Hello everyone.
First off, I'd like to say on behalf of the Registration Staff, thank you for your purchase for Kumoricon 2011.
This year you may have noticed people being more vocal about their badge errors (and we like that!). However, because people are being more vocal it may seem to some like there has been an explosion of badge errors this year, especially in comparison to previous years. This is not the case.
Out of the 2100 or so pre-reg badges we've processed so far this year, only about 100 have been shipped by mistake. Mistakes happen, but the number of badge errors we've shipped this year is about where we expected it to be. Do we wish we were perfect? Of course! But we do make mistakes, and we fix them as soon as we know about them.
I hope this clears up some of the confusion about badge printing out there. If you have more questions, you can email us (registration@kumoricon.org), talk to us at the next general meeting, or even learn about it first hand by signing up as staff!
Thanks Again!
Chris Blackburn
Assistant Registration Manager