Updated list, plus I added the time expected for each task.
Cosplay to do:
Clean kitchen done 8/12
Dye poly lace done 8/12 and failed, so scrapped
Finish top except applique (may move to after skirt...) [[1/2 day]]
Test ruffling done 8/12
Skirt [cage skirt at 5%, everything else is ready to be gathered and put into waistband {ie 95%}, on 8/25] (bows, ruffles, cage skirt) [[should take 1-2 days]]
Arm thing [[should take 1/2 day]]
Dye ponytails [[3 hours?]]
Black and red ribbon things [[1 hour]]
Hair and waist beading [[2-3 hours]]
Ankle bows [[1-1.5 hours]]
Get insoles, eyelash glue, other make up [[2 hours of errands]]
Dye [done 8/14] and sew on applique (may move to end...) [[however much time I have at the end of this week]]
Legs if time No time
If small amount of time: make padding and buy aqua tights and eyeshadow or bodypaint [[1-2 days for padding]]
If no time: go without, buy skin colored tights
Red shirts [found some promising shirts at Wet Seal]
Belt [maybe find at Goodwill]
Red converse/sneakers [maybe find at Goodwill]
Hair dye [Rite Aid]