Author Topic: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...  (Read 6188 times)

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Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« on: May 01, 2011, 09:52:36 am »
So according to my parents, and a few of my friends, I'm a hypochondriac.
It's true that I find things that could be wrong with me a lot, and sometimes they aren't really there, and my mind is making it up, but a lot of the times, there actually is something.
One time I had sleep paralysis while I was sleeping in the living room one night, and afterwards, I couldn't go back to sleep, and I spent he whole night crying because it was such a scary experience. I told my parents the next morning, and they said "that's nice honey."
Or just recently, I found the name for one of my fears, which is Trypophobia; something that I've dealt with since I was a little kid. I told my parents a bit ago, and they told me "you don't have any phobias, you're just a hypochondriac."
I think I really understand how the boy who cried wolf felt, because this is extremely frustrating. Sure, in the past maybe I thought my appendix might burst, when I really just had a bad stomach cramp, or that I was convinced I had a tumor in my head, because of a headach that lasted a whole week, but just because those things didn't happen, doesn't mean that for the rest of my life, everything I say regarding my health is going to be made up.

Do any of you have experience with hypochondria, or things of that sort? And to make this even broader, what are some phobias or disorders you have or think you may have? I think if we all talk about this together, maybe it will help in someway, especially for people who have family that won't listen.

tl;dr : What are your phobias or disorders?

Offline DaemonForce

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 04:07:48 pm »
So according to my parents, and a few of my friends, I'm a hypochondriac.
Let me guess, no insurance? :3
sleep paralysis
In December I had this after a dream about a fun visitor. She was...Insatiable. :/
Sure, in the past maybe I thought my appendix might burst, when I really just had a bad stomach cramp
I used to wonder about this but I've never had this problem. I still wonder if I might have trouble with my appendix whenever I have stomach cramps but usually it's just indigestion from something stupid(like musk melon and ice cream). My body is a tank. A viral tank but still a ****ing tank. :)

I don't understand how people can easily get deathly ill from airborne threats. 95% of my illnesses are from what I eat(or deficiencies created from lack thereof). The rest is so random that even I can't analyze it. I suppose that's what my medic is for. :/

Despite my horrible body I will not suffer:
Sleeping sickness, Influenza, Malaria, Meningitis, Tuberculosis, Marburg, Plague

The tradeoff seems to be that I WILL suffer:
Anemia, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, Hypertension, Random food poisoning

I used to go to school with some girls that were like you. Without any reasonable alarm they would worry about catching certain diseases and this would go on for months. One girl was worried about getting the reverse form of Vitiligo. Sure enough after a year of worry, she got it. Her friend always worried that she would never find a better job than retail. To this day she's still working for her parents. I remember one of her other friends had a family history of diabetes but he was worried about his blood pressure. Last time I saw him was a few years ago but he had high blood pressure and is still the only person in his family without diabetes.

What I'm saying is stop what you're doing and move on. You have no idea how powerful the human mind really is because you're too busy projecting stupid **** to really see where your life is headed. Learn what you can and can't control then reverse those roles. Rather than worrying about catching stupid diseases or wondering what parts of your body are going to fail first, just take care of yourself the best you can and if you die trying at least you can say: "**** it, I tried." I can understand common diseases among family but I didn't inherit any of the ones you would believe I'm supposed to have because I actually took better care of myself and didn't worry about the consequences. Plus I have pretty good suspicion that my natural gender assignment didn't execute 100% so there might be something to that. Even with that in mind, I didn't catch mom's stupid breathing problems or her high susceptibility to random illnesses so even I can't tell at this point.

Oh well. I don't really have phobias. Unlike people that worry about everything, the few fears I have are rational. Some people seem to believe I have Contreltophobia but I don't see it. I have a rational fear of large women molesting me. It has happened at least twice. That doesn't make it a phobia. That makes it a nuisance and a sign that I need to do a better job of protecting myself. I don't like thinking about this. >.>'
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Magi: What are you doing?
Me: I'm putting a stop to this. Now.
Magi: You'll die.
Me: I don't believe that.

Offline jaybug

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 04:33:19 pm »
everyone is paralyzed while in REM stage of sleep. Otherwise out ancestors would have all fallen out of the trees and died during bad dreams.
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2011, 04:43:46 pm »
Well, I have a few but I think they're best summed up under a larger phobia: agoraphobia. 

From Wikipedia:

Not to be confused with agraphobia, agoraphobia is a condition where the sufferer becomes anxious in environments that are unfamiliar or where he or she perceives that they have little control. Triggers for this anxiety may include wide open spaces, crowds (social anxiety), or traveling (even short distances). Agoraphobia is often, but not always, compounded by a fear of social embarrassment, as the agoraphobic fears the onset of a panic attack and appearing distraught in public. This is also sometimes called 'social agoraphobia' which may be a type of social anxiety disorder also sometimes called "social phobia".

Not all agoraphobia is social in nature, however. Some agoraphobics have a fear of open spaces. Agoraphobia is also a defined as "a fear, sometimes terrifying, by those who have experienced one or more panic attacks". In these cases, the sufferer is fearful of a particular place because they have experienced a panic attack at the same location in a previous time. Fearing the onset of another panic attack, the sufferer is fearful or even avoids the location. Some refuse to leave their home even in medical emergencies because the fear of being outside of their comfort area is too great.

The sufferer can sometimes go to great lengths to avoid the locations where they have experienced the onset of a panic attack. Agoraphobia, as described in this manner, is actually a symptom professionals check for when making a diagnosis of panic disorder. Other syndromes like obsessive compulsive disorder or post traumatic stress disorder can also cause agoraphobia, basically any irrational fear that keeps one from going outside can cause the syndrome.[7]

It is not uncommon for agoraphobics to also suffer from temporary separation anxiety disorder when certain other individuals of the household depart from the residence temporarily, such as a parent or spouse, or when the agoraphobic is left home alone. Such temporary conditions can result in an increase in anxiety or a panic attack.

I also have some OCD stuff I do.  I always double-tap my caps lock key in between sentences.  That's probably pretty benign though.  I do know that if I'm under a lot of stress, or extremely upset, I start looking at numbers and trying to make them "even" in my head.  For instance, if I see the number 345 then I would mentally add 655 to it in my head to make it 1000.  I rarely do stuff like that anymore, but it's a way for my mind to avoid focusing on the things that I don't want to think about. ^^;

I've also had a nervous tic type thing that I've done for many, many years.  It's pretty subtle but I am sort of self-conscious about it. ^^  I do a slight double-head nod really quickly.  My head probably doesn't move more than a cm when I do it, though. ^^;  Most people claim they never notice it.

I'm working on improving.  Compared to where I was 6 years ago, I've made a lot of progress.  It's still not where I want to be, though.  There was a program called "Attacking Anxiety and Depression" (you may have seen or heard it advertised) that helped me a lot.  Each audio tape consists of a lesson, then a 30 minute roundtable discussion with a few people that did the program and share their experiences with things in that chapter.  For one thing, just knowing that I'm not the only one that worried about certain types of things was a relief. ^^; 

I also like Tony Robbins. ahehe. ^^

My whole anxiety issue started when I was 9.  I got the wind knocked out of me and was having trouble breathing for the next day.  Then within a day or so of this happening, I had a sore throat so I took some Chloraseptic spray.  I immediately started to think I was choking.  In fact, I seriously ate almost no food for almost 10 days because I was so absolutely scared I would choke.

I used to a bit of a hypochondriac myself, too.  I was very worried about cross contamination and germs for awhile. ^^;  Like, really bad.  I would wash my hands so much.  I realized I was more or less over that when I was able to throw disgusting rotten produce down the filthy garbage chute where I worked, and then have someone hand me a piece of food a few minutes later and not have to immediately run and wash my hands first.  A good idea?  Probably.  But I was no longer so super worried about it.

Also used to be super worried that someone would mess with my food or try to poison me.  I used to look at my food very closely before I ate it, even if I bought it from the store.  If I bought something and I felt for whatever reason it wasn't sufficiently sealed, I wouldn't eat it.

Again, like I said, I've improved a lot since then so most of this stuff isn't really an issue anymore.  Still have other stuff to conquer, though. ^^

Not really sure if what I'm adding is helpful to you (although I recommend checking out the "Attacking Anxiety and Depression" program, even if you just research it online), but I hope you're able to overcome this.

(Sorry if this post is sporadic and all over the place.  I kept remembering stuff to add and couldn't always find the best place to include it.)

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Offline MiriaRose

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 05:10:13 pm »
^ Being afraid of germs and constantly washing your hands is more of an OCD thing iirc.

I've got a few diagnosed 'fun' things but I feel kinda awkward talking about them. =\

I've also got mild anachrophobia. Mild in that I don't instantly run out of the room. I usually scream and make someone kill the spider for me. If I'm by myself, I spend a few minutes gathering up the courage to kill it myself before I actually do the deed.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 05:10:58 pm by MiriaRose »
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Offline jaybug

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 06:37:59 pm »
I think Jack Nicholson's character in As Good As It Gets, shows every description of OCD there is. I wonder if the movie helped or hurt sales of Nutrogena soap. lol
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2011, 07:08:31 pm »
I remember watching this movie as a kid and thinking, "OMG, THAT'S ME."

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 07:17:23 pm »
I've noticed most of my fears don't just come out of nowhere. They happen because of some experience that i had sometime in the past. Examples...
I have Necro Entophobia, which is the fear of dead bugs. For me it's mostly months, crane flies, mosquito, Spiders, and just about any other bug with long legs and/or that flys. The source of this problem started when i was about 8 and, being the bored demented child that i was, i happened to find a moth (the huge fat kind) by the front door and decided to kill it and save it. I got a needle and stabbed it through its abdomen on a piece of packing foam. Low and behold, it stopped moving. I stared at it for about two minutes, thinking it was dead, before suddenly it started freaking out and moving, scaring the living hell out of me. Now i can't kill bugs or even look at/go near dead bugs anymore.

I have Astraphobia, which is the fear of thunder and lighting. It started just about 2 years ago when this huge thuderstorm hit and me and my parents were driving home. It was scary, i can tell you that, but not too bad in the car. As we were just about to get home, we saw that a huge tree had fallen just across the rode (and i mean huge, like it took us about a week to cut the whole thing down) and we had to walk through this huge field to get back to the house in the thunder and lighting. After that long and terrifying experience, i gained a huge fear of thunderstorms. Like, to the point where i start shaking really badly and have to get in my room under the bed covers in order for me to feel slightly less scared, but not by much.

A couple of my smaller fears are of robots and spiders. It started when i was maybe 4 or 5 and i had a dream that a..maybe chicken-sized robot spider attacked me while i was in bed. I can't really say that something like that would scare me today, but it sure scared me when i was little...The fear isn't as bad as it was back then though, so that's pretty good.

I'm not too worried about those fears though. Dead bugs can easily be avoided and thunderstorms don't happen all the time and when they do happen, i'm normally at home ^^;

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 09:23:58 pm »
I think Jack Nicholson's character in As Good As It Gets, shows every description of OCD there is. I wonder if the movie helped or hurt sales of Nutrogena soap. lol
I dunno, it seems to only show germophobia. That's a common compulsion, but not the only one.
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2011, 07:31:18 am »
I think he also did stuff like turned lights on/off several times.  Opened/closed doorknobs.  Never walked on cracks, etc.  Always ordered the same meal from the same waitress.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2011, 05:36:26 pm »
I remember watching this movie as a kid and thinking, "OMG, THAT'S ME."

Dude, you really scare me now. lol
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2011, 06:06:19 pm »
I think he also did stuff like turned lights on/off several times.  Opened/closed doorknobs.  Never walked on cracks, etc.  Always ordered the same meal from the same waitress.
The cracks thing. I hate that. So. Much.
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2011, 06:10:33 pm »
Say no to cracks!
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2011, 10:11:17 pm »
Phobias - For me, my only abnormal phobia is hippophobia, the fear of horses.  It's not so bad that I'll freak out if I see one on TV or anything (except when I watched Tangled, but that horse was freaking demonic!), but being near one in real life will cause me to cry out in fear.  Literally crying. :'(

Disorders - Believe it or not, I was diagnosed in my childhood as having Social Anxiety Disorder.  I got tested for this a few times because my school district wanted to prove that I had ADD, thus causing why I acted up at school, so that I could be put on ritalin.  My mother fought the system and got me tested a few times, and each time it came back that I didn't have ADD, or ADHD, but SAD.  It took counseling and putting me on sports teams to force me to become more aware of how to be social.

Hypochondria - Though I technically don't suffer from this, there are times that I wonder if I'm going to get Testicular Cancer.  It's not huge in my family, but there has been someone diagnosed with it.  I also wonder if I may ever get Breast Cancer, since that is pretty strong in my family.  However, neither of these are really anything that would put me under any level of hypochondria, at least as far as my knowledge of it is concerned.
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Offline luvan1me

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2011, 11:37:30 pm »
shay i had the same sleeping disorder happen to me twice in my lifetime. like jaybug said, it's what we do in REM sleep, and sometimes your brain wakes up but not your body, hence you are paralyzed for a few moments. you just have to concentrate on one part of the body to move it and slowly start to move again. it's not a big deal, but the first time that happened to me, it was the scariest thing cuz i actually woke up to a black man's silhouette at the foot of my bed, and it just stood there starring at me, and slowly disappeared. (also this happens to a few of us in our lifetime and to others it doesn't at all, while to others, as i stated before, it's a disorder. doesn't mean you have it lol)

that was probably the scariest thing in my life, but i was glad to find out that i'm not the only one who can see those kinds of things XD it could easily have been an image from my dream still in my mind planted there when i awoke.

and shay, if your parents can't even sit down and talk with you about this, (i gotta say that is just plain irresponsible of them) talk with me or your close friends about it! i always love to hear people's stories like this <3 i try to help people as much as i can, cuz we all have fears/phobias that sometimes we wonder why in the world exist! :) we love you shay <33

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2011, 11:41:21 pm »
I always worry about cancer but never anything normal cause I'm always sick anyways. But then again every member of my mother's family has died from Cancer (Except my uncle...he was eaten by a shark...) and my mom has been treated for skin cancer and is now being tested for Breast cancer after they found a lump. So my whole life I have been worried about what is going to happen to me. I guess I have a phobia of cancer...? Iunno.

I have a phobia of the dark as well. When I was younger I couldn't even look out the window and I HAD to have a light on when I was in a room. I have gotten to the point I can walk down stairs in the dark but I have to down them and turn on the light as quickly as possible. Mostly because I also have a weird mental condition thing... I see things that aren't real if that makes any sense. Like...when I was little I watched Jurassic park and whenever it was darker outside like in the movie I saw dinosaurs chasing after me. And if I watch a horror movie I see the murderer coming after me or I'll see people in the corner of my room trying to kill me. Whenever I look in a window I expect to see someone hanging or see a dead body in a ditch. It's weird yeah... :/

But fear is what makes us human. We all have fears so there is nothing to be worried about. :)

I'm also kind of afraid of spiders. I totally freak out when I see them and most of the time I HAVE to take a shower after cause I feel like bugs are crawling all over me.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2011, 10:19:54 pm »
Myrmecophobia - fear of ants - for me. I read a book about them when I was little that went into pretty graphic detail about exactly how ruthless and psychotic the little buggers are and now I start shaking whenever I see them. Which is why it sucks that there are always lots of anthills in the cracks in the sidewalk in front of my house. :/ There've also been incidents in which I found myself backed into a corner and couldn't get out because there was a line of ants walking in front of me, even though I could have easily just stepped over them.

Plus I've got a mild case of OCD. I automatically alphabetize things in my head, I always want things to be equal on both sides, whenever I'm in public or at school I'm constantly checking and rechecking my bag to make sure I haven't lost anything - literally, like every five minutes, not just occasionally, and I can't listen to music if the volume is set at an odd number that isn't a multiple of five.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2011, 10:25:07 pm »
I can't listen to music if the volume is set at an odd number that isn't a multiple of five.
Glad I'm not the only one who can't do stuff if something is at an odd number that isn't a multiple of five.

Seriously. Five is the only good odd number.
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2011, 11:00:20 pm »
Seriously. Five is the only good odd number.

It's truuue. My mom likes to bug me with it by always setting volumes at 7 or 9 and it's SO ANNOYING. >_>

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2011, 11:02:30 pm »
It's truuue. My mom likes to bug me with it by always setting volumes at 7 or 9 and it's SO ANNOYING. >_>
Hah, we would never get along. 9 for the win! :D
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Offline luvan1me

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2011, 12:25:15 am »
Seriously. Five is the only good odd number.

It's truuue. My mom likes to bug me with it by always setting volumes at 7 or 9 and it's SO ANNOYING. >_>

7, 9, 13, 21, 25, 33 are my favorite numbers and i never pick any other numbers unless somehow it depends on my life.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2011, 02:55:34 pm »
Seriously. Five is the only good odd number.

It's truuue. My mom likes to bug me with it by always setting volumes at 7 or 9 and it's SO ANNOYING. >_>
That's horrible. D:

I HAVE to set the radio volume to a multiple of five. If for some reason I can't do that, then it's an even number. Always. I CAN'T to use 1, 3, 7, or 9. I dunno why, aside from the obvious answer of chemical imbalance.
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2011, 03:34:58 pm »
I have claustrophobia, not so severe that I can't take elevators or ride in a car, but I panic easily if I can't get out the enclosed space. My friends (who didn't know I was claustrophobic at the time) played a joke on me while we were on a road trip and locked me in the car while they went into McDonalds and got our lunch. Unfortunately for them, I went into panic mode and came very close to breaking my friend's window to get out. I would have, had one of our group not come out and seen me freaking out and realized it wasn't funny when I was trying to kick open a door. It's weird to be afraid like that, because I'm an incredibly logical person so part of me is very much aware, that I was in no danger whatsoever inside that car, the panic had far taken over that. =/

Sometimes people don't believe I'm claustrophobic because I can handle things that normal claustrophobic's can't, and I even camp in tents with my family, which a tent normally sets that fear off. But it's very real for me, and not having people believe me really bothers me.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2011, 07:35:54 pm »
^have the EXACT same phobia... and it's not pretty... especially at conventions...

i can stay in enclosed space just fine, as long as there is some ventilation going on. it's when there are PEOPLE all over me, or touching me that i panic... i HATE being surrounded by too many people. i feel like i can't breathe and there isn't enough ventilation and i just don't want to touch them <-< if they are moving around and i can move across the crowd, that's fine. it's when i'm in an elevator longer than 1 minute without enough air room, that i get sick.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 09:16:03 pm by luvan1me »

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2011, 08:42:16 pm »
People seem to have this weird notion that a condition or disorder is only "real" if it's significantly debilitating to the person who exhibits it.  That mentality really bugs me, especially since it meant that as an "honors" student in high school, I was essentially locked out of any special needs allowances for my Asperger's because I was considered too "high-functioning", despite the fact that I always had and continue to struggle with classroom and teaching structures (or more specifically, the lack of consistent structure) geared towards neurotypical students.  I don't consider myself mentally disabled, but I do suffer from the fact that society's standardized for non-ASD individuals, and I have a condition which makes it difficult for me to operate on an inconsistent weekly schedule.
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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2011, 09:43:00 pm »
I have claustrophobia, not so severe that I can't take elevators or ride in a car, but I panic easily if I can't get out the enclosed space. My friends (who didn't know I was claustrophobic at the time) played a joke on me while we were on a road trip and locked me in the car while they went into McDonalds and got our lunch. Unfortunately for them, I went into panic mode and came very close to breaking my friend's window to get out. I would have, had one of our group not come out and seen me freaking out and realized it wasn't funny when I was trying to kick open a door. It's weird to be afraid like that, because I'm an incredibly logical person so part of me is very much aware, that I was in no danger whatsoever inside that car, the panic had far taken over that. =/

Sometimes people don't believe I'm claustrophobic because I can handle things that normal claustrophobic's can't, and I even camp in tents with my family, which a tent normally sets that fear off. But it's very real for me, and not having people believe me really bothers me.

Ah I also forgot to add my fear of clowns (isn't everybody though?) and thunder. Not lightning (so I technically am not astraphobic) just thunder. It started when I was younger and living in Australia where we got huge, beautiful thunderstorms. And unfortunately, I got stuck in one. In fact, the worst one in that whole year. I sat it out, on our school's oval (heading home late from swimming practice, and I was the only one without a ride that day) under a wooden shelter we had for the sun. At ten years old, that scared me beyond belief. Now living in Washington, where theres plenty of rain but no thunderstorms, I get really nervous all day if the Weather Channel says we're supposed to have a storm. Thankfully, I can usually counter the fear with really loud music in my ears, since it drowns out the thunder, and lightning for some reason doesn't bother me.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2011, 11:40:08 pm »
^that's really sad D: i'm actually scared of thunder too (not phobia scared, just kinda like *wince* sorta thing and i move on) but no i completely understand! i used to live in san antonio, texas and we had... hell storms... i mean i got soo scared one time cuz the power went out JUST when the lightning struck! and the thunder clap was SO loud it shook the whole house and you could even hear the electric generator (box thingy) explode... it was soo freaky! ;~;

but truthfully... i love thunderstorms. it gives me a crazy drive... it's a weird sorta love/hate thing >3>

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2011, 10:08:39 am »
When I was younger, I used to have this really weird OCD-type thing where if I took a certain path somewhere, I felt like I needed to go back down that exact same path when I returned so things were "even" or "right" again.  Or say I spun around 10 times.  I'd feel like I should spin around 10 times the other way to "balance" it out. ^^;;

I also double and triple-check stuff when I put it in my backpack.  Like, homework.  I'll check it a few times, "Okay, I put it in there . . is it still in there?  Did I accidentally leave my notebook out when I checked the last time?"  Then when I'm halfway to school I'll panic, "OMG! WHAT IF I FORGOT SOMETHING I NEEDED?"  Then check my again and lo and behold, it's still there.  Who knew.  ^^;;

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2011, 11:47:31 am »
When I was younger, I used to have this really weird OCD-type thing where if I took a certain path somewhere, I felt like I needed to go back down that exact same path when I returned so things were "even" or "right" again.  Or say I spun around 10 times.  I'd feel like I should spin around 10 times the other way to "balance" it out. ^^;;

I also double and triple-check stuff when I put it in my backpack.  Like, homework.  I'll check it a few times, "Okay, I put it in there . . is it still in there?  Did I accidentally leave my notebook out when I checked the last time?"  Then when I'm halfway to school I'll panic, "OMG! WHAT IF I FORGOT SOMETHING I NEEDED?"  Then check my again and lo and behold, it's still there.  Who knew.  ^^;;

I do both of those. A lot.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2011, 11:50:45 am »
^that's really sad D: i'm actually scared of thunder too (not phobia scared, just kinda like *wince* sorta thing and i move on) but no i completely understand! i used to live in san antonio, texas and we had... hell storms... i mean i got soo scared one time cuz the power went out JUST when the lightning struck! and the thunder clap was SO loud it shook the whole house and you could even hear the electric generator (box thingy) explode... it was soo freaky! ;~;

but truthfully... i love thunderstorms. it gives me a crazy drive... it's a weird sorta love/hate thing >3>

Yeah its a painful thing to be afraid of thunder but love watching storms XD I'm weird though. So usually if we get a really spectacular lightning show (which is never here XD) then I end up listening to my Ipod and watching the lightning. But if I hear so much as a clap of thunder, I freak out.

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Re: Phobias, Disorders, Hypochondria...
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2011, 12:46:08 pm »
^ lol yeah it's kinda like that with me, but since i love the sound of the rain, i just can't listen to music unless it's classical music on my computer's speakers and at a really low volume. it's really nice though :3 it calms my nerves -o-