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Does anyone know how I can get a hold of the Faye Valentine cosplayer?
I have a picture of her, and I hugged her! ^_^ She was sooo cute! Yay!But sorry, I dunno how to get ahold of her. D: When I get my pictures up I'll give you the link.
Panda0_0, you sadist. You know very well that Man Faye wasn't even at this con.... or was he? :shock:
@ BlankYou know me because I commented on your comment on BucketMouse's LiveJournal. :wink:
If you click on the picture link that was posted a few posts above this one, you can comment on the picture and leave her a message. If she looks at her pictures (which hopefully she will) she'll see the message.
*Glomps neko_chan and blank*