a free speech rally in the downtown Portland area that I wanted to go to, but I was sort of afraid that Antifa or some other rabid group would attack..
And they did. Rainbow bullies, people trying to erase history, and people trying to tell you and me what kind of pronouns and grammar we can and cannot use. Exactly thy sort of people making anime cons and other fandom less fun for everyone. Who wants to go to a con and play "Corporate HR Employee Policies Handbook?" I'm out.

Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of YouTube videos of their "tactics."  I saw a sign that said "Antifa is free speech"; what a detestable joke.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #291 on: June 20, 2017, 08:37:28 pm »
Well, everyone, here's some good news from the land of politics.

Many of you no doubt know about the Slants. Well for those who don't, a while back they tried to get their band name patented by the U.S. Patent offices. But they refused because the name was "Disparaging" towards Asian people. Now in these PC times times that might've held water were not for a rather large elephant in the room, the fact the members of the Slants are Asian.

Well while I was at work today i got the chance to read the paper and found out they've made history by winning their court case in the Supreme Court. In short the Slants can patent their name. Now I've actually been cheering the Slants on because well while I was at their Convention horror stories two or three years ago I heard their argument. And the argument they gave was simple, well thought out, and very logical. One of their members said, "Because we're part of the Asian community don't you think it should be up to us to decide what's offensive and what's not?"

This is a way of thinking I couldn't agree with more. Being offended is a very subjective thing. And somehow trying to keep the Slants from patenting their name when they in fact are Asian is more than just a little silly. This is a clear victory for Free Speech and Free expression. What this says is a bunch of Sourpuss bureaucrats and a bunch of pasty-faced beta males and aggressive radical feminists can't tell artists what they can and can't call themselves.

Having met the Slants at Kumoricon I can say The Slants are some of the nicest most down to earth people I've ever met. And in terms of music I've listened to some of it at Kumoricon and I can say they have a killer band with a unique sound that is all their own. And i couldn't be more happy to see The Slants get what they so richly deserve, a chance to actually make a living with their name and music like any successful musical act.

So to the Slants for winning this Legal battle the right way/the lawful way this Brisk Ice Tea salute is for you!
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 08:43:59 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #292 on: June 21, 2017, 11:57:58 am »
On the topic of the Slants; I LOVE THEM. They have done so well and I can't wait to see them after their success after the courts. Nobody should use Urban Dictionary to justify any action in court to oppress a person/group.

Now for BRITISH stuff.

I hate Theresa May. I think she's always going to be like Hilary to me. She doesn't work like the working class ever, when even the QUEEN of the UK worked as an ambulance driver in WWII. MAY has and never will stand for rights of the poor, the hungry, and the living paycheck-to-paycheck life.

Say what you will about Jeremy Corbyn, but he's been a great example of helping all people. I really wish we had this in the US, but no. We have people who still read into the propaganda of socialism and how it will hurt instead of harm. (Forgive me if I have no sources at the moment I'm typing on my phone)

So right now, in light of the government breaking in the UK... I follow this instead of mistyped tweets and golf trips on my paycheck money.
Next Events~
June 24th: Atomic Comic Con, Tacoma WA
July 8th: Japan Fair, Bellevue WA
Sept 2nd: PAX Prime, Seattle WA
Sept 16th/17th: Renton City Comic Con, Renton WA
Oct 21st/22nd: Central City Comic Con, Yakima WA
Oct 27th to 29th: Kumoricon, Portland

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #293 on: June 22, 2017, 04:22:54 pm »
On the subject of the Slants here's a little something from Sargon of Akkad's other channel 'The Thinkery'. Sargon of Akkad is part of the YouTube skeptic community. Contrary to what the Regressive Left controlled media would have you believe Sargon of Akkad is not a member of the alt-right. In fact he is a Classic Liberal.

Anyway here's his take on the recent Slants win. I highly recommend The Thinkery and Sargon's main channel.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 08:45:29 pm by Animeman73 »
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #294 on: June 25, 2017, 01:15:03 am »
I highly recommend The thinbkery and Sargon's main channel.

Same here.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #295 on: June 28, 2017, 08:59:11 am »
When I was on Facebook today a site i frequent there DC Statesman asked an interesting question. Theya asked, "If you could erase anyone from history, who would you erase?".

Now being that i am a science Fiction and fantasy writer, and have watched plenty of the Outer Limits, i understand actions have consequences when i thought about it based on my own experiences this was my answer.

No one, I would erase no one from history. While it is true that people like Adolph Hitler, Nero, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Mussolini, even Fidel Castro have had evil ideas and have done terrible things, out of their evil there has come some good. Important lessons have been learned. These lessons are 1. Knowing how to do things and how NOT to to do things 2. What ideas work and what ideas have been shown time and time again to go disastrously wrong.

just some food for thought.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #296 on: July 15, 2017, 07:21:25 pm »
Hey, folks, I have a link to share with you. I am a HUGE fan of Judge Janine Pirro. This woman in her opening statements on her show uses no profanity. SInce it is FOX they frown on profanity. But then again Judge Janine doesn't need to curse and swear up a storm to get her point across. And this opening statement is truth to power.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #297 on: July 20, 2017, 01:21:56 am »

Hey, folks, I have a link to share with you. I am a HUGE fan of Judge Janine Pirro. This woman in her opening statements on her show uses no profanity. SInce it is FOX they frown on profanity. But then again Judge Janine doesn't need to curse and swear up a storm to get her point across. And this opening statement is truth to power.

This is a great one from the Judge.
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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #298 on: October 19, 2017, 11:46:28 am »
It's been a while since I put anything up. But I decided to put this here. Now in the past I've made my thoughts on SJWs, And ANtifa clear, and as for Third-Wave feminism with all due respect to Milo Yiannopolous calling them cancer is too nice. A transgender friend of mine Tory pointed out they're a cult, just listen to their ideology with a reasonable and rational mind and you'll see.

Well I'd like to introduce all of you to a College Professor who is quickly becoming the bane of the Regressive Leftists everywhere, Dr. Jordan B. Petersen, a professor of Psychology from the University of Toronto. This is a man who has done extensive studies on dangerous ideologies including Nazism, so he undestands how things work.

Dr. Jordan B. Petersen on the whole it wasn't true Communism, Socialism, Marxism.

Also if you really want a good moral indictment of Communism there's a book you should read and a movie you should see. The Book I refer to is "The Gulag Archipelago". And as for the movie it's an old one from the 80's I saw it in High School and it moved me down to the core of my being "The Killing Fields".

This is a big part of why i stand against the Regressive Left and this Post-Modernist/Marxist nonsense. Nothing good can ever come of it. In fact in the 20th Century Communism was collectively responsible for the deaths of 1000 Million innocent people, maybe even more. 100 Million people or more slaughtered by an ideology. That is something to think on before anyone thinks to embrace the Regressive Left or it's ideology.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 10:39:11 pm by Animeman73 »
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: say ALMOST anything we want about politics
« Reply #299 on: October 19, 2017, 05:35:26 pm »

"The Gulag Archipelago
THAT Book changed my mind on a LOT of issues.
Like - the State will arrest you even without a case
because it's the terror effect on 25 people who knew you - family foirends, the grocery cashier who knew you,
your barber ("Am I next?")  That and getting arrested for 'failure to denounce.'

The mind goes on strike - we who can invent and improve will do nothing beyond exact orders.
(A bit of John Galt there, but then again Ayn Rand was a Soviet emmigrant.)

And soon there is only the State brand name for everything. The People's Bread, The People's shoes,
then shelves go bare, then bread and meat rations, and then - Venezuela.

If you're lucky the regime is toppled Ceaușescu style as a warning to the next would-be tyrant.
If you're even luckier, it topples early enough on in your own life so that when  everyone loses everything
(Socialism ends when liberals run out of everyone else's money - M. Thatcher)  - that you're still young and healthy enough to build a new retirement nest egg from scratch - in a free economic systeme where you don't have to share it with economic parasites.
Otherwise gruel and black bread for you until your last miserable day on this planet.