For me, personally, this is not great news. A first-timer competing against a floatilla of veteran producers/creators/artists... my odds are not good. I was hoping for a light number of entries to improve my chances. Simple fare does not distinguish itself well from a buffet of gourmet dishes. But whatever shall be, shall be.
This is hard on me too - everyone needs a place to start learning - and I mean a GOOD place. I want everyone to feel welcome submitting - even if it's their first time trying. Maybe we can have a novice category or a separate event sometime? Some online competitions have special awards for "if you have been registered on this site for less than 'x' years" or "first time entering [N] contest." Definitely something to discuss when we start putting together the next contest.
I hope you guys are having loads of fun there! (Plus good eats, besides.)
I have ssslllloooowww-smoked some top rounds in garlic and cayenne powder, with APPLE wood shavings on the coals.
I am serving a Pineau Charente RED (harder to find here) with strong cheeses like Rochefort, plus fresh blueberries (from our bushes - they're ripe RIGHT NOW!) and black cherries. Gotta keep those judges working!
They just finished a first stab at Effects and have moved on to Trailers.
Quips from Effects:
"Four bars, change effect, four bars, next effect - gets repetitive"
(Several judges started counting "1, 2, 3, 4" to the beat as each effect changed...)
"Also, re-using the same canned effect for ALL transitions is called 'Freebird' "
(One of them had seen an effects video to the Lynyrd Skynyrd song that went WAY too long and REPEATED the same effect all the time. Now this is called a 'Freebird.' New Meme for AMV judging!)
"This looks NOTHING like the show - I want to keep this he's done a hell of a lot of work - this is ALL effects!"
"What country is this from - this is awesome - they must have high unemployment there so people can have time to do this!!"
Show listing next!!