Author Topic: That Awkward Moment When...  (Read 225166 times)

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Offline Ryouku-Mirazaki

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #300 on: October 24, 2011, 08:20:00 pm »
That awkward moment when you lick a frosting of a girl's cheek, only to find out her girlfriend was in the same room watching.

Offline Dubaby

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #301 on: November 03, 2011, 07:10:39 pm »
That awkward moment when I'm watching the new video for a rapper I like, and notice the guy is dancing with my friends little sister.

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Offline Wrath-Chan19

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #302 on: November 03, 2011, 09:55:39 pm »
That awkward moment when someone sends you a friend request on facebook and you don't know who they are so you go to their page to see who they are and then the girl is someone don't  talk to and didn't even know their name until then.
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Offline TalaRedWolf33

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #303 on: November 03, 2011, 10:40:37 pm »
The awkward moment when you have to explain to the cops that the razors and other torture items and questionable things in your house are indeed intended for sexual use.  (My neighbor upstairs called the cops on me cuz someone broke into the storage units again, and he told them that he saw me. Freaking liar. I wasnt even home.)

Offline GregAtlas

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #304 on: November 03, 2011, 11:24:39 pm »
That awkward moment when you see the power bill because you run the heater 24/7 just to keep the temp above 60 degrees.
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Offline Dubaby

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #305 on: November 06, 2011, 12:34:23 am »
That awkward moment when some chick named Linda texts me thinking I'm the dude she met at the bar, and even after I tell her she has the wrong number proceeds to try sending me pictutes of herself..... DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 09:24:29 am by Dubaby »
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Offline GregAtlas

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #306 on: November 06, 2011, 06:52:21 am »
That awkward moment when some chick named Linda texts me thinking I'm the dude she met at the bar, and even after I tell her she has the wrong number proceeds to send me pictutes of herself..... DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.
oh wow o.o' I'm so sorry they put you through that >.<

Edit: Just so I'm clear with this post, I don't know them and it certainly was not me. I'm just sorry you were put through that.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 06:53:24 am by GregAtlas »
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Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #307 on: November 08, 2011, 01:40:55 pm »
That awkward moment when some chick named Linda texts me thinking I'm the dude she met at the bar, and even after I tell her she has the wrong number proceeds to try sending me pictutes of herself..... DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.
Or you get one from a particular religion thinking that they are reaching one member of their own youth group, and when you explain that you're *not* the intended recipient, the text you trying to convert you to their church...

DELETE-DELETE is usually tempting at first, but sometimes I start engaging them in theology, philosophy, epistemology, moral arguments, etc.  Prov 27:17: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." So as long as they are polite and reasonably logical, I may test the waters - it may help me understand and clarify my own beliefs (even though I may disagree with the accidental stranger...)

But it's still an awkward moment at first ...

It can also be embarrassing for THEM - especially if the text was an invitation to do something that's supposed to be against their own rules ... this one bunch was arranging a meet-up point to buzz down to a casino overnight / back before (their) Sunday service... Several major denominations have a 'thing' against gambling... (MY religion does not prevent it as long as the loss of the amounts wagered do not take from necessary household obligations, i.e, don't bet [and lose] the family food bill, the car payment, mortgage, your kid's braces, etc.)

Offline The_Geek

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #308 on: November 09, 2011, 08:01:42 pm »
That awkward moment when my crush is being touchy-feely because I haven't told her the manner in which I like her.  :-[ Friends grimacing and groaning beside me? Totally making matters worse.
All depression has its roots in self-pity, and all self-pity is rooted in people taking themselves too seriously.
                                + Tom Robbins

Offline Wrath-Chan19

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #309 on: November 14, 2011, 07:04:17 pm »
That awkward moment when your parents go out for a drive together and trust that you will work hard on your school waste two hours reading that adorable fanfiction you can't stop reading and then they walk in
very hard to cover up
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Offline Lady In Red

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #310 on: December 08, 2011, 11:35:29 pm »
That awkward moment in math class when you have to explain what cosplaying is  because your math teacher really, really wants to know.
Kumori-con 2013 cosplay plans:
Day zero: Sollux Captor
Day one: Meenah peixes
Day two: Fem! Grand highblood.
Day three: We leave at about 1:30 pm, and it's a long drive home, so no cosplay on day three. Too much make up to take on and off, haha.

Offline ForeverWhite

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #311 on: December 10, 2011, 06:26:26 pm »
Was this the other day?

Lol ohh Mrs. Sobotca. DIDN'T spell that right.


oh lol
The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.

"Beautiful night, isn't it, Police Girl? It's especially beautiful, of course,if you're a bloodsucker."

Cosplay plans: Seras Victoria for 2012.

Offline Raveen92

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #312 on: December 11, 2011, 11:04:17 am »
That awkward moment when you get commented for having 'Anime boobs.'
Kumoricon 2016 Hopes
Human Creeper (Minecraft)- 100% Casual
Phi (Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward)- 95%
Musa (Winx Club: Season 1 Fairy) - 0%
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Offline icanhaspocky

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #313 on: December 25, 2011, 01:40:39 pm »
That awkward moment when you look over and it looks like your grandparents are making out. . .
KumoriCon 2012- Maka Albarn, Alois Trancy [from OVA](maybe), Matryoshka Gumi (maybe)
ECCC- Annabeth Chase, Kuro Lolita or Matryoshka Gumi
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And now for something completely different

Offline Black~Rose

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #314 on: December 25, 2011, 07:25:45 pm »
That awkward moment when a little kid says something to you and you're just like o.o *blink blink" HUH??? o.o;;
And you're thinking: Was that even english?
And the kid repeats him/herself and is probably thinking: Ugg adults are so dumb.

Offline RozenMaiden_Girl

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #315 on: December 26, 2011, 02:37:44 am »
that awkward mement when your mom is breaking up with her boy friend in the other room in a whisper voice.
Lolita and "lolita cosplay" are not the same thing, and ever will be. Period.

Offline Chromophobic

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #316 on: December 30, 2011, 11:50:17 pm »
The awkward moment when your boyfriend says "I love you but..." and he ends up confessing he used a fake name, and his bestfriend's picture......o.o

Offline otakunobody

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #317 on: January 01, 2012, 05:17:45 pm »
That awkward moment when you're sitting next to your friend when the above happens
Kumoricon 2015
- Kiki [Kiki's Delivery Service]
- Hiro [Big Hero 6]

Offline GregAtlas

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #318 on: August 23, 2012, 03:55:19 am »
Here's a three for one special:

That awkward moment at work when the somewhat elderly lady next in line asks "Did I hear what I think I heard? O.o" and I had to reply "yes... do you mind giving me a minute?"

This was all due to the awkward moment just before then from when this greasy black guy wearing an eye patch and his... associate (brother? lover? friend?) were hitting on me somewhat subtly and giving hints such as him being from California and then just openly popping the question on if he can have my number so we could do stuff later.

The third part was that my co-worker/manager on duty was standing next to me helping other customers and being completely oblivious to what was going on, thus when the lady came up and asked her question I had to explain to him what happened, thus causing him to fall over laughing yet creeped out at the same time.

and yes... I am as straight as they come. x_x
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Offline Dubaby

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #319 on: August 24, 2012, 12:52:41 pm »
That awkward moment when my coworker and I are sitting in the walk-in freezer at my work, sharing a Monster energy drink, having a moment singing a Spanish/English mash-up of this song and someone walks in right when you're really belting it.........
Junior Cadet of TD BRO CHAD

Offline Raveen92

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #320 on: August 26, 2012, 06:42:34 pm »
That awkward moment you visit New York and meet the best friend of a wrestler and develop a crush on the guy.

The even more awkward moment is when he asks for an affair over Twitter a few days later. O///////O MY RESPONSE DID NOT HELP
Kumoricon 2016 Hopes
Human Creeper (Minecraft)- 100% Casual
Phi (Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward)- 95%
Musa (Winx Club: Season 1 Fairy) - 0%
Amy Wong (Futurama) - 0%

Offline chelseahavoc

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #321 on: August 29, 2012, 12:40:06 am »
that awkward moment when your constantly refreshing the "new posts" page to see if teams have been posted @.@
kumoicon 2013:
day 1: morning- Guu (hare + guu)
day 1: afternoon- Terra (ff6)
day 2: chibi moon (sailor moon)
day 3: Princess Zelda (loz:oot)

Offline Ritsu-chan

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #322 on: August 29, 2012, 12:46:35 am »
That awkward moment when you panic because a cpu character is walking toward you and you thought you might have to socialize...
Kumoricon 2012: Princess Bubblegum.. 90%.. I just need to style my wig XC

Offline GregAtlas

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #323 on: August 29, 2012, 04:32:01 am »
That awkward moment when you're doing last minute cosplay prep and everything falls apart.
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Offline otakunobody

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #324 on: August 29, 2012, 11:46:09 am »
That awkward moment when you're sitting in a petticoat when someone is finishing the skirt for it
Kumoricon 2015
- Kiki [Kiki's Delivery Service]
- Hiro [Big Hero 6]

Offline CaptnPoptart

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #325 on: August 29, 2012, 01:59:23 pm »
That awkward moment when your friend gives you an anime poster from an anime you don't even watch but they assume you like and you have to thank them. O__o (This happened at my birthday last year...)
Good News and Bad News.
Bad news is I can't go to Kumoricon the whole weekend because of costs and drivers ed.

GOOD NEWS is that if I can raise enough money I can go for Saturday all day as Espurr (Pokemon X/Y)
Hope to see you all then! <3

Offline princess_of_zeal

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #326 on: August 29, 2012, 06:31:04 pm »
That awkward moment when you get gas, go to pay for it while wearing your cat ears, the cashier is someone you went to school with and they ask "Did you just come from a convention?" and you reply with "Yes but that's not why I'm wearing cat ears...."  *silence*

Offline iBubbleTeax3

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #327 on: August 29, 2012, 08:48:02 pm »
The awkward moment when I confuses someone's gender. And vice versa.. v.v;

Offline princess_of_zeal

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #328 on: August 30, 2012, 12:01:02 am »
That awkward moment that your co-worker asks what you're doing on your vacation, you say you're going to a cosplay convention and she starts cracking up laughing in the middle of the work place.  >.<

That awkward moment when the other co-workers want you to wear one of your cosplay wigs to work.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 12:26:18 am by princess_of_zeal »

Offline CaptnPoptart

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #329 on: August 30, 2012, 10:12:25 am »
That awkward (and annoying) moment when I tell someone that I love anime, and they ASSUME that I watch Naruto and Sailor Moon when I don't .__.
Good News and Bad News.
Bad news is I can't go to Kumoricon the whole weekend because of costs and drivers ed.

GOOD NEWS is that if I can raise enough money I can go for Saturday all day as Espurr (Pokemon X/Y)
Hope to see you all then! <3

Offline Ritsu-chan

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #330 on: August 30, 2012, 09:05:19 pm »
That awkward moment when your cosplay doesn't fit last moment =.=
Kumoricon 2012: Princess Bubblegum.. 90%.. I just need to style my wig XC

Offline DSaturn

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #331 on: September 10, 2012, 07:25:19 pm »
The Awkward Moment When you spend all of con thinking someone is a girl, crossplaying, only to find out later through facebook that they really were a boy.

The Awkward Moment When you tell someone you love them, but you didn't mean it in 'that' way, and so then you panic about sounding like a creeper.
Kumoricon 2013 The Phoenix Down Slackers will be cosplaying:

Offline hawk222

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #332 on: September 11, 2012, 09:24:12 pm »
That Awkward Moment When you find a friend at con and ask them if they'll go out with you, hoping to God that they'll pick up on the fact that you're playing off of an inside joke between the two of you and not actually asking them out.

That Awkward Moment When you're sitting at your family dinner table and someone makes a crack about a black hole and all you can think of are jokes about Lizzie's va***a (and you almost verbalize said jokes).

(Did I need to censor that, or...?)

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #333 on: September 11, 2012, 09:45:38 pm »
^ It's best to be safe C:

That awkward moment when your mom secretly tells you to bring up a pair of your clean underwear from the laundry and your dad's in the same room, so you're wondering why mom is being secretive. o__o
Good News and Bad News.
Bad news is I can't go to Kumoricon the whole weekend because of costs and drivers ed.

GOOD NEWS is that if I can raise enough money I can go for Saturday all day as Espurr (Pokemon X/Y)
Hope to see you all then! <3

Offline Wrath-Chan19

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #334 on: September 13, 2012, 09:53:30 pm »
That awkward moment when you can't find your flash drive the word document you need for school the next morning
And when you wander around school and half way through the day you see that your friends didn't tell you that your fly was down
I rarely get on here anymore, if you want to chat hit me up on I my username is Loveable-Eve

Offline DSaturn

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #335 on: September 17, 2012, 08:47:58 pm »
That awkward moment when you realize you've killed quite a few threads...
Kumoricon 2013 The Phoenix Down Slackers will be cosplaying:

Offline CaptnPoptart

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #336 on: September 17, 2012, 08:49:44 pm »
That awkward moment when you think you and your family aren't normal, then you watch Honey Boo Boo for two hours. .__.
Good News and Bad News.
Bad news is I can't go to Kumoricon the whole weekend because of costs and drivers ed.

GOOD NEWS is that if I can raise enough money I can go for Saturday all day as Espurr (Pokemon X/Y)
Hope to see you all then! <3

Offline Wrath-Chan19

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #337 on: September 20, 2012, 09:45:36 am »
That Awkward moment when you blow your nose so much due to being sick but your nose starts bleeding
I rarely get on here anymore, if you want to chat hit me up on I my username is Loveable-Eve

Offline zenneth

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #338 on: September 20, 2012, 10:11:41 am »
that awkward yet awesome moment when you watch a movie in a cinema and noone is in the room but you

that awkward moment when you accidentally barge in to your parents' room while they're having their intimate moment...
cosplays done so far: kakuzu, gintoki, danboard, K Dash, assassin cross, loki of the emblem assassins, gilbert nightray, sebastian, black rock shooter kaito

Offline mesaverde

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #339 on: November 20, 2012, 03:47:30 pm »
That awkward moment when you have to explain BDSM to your mom.
That awkward (but also awesome) moment when your mom watches True Blood, encourages you to watch it, and fangirls over the same guy you do.
Kumoricon 2014 tentative lineup:
Day 1: Yumichika Ayasegawa (Bleach)
Day 2: Flamenco Jolteon (Pokemon)
Day 3: Fujisake Yuusuke/Bossun (Sket Dance)
Day 4: Superbi Squalo (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)

Offline chelseahavoc

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #340 on: November 20, 2012, 08:58:36 pm »
that akward (for your boyfriend but awsome for you) moment when you wear your adventure time self made finn hat to the mall and get one high five for the millions of akward stares >:)
kumoicon 2013:
day 1: morning- Guu (hare + guu)
day 1: afternoon- Terra (ff6)
day 2: chibi moon (sailor moon)
day 3: Princess Zelda (loz:oot)

Offline Wrath-Chan19

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #341 on: November 20, 2012, 11:41:29 pm »
That awkward moment when the sewing machine likes to stop working
I rarely get on here anymore, if you want to chat hit me up on I my username is Loveable-Eve

Offline prussia

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #342 on: November 21, 2012, 02:29:03 am »
that awkward moment when you jump into spandex pants and dance your butt off whilst cooking an omlette and you realize your mother has walked in  even though you thought she was at work.

that awkward moment when you're digitally coloring a picture for someone and your tablet decides to stop working.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 02:30:40 am by prussia »

Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #343 on: November 23, 2012, 02:18:01 pm »
The awkward moment (or span of time) between the time you hit 'print' on your resume at work, and that interval while you're walking over to the printer, wondering if some other coworker will have spotted your resume coming out of the printer, and rat you out to your boss...

Offline princess_of_zeal

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #344 on: November 26, 2012, 03:52:15 am »
The awkward moment (or span of time) between the time you hit 'print' on your resume at work, and that interval while you're walking over to the printer, wondering if some other coworker will have spotted your resume coming out of the printer, and rat you out to your boss...

I was recently in this situation.  <.< >.>

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #345 on: November 28, 2012, 10:15:19 pm »
That awkward moment when your mom tells you that she ships PrussiaXRomano (from Hetalia).

That awkward moment when your friend says something completely inappropriate and your parents laugh at it.
Cosplay ideas for KumoriCon 2014:
Historia Reiss/Christa Renz - Shingeki no Kyojin
Levi - Shingeki no Kyojin
Shion - No. 6

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #346 on: November 29, 2012, 06:23:42 pm »
The awkward moment (or span of time) between the time you hit 'print' on your resume at work, and that interval while you're walking over to the printer, wondering if some other coworker will have spotted your resume coming out of the printer, and rat you out to your boss...

I was recently in this situation.  <.< >.>
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #347 on: December 08, 2012, 03:28:00 pm »
That awkward moment when you try to compliment a guy's shirt.. in front of the girlfriend that you didn't know he had .___.
Mikasa Ackerman | Pikachu

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #348 on: December 10, 2012, 05:17:30 pm »
that awkward moment when you think your tablet isnt working right then realize the color selected is white.

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Re: That Awkward Moment When...
« Reply #349 on: December 11, 2012, 11:55:08 am »
that akward moment when you relized you glue your phone to the table as your jacket is stched to the cosplay you were working on