Here's something fun: The institution of marriage should be abolished. There's no need for it, really, and if you wanna get married "in the eyes of God" or summat, then go to a church or synagogue or mosque or temple or whatever suits your religion. Half the marriages that exist end in divorce anyway, and marriages and divorces clog up the legal system.
I would prefer we just move over to civil unions for all. I don't really think the fact that half of marriages end in divorce is a compelling enough reason to abolish marriage/civil unions. I pay taxes for public education when almost half of all students will drop out of college. Even if you got rid of marriages, there would still be plenty of disputes that clogged up the legal system. Why are people involved in the legal system after a divorce? I assume they're fighting over custody, property, or money. Getting rid of marriage won't fix that. ^^
Anyways, love who you wanna love! yeah!
You have to go to court to get a divorce, actually. My parents married and divorced in the same court room.
The fact that half the marriages end in divorce wasn't my only reason for abolishing marriage- It's just completely useless nowadays.
As for paying taxes for public education, that's something completely different- Especially considering most students drop out of college due to insufficient funds and for reasons completely different than the reasons for divorce.
I guess my use of "gay-hating world" applies mostly to what I've seen.
I live in Central Oregon, which isn't exactly a big gay party boat. I know that we (we being the towns in the US that suck for LGBT people) are a small percentage, but that doesn't mean that those effected are any less impacted. People here are bullied, shrieked at, harassed, and forced back in to the closet. Being gay or transgender here can be one scary thing. It can mean anything from being booed off stage, to being threatened, or having your name carved in to a wall with "Is a big gay faggot" written underneath it.
My Nana won't even talk to me since I came out. She told my mom she was happy I was a test tube baby, so she knew I wasn't related to her.
People are stupid and ignorant. Maybe the whole world doesn't hate us, but there sure as hell are people that do, and they can make things terrible for gays, bisexuals, transgender and lesbians.
Fun fact time:
1) It is legal in 29 states to fire an employee based entirely on their sexuality.
2) It is legal in 26 states to refuse somebody service because of their sexuality.
And I lived in Roseburg, Oregon, where one of my friends was constantly called a "nigger" in the hallways by people because of his skin colour, and it was seen as okay, and where people were beat up for their sexuality. That doesn't make the world black-hating or gay-hating.
Again, I didn't say everyone loves gays or that discrimination doesn't exist, I said that you're seriously exaggerating and assuming things based off of your limited experience.
Fun fact:
The world =/= The United States
Lawmakers =/= The people
Vocal hate groups =/= The majority
Don't assume that just because homophobia exists and straight privilege exists that every straight person hates queers and that we live in a "gay-hating world", because we don't. You're making assumptions based off of a limited experience and based off of where you live.
randompvg, exactly. Remember Nixon's "silent majority"? I hate how he used that, but the term applies here.