Author Topic: Want a Dir en grey show in PDX this year? Then you'd better make yerself heard.  (Read 2251 times)

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Offline neko_goes_nyaaa

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I was looking on their Facebook where they announced the stops for the coming 2011 U.S. tour AGE QUOD AGIS and I noticed a total lack of Portland Oregon dates. This is perplexing because Dir en grey usually don't skip us when they've got a full length U.S. tour going on (we got left out of All Visible Things in 2009, but that was because it was a smaller tour.) As far as I can remember, Diru have been to Portland a total of 3 times, the first in 2007 with The Deftones at Roseland Theatre, the second in 2008 with The Human Abstract at Hawthorne Theatre and the 3rd time was September of last year with Apocalyptica at Roseland Theatre again. Fearing we might get skipped this time for whatever reason, I did some internet scrounging, huntin up contact info for anyone and everyone I could possibly find a website or an email for who works with them inorder to pass them contact numbers and email addresses for our local venues. I emailed James Galus of D.A.M.N. management, who had always been a pretty cool guy, but he tells me that as of several months ago, he doesn't work with Dir en grey anymore.

I did some further scrounging and found out that Diru are with
another group now, called Mitch Schneider Organization. - - -!/MSOPR -  and if you need confirmation, there's this... - - So if we wanna make it known just how upset we're going to be if Dir en grey skips PDX this year, we gotta comment their Facebook page, their Twitter, their Myspace, send them emails, call or whatever we can do. Suuuure, we could just wait it out and see if they'll add stops for us on their own, but wouldn't you rest easier knowing we weren't going to be skipped?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 04:37:17 am by neko_goes_nyaaa »

Offline aliceisreal

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For those of us with only Facebaka and an email I'm going to feel bad if they don't come :(
*needs help... lots of it*