So... I was orginally thinking about grabing out a student loan. Nooooo, nothing huge like nearl 10,000 smackers. That's just INSANE! And saying I don't make that much right now, that's improbable.
I was thinking about taking out a $5,000 one to help with my situation going on in my life now, and just in case the whole living with my dad thing doesn't turn out like I hope it will. I'd like to think I'll be there only a few more months more, and then be out. That's what I'd like to believe.
But I was thinking about grabbing a couple friends of mine that knew cars really well, and going out and getting a Slug Bug. Small, simple, and rather well on gas. Plus, if worse comes to worse, I can live in a car!!
It would make it WAY easier to get to school, work, and then home, which is about three to four hours of public commute right there [Ask Washu, it sucks butt to get to my place to the school alone!!] help out with me moving into my dad's place, and then moving out again. Plus I'd like to think I'd be able to get to more of the K-con meetings as well that are farther away.
But I have no idea about insurance, and never have done insurance shopping before!
Either or, what are people's ideas on it? I know I'll have to pay it back [duh!!] and that my payments already will be about 50$/month after I'm out of school for six months. And yes, I know that student loans NEVER GO AWAY untill you fully pay them off. And that will be about ten years or so. I'm not dumb about it. I actually read SOME of the things on that site. But... yeah... Is this a good idea or am I just jumping the gun too much?