However, I ordered my brother's badge after the 14th so it's being held in Will Call. My first question is: does it matter where we check in if this is the case? My second question is: Does it matter which hotel we go to to check in? My third question is: If we check in on Saturday, will we have to wait in long lines again on Sunday and Monday to get into the hotels again? Fourthly, when I ordered the badge, I listed my physical (Oregon) address as being the same as my mailing address (because they are the same); however, I still have a California ID, which lists a different address. Should I anticipate any check in problems?
Excellent questions!
1. I'm not quite sure what you mean. Registration will be in the parking garage for the Hilton. You will both need to get in line in the pre-registration section, but he'll have to go to will-call to pick it up. You'll be able to go to any Pre-Reg person and check in. Does that answer your question?
2. I think I answered this in the above question, correct? We're going to be in the parking garage of the Hilton.
3. Once you are checked in, you are checked in with registration, and will not have to wait in our line again. Once you have your badge all checked out, you're free to enjoy the con!
4. As long as it is a current, valid photo ID of you with your picture on it, you'll be fine.
My boyfriend's badge arrived Red, can we get a replacement still sent to us? If its held at the convention, can we at least skip the lines?
I'm afraid we're not able to send out badge any longer, but would you be able to e-mail us at with the attendee name and birthdate of the badge you're asking about, so we can see what we can do?
I -will- answer your other question once I've verified a few things, but not just yet. Sorry!
will we be able to pick up our badges on friday the 2nd?
You will indeed! We don't have the times for when we'll be open on Friday confirmed yet, but we should have that done by the end of the week.